The Garage: Create & Race by MattAstr
Archive: 8 posts
"The Garage: Create & Race" is the first LBP PSP level where you can create and race your very own vehicle. There are 4 templates to choose from and two different wheel sizes, so practically 8 different cars. The templates each have their own difficulty level ranging from easy to hard (this is shown when choosing the template) and the size of the wheels can also alter the difficulty depending on the template. So you can take it easy or challenge yourself depending on what you choose. So tell me what you think! Ps: Anyone that has used motor bolts in create mode can only imagine how frustrating this would of been, so sorry if you run into any hiccups ![]() | 2009-12-18 07:35:00 Author: MattAstr ![]() Posts: 99 |
oh god i hear you, i was trying to make a truck thing, but the bolts don't lock into the center!!! gagh anyways, trying the level ![]() | 2009-12-18 22:48:00 Author: Pirate43 ![]() Posts: 8 |
oh god i hear you, i was trying to make a truck thing, but the bolts don't lock into the center!!! gagh anyways, trying the level ![]() So, what did you think? | 2009-12-19 19:45:00 Author: MattAstr ![]() Posts: 99 |
Hidy Ho Matt! I just tried out your level so I figured I would give you some of my thoughts. In all honesty, driving levels are not really my thing, but you have been nice enough to give me feedback so I wanted to return the favor. I think one great thing about your level that I have not seen yet is the fact that you can design your car. I haven't played that many driving levels, so maybe this was not a unique idea, but to me it was unique, and I thought it was a fun idea as well. Also, I liked how the car that you raced immediately goes out of control and end up in a tree. I actually stopped and chuckled about that. A few improvements that I think you could make if you are going to make a sequel is to add more scenery. In a driving level, I think that one of the most important things is the environment, and there were a few really plain areas (for instance, at the beginning). But, in your defense, I have no idea how full the thermo was, and also, you used the water glitch to make a nice waterfall ![]() Keep up the good work! | 2009-12-20 03:13:00 Author: amazingflyingpoo ![]() Posts: 1515 |
Thanks very much for the feedback, it's nice learning from the best ![]() ![]() | 2009-12-20 04:24:00 Author: MattAstr ![]() Posts: 99 |
Hey Matt, This is one of the first levels I downloaded when I got my lbp. This is very unique, very seldom do you get to create something in lbp outside of create mode of course. I liked all customizing, and the race was a great piece of work. I'm sure you had to play test that part a few times to get it just right. I read you plan a sequel so I'm looking for that. Also, do you plan on any other type levels, because you obviously are very creative and I wonder how that might translate in other areas of level making. I hearted you as creator. ![]() | 2010-03-04 20:56:00 Author: VelcroJonze ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Hey Matt, This is one of the first levels I downloaded when I got my lbp. This is very unique, very seldom do you get to create something in lbp outside of create mode of course. I liked all customizing, and the race was a great piece of work. I'm sure you had to play test that part a few times to get it just right. I read you plan a sequel so I'm looking for that. Also, do you plan on any other type levels, because you obviously are very creative and I wonder how that might translate in other areas of level making. I hearted you as creator. ![]() Thanks for the lovely feedback. I have already released a sequel (The Garage 2: Create and Compete), you should be able to find in the featured section. Other then that, I'm also working on a Buzz like level with all the quizzes and mini games you would find in the real version, and on top of that I'm also working on the 3rd Garage level (hopefully I can get everything right this time.) But sadly I don't usually have too much free time, so it's hard to get levels done. Weeks can go before I get anything done. But thanks for you interest, I really appreciate it! Thanks for the heart too! | 2010-03-05 12:44:00 Author: MattAstr ![]() Posts: 99 |
your levels are really good! 5 stars and heart | 2010-03-11 11:53:00 Author: himoks ![]() Posts: 734 |
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