A Christmas Level
Archive: 5 posts
A Christmas Levelgersan93 http://i783.photobucket.com/albums/yy118/Gerald_Santos/LBP-AChristmasLevel2.jpgI'm a little late for this, as Christmas is already done, but here it is anyways. The neighbor's kids forgot to give Santa their wish lists, and so it's up to you to deliver it and save their Christmas. Fortunately, you live in the North Pole and live relatively near Santa, so this shouldn't be too much of a problem. Travel through snow-filled hills and mountains, through a mine shaft, and ski down a mountain to get to Santa's. all | 2009-12-27 02:22:00 Author: gersan93 ![]() Posts: 27 |
This'll make you laugh, upon finding your level it turns out I'd already hearted it, wha? lol. But it's well deserved, I think the level really captures the jolly spirit of Christmas, good fun, not too difficult, and made me smile! Santa's workshop being such a dangerous place was amusing! 5 stars from me, nothing really to fault apart from the random music notes played at some points, they seemed a bit random and out of place. Oh, and I hearted you as an author as well. Well done and thanks for sharing! ![]() | 2009-12-27 11:50:00 Author: LieutenantFatman ![]() Posts: 465 |
Hello gersan93, I just played your level. Really nice design, starting in the bed, Christmas stockings, decorations. Liked the hidden points under the bed! But the most important thing, is that you managed to capture holiday mood ![]() :star::star::star::star::star: | 2009-12-27 20:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
@LieutenantFatman: Lol, I remember you from way back when you gave me feedback on my first level. Yeah, it was just a quick level I wanted to make, since I haven't made a level in so long. The random notes were supposed to play a tune if you jumped on each individual block, but even I don't do that, so I didn't expect everyone to get it. The tunes were "Dashing Through the Snow", "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", and "Silent Night". Thanks for the feedback! @marcellus84: It seems that all of my levels start out with you landing on a bed lol. That's something I do a lot, the points under the bed. Thanks for the feedback! | 2009-12-28 03:03:00 Author: gersan93 ![]() Posts: 27 |
This was a really nice x-mas level. Played smoothly everything worked well, 5 stars. Its a shame it doesn't have more plays. | 2009-12-29 04:05:00 Author: zomginterweb ![]() Posts: 24 |
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