Littlebigplanet read please
Archive: 2 posts
LITTLEBIGPLANET READ PLEASESabre_ This level is briefly talking about how all we see on littlebigplanet is these wack survivals and people publishing empty levels wit just water or publishing levels with no type of story or fun to it. Also talking about how MM need to move those type of maps off the front page so people who actually do levels can get theres up there cuz those levels are a waste of a spot. People do survivals only to get plays and hearts instead of building a real level that take time and work all | 2009-12-25 21:51:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Amen!!!! I was just thinking that too.. | 2009-12-25 21:55:00 Author: L1GhTmArE ![]() Posts: 519 |
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