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paddel boat

Archive: 5 posts

ladies and gentelmen i give you the first lbp paddel boat.
fully working weel gives alternat form of thrust than rockets and boy is it a smooth ride.

other than blunt start on the weel it uses a acseleration system ala rz22g logic. fairly larg size. fits over 50 sacks. is perfect for an olden times lvl.

to find just serch"first lbp paddel boat"
2009-12-23 23:29:00

Posts: 212

While the scale is impressive, the logic is pretty simple to say the least. I was expecting more, to be honest.

Still, the scale's nice. Use it in a level.
2009-12-28 21:05:00

Posts: 142

by the pictures im assuming it only travels in one direction??? if thats the case i think you would be better off using a magnetic key attached to a directional piston. so when you grab the sponge, (if it uses sponges) then the magnetic key gets closer do the switch, which is set to speed setting to control the paddle. why should you do it this way you might ask??? well it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to get the 3 way switch back to the same spot each time when it is set to speed, this may seem weird but it is ive tried a lot. thats why i always have to use simple direction mode when building vehicles that travel two ways, because it tends to creep: http://www.youtube.com/user/rz22g#p/a/u/0/OEHq5cgAiQw

the link above is to a video from rz22g and he has the same problem.
2009-12-28 22:25:00

Posts: 255

it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to get the 3 way switch back to the same spot each time when it is set to speed

You can probably get around this by simply weakening your bolt, the water resistance will reduce the effect of creeping. Just ensure that as it speeds up, the strength is such that it overcomes the water resistance.
2009-12-28 22:33:00

Posts: 6497

You can probably get around this by simply weakening your bolt, the water resistance will reduce the effect of creeping. Just ensure that as it speeds up, the strength is such that it overcomes the water resistance.

actually i suppose that works in water, but on land it doesn't : ( i wish they would patch this.
2009-12-29 06:18:00

Posts: 255

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