"Adventure in Wood" by Tom-builder
Archive: 2 posts
So I was surfing cool pages and came across a level called "Little Big OCEAN", and thought it was.... well tbh, it was pretty bad. Afterwards, I started browsing through Tom-Builder's other levels and saw Adventure in Wood. It had almost 80 hearts and around 400 plays, which is a good heart ratio. I said, "why not" and gave it a shot. I didn't expect much, but I came out surprised. The level looks pretty simple, but the game play is varied and quite fun. I never once got bored or thought it was repetitive. It's also pretty long. I rated it 5 stars, and hearted. I went on to play his/her other stuff, but nothing else impressed me. It's strange that Tom-Builder's best level is also his/her's most underplayed. If you're looking for simple platforming fun, I recommend that you give this a try, comment on his/her level, and tell him/her to make more stuff like this. Adventure in Wood has shown me that Tom-Builder is capable of making a good level if he/she tries. | 2009-12-27 09:23:00 Author: TheJollyRajah ![]() Posts: 466 |
I bumped into this guy in create mode after joining one of my other psn friends the other day. SMALL WORLD | 2009-12-27 12:23:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
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