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Psn maestro card problem

Archive: 4 posts

im have a lot of problems setting up the billing details with my maestro card it keeps saying " invald credit card information" but everything has been put in right, im using the same card ive beening using now for a year i remeber having trouble before but cant remeber what i did to fix it.

so any ideas?

ive already contacted the bank and everything is fine they`re end, and there is money in the account.

its really starting to annoy me now i want the potc pack already
2009-12-24 18:02:00

Posts: 255

you can't use a maestro card to put money in your wallet.
well not in my country anyway.

you need a visa/PSN card
2009-12-24 18:52:00

Unknown User

never mind i got it working now finaly got potc pack and the cotumes 2009-12-24 18:54:00

Posts: 255

I was going to suggest make sure you leave the security number blank, maestro did that to me when I setting it up.2009-12-26 18:44:00

Posts: 275

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