Rock Band: Unplugged
Archive: 5 posts
So having got a pspGo for christmas (![]() Anyone else with a psp played this? I bought The Trooper and Number of the Beast (both my Iron Maiden) Know your enemy (green day) My Curse (Killswitch Engage) and a couple of others. Now assuming they keep adding more songs to the store (and i assume they will) this is a great game for a quick blast. The main career, which sees you take a band through songs and 4 cities uses a slightly different premise to console versions in that rather than playing one instrument throughout a song, you play all of them, switching between instruments every 15-20 seconds. When i realized this would happen every time, i thought it would be annoying, but it is surprisingly fun, and mixes it up a bit, and you get to try each thing, though you play every guitar solo. Obviously you don't sing the vocal line, but it is done in the same way as the other instruments. The controls are also surprisingly good, and help make the game as good as it is - you use left and up on the d-pad, and the square and triangle buttons, each representing 1 note and therefore 1 colour. I found it very easy to get to grips with and was shredding the solo's on medium in no time. Quickplay uses the same multi-instrument setup as career, and is great for even quicker blasts. in the extras however, there is also the 'warmup' option, which let's you switch between instruments at will, playing an entire song as any member, or switching every 5 seconds if you want - all it takes is a tap on the bumpers to switch instruments. There is also another mode called 'band survival mode' which i haven't tried, but the description is 'every note counts' so i'm guessing it will be quite challenging. Finally, the songs range from easy to challenging, and even on hard i fail on 'The Trooper' or 'Afterlife' every time at the moment - it's not hard to get to grips with the controls, nor does it feel cheap, the charts are good. It's just a good challenge, and really good when you manage to get it right ![]() So for the ?10 i have spent on it so far, although i only have about 10 songs on it, they are all songs i like, so this isn't a problem, unlike when buying a disk when you have to pay ?40 for maybe 15 songs you like, and a load you don't really know... So overall, a really good game, recommended if you have a bit of spare cash in your wallet ![]() This turned into a review more than a simple 'who else has played it/what do you think of it thread, but whatever ![]() edit: Just remembered - when you switch between instruments, you don't suddenly see the chart change, while playing you have your instruments chart infront of you, but at the sides, smaller, you cans ee the other charts, so you can work out what is coming when you switch, and go straight in. It's really easy to use, and a great feature ![]() | 2009-12-25 22:11:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Tis an awesome game, i think it plays much better than the regular Rock Band ![]() I heard the switching between instruments thing was taken from Harmonix' older games like Amplitude, it works really well when there's no peripherals. I raged a little though when i'm sure i saw Activision make a pretty blatant copy in one of their newer games ?? | 2009-12-25 22:28:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
Tis an awesome game, i think it plays much better than the regular Rock Band ![]() I heard the switching between instruments thing was taken from Harmonix' older games like Amplitude, it works really well when there's no peripherals. I raged a little though when i'm sure i saw Activision make a pretty blatant copy in one of their newer games ?? Is it? Well fair enough, it's awesome either way ![]() For the price though, i was astounded... I got a few games (got a lot of extra money from people who didn't know what to get me ![]() ![]() | 2009-12-25 22:35:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I downloaded the demo like a year ago but never got round to trying it ![]() | 2009-12-26 14:25:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
I want Dethklok on this. Or maybe Slayer. Then I'll bite. | 2009-12-26 14:52:00 Author: Grimdour ![]() Posts: 142 |
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