Funny glitch?
Archive: 6 posts
So, I was in my friends pod, and I was jerking my controller around to give sackboy a seizure (His head moves pretty violently if you shake the controller), when I notice that his head wasn't moving, his body was! His midsection and legs wiggled with the controller! I had him doing little pelvic thrusts and hula hoop motions! It was wierd, and pretty funny. Just one of those extremely rare glitches that occur because of lag? Who knows, but I hope I can recreate it. It fixed itself when we started a level. | 2009-12-24 00:09:00 Author: glue ![]() Posts: 46 |
So, I was in my friends pod, and I was jerking my controller around to give sackboy a seizure (His head moves pretty violently if you shake the controller), when I notice that his head wasn't moving, his body was! His midsection and legs wiggled with the controller! I had him doing little pelvic thrusts and hula hoop motions! It was wierd, and pretty funny. Just one of those extremely rare glitches that occur because of lag? Who knows, but I hope I can recreate it. It fixed itself when we started a level. Here's how to do this "glitch" again: Click down on the left thumbstick (L3). This is part of the game, clicking this button in the game switches movement from your head to your body. It's mentioned in the intro. ![]() | 2009-12-24 00:27:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Yep, the L3 button alternates between the head and hips. Lol. | 2009-12-24 00:38:00 Author: alexbull_uk ![]() Posts: 1287 |
Don't worry, everyone learns something they didn't know before at some time that EVERYONE knew. Like for me, I didn't know you could go faster with holding X for the LONGEST TIME. | 2009-12-24 01:35:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
Lol, sorry. I wonder what kind of "glitch" I'll discover next... | 2009-12-24 02:10:00 Author: glue ![]() Posts: 46 |
And some people think tutorials are stupid lol. | 2009-12-24 03:56:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
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