Insanity by bomb77
Archive: 2 posts
Take a look inside the mind of an insane, dark, and depraved sociopath stuck in isolation.Walk across barren landscapes, face your inner demons, and try to escape the living nightmare.When I first played this level I was amazed by its extremely original style and how deeply creepy it is. This level lacks a lot of gameplay but the overall look and feel of the level is well worth looking at. I say "original" as in how strange and deeply odd this level is.![]() *When in the beginning stay in the closest level or you will die and have to start over. *also the first boss you have to jump over. not sure if this was intended but it does add to the atmosphere and desolation of the level. ![]() | 2009-12-19 02:15:00 Author: Sir Moops ![]() Posts: 18 |
This level has fantastic atmosphere, I recommend it. | 2009-12-19 04:10:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
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