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Archive: 8 posts

Hello everyone!

I've just started playing LittleBigPlanet. So far it seems like an awesome game. I'm excited to play more of it, and also start posting around these forums. I originally made an account here to get some help.. but it's nice around here so I'll probably stick around! I'll post my PSN once I figure out what it is.
2009-12-27 17:47:00

Posts: 4

Good luck. Yes, it is a great game, if you're into platforming, solving puzzles and having a good time.

"This game is so tinsel"

2009-12-27 17:54:00

Posts: 41

Hah, yeah, I've been having a great time playing this game too. Multiplayer is really convieient, too, so I can play with my friends!

BTW, I just figured out my PSN name: MarcuzXD
2009-12-27 18:02:00

Posts: 4

Welcome! Glad ya made it!

Let us know if you have any questions!

Have fun!
2009-12-27 22:11:00

Posts: 11383

Welcome to LBPC 2009-12-28 00:05:00

Posts: 164

hello and welcome! totally agree that lbp is an awesome game!! that's why we're all here 2009-12-29 02:15:00

Posts: 95

Welcome to LBPCentral. Like me I'm sure you'll find this to be one of the friendliest and helpful online gaming communities anywhere. The Mod's and CC have done a great job keeping this site going. Make sure to check out the SiteGuide (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=81138#post81138) to get familiar with how things work around here. Also make full use of the User Control Panel (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/usercp.php) so people can get to know you. The UCP is full of helpful tools and apps. It is where you fill out your profile, bio, add people to your friends list, create photo albums, create blogs, send and receive PM… the list goes on. Take advantage of it.

At the risk of sounding like shameful self promoting check out my blog. Little Big Planet: A Social Experiment (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/blog.php?b=822) I think it captures the spirit of this website.

Make yourself at home and welcome to the family!
2009-12-30 22:20:00

Posts: 238

Hello Welcome To LBPC!!!2009-12-31 07:32:00

Posts: 6419

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