The Odyssey: Prologue - Journey to Troy
Archive: 14 posts
The Odyssey: Prologue - Journey to TroyDuffluc Focus your senses and sharpen your blades, The Trojan war is about to begin! In this short but atmospheric level, you will leave Greece aboard a mighty Trireme and set a course for the Trojan city of Troy. This level serves as an introduction to a series I am working on, so don't judge it by its length! ![]() all http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/duffluc/APhoto_29.jpg Greek architecture is awesome ![]() http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/duffluc/APhoto_32.jpg Your journey to troy will be filled with peril... http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d43/duffluc/APhoto_30.jpg Climb the cliffs behind troy to get into an advantageous position for the coming battle. _______________________________ Alright! This is a piece of source material that I really want to do justice, because the Trojan war was Epic! I was looking through other LBP levels to see if anyone had made a Trojan War level, and was surprised to see that there were very few, if any. So my f4f on this level isnt just for this part, but coming sections. Id love to hear your ideas on what to build, because I want to make the next part as good as possible! This series will probably end up being three parts long. Before any of you remind me, I know the Trojan war occurred in The Ilyad, not Homers Odyssey. ![]() Anyhow, I hope you have fun! Ill do as may F4F's on this level as i receive. Thanks! | 2009-12-18 02:18:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
Wow - visually this is an amazing level. Your architecture is great and the mateiral choices are superb. The buildings and ship are just astounding. I really liked how you made stylized waves - reminded me of some of the images on Greek pottery representing water. The cliff area was nicely done and the bridges looked very good - I had some difficulty managing to cross the first. The soldier at the end was also very nicely constructed. Overall it's just one of those extremely well made eye candy levels. My suggestions would include a few things but these are all a matter of opininion, personal preference and style. + While I love extremely detailed and visually stunning levels I do like a bit to do in them. I know you have the demons on the boat but it's not really enough to engage me as a player in the level. My favorite levels either find a balance between thermometer usage for visuals and making things to do (bubbles, jumps, swings, puzzles) If the problem is thermo - check out comphermc's thermo overview thread - you'll learn how to get the most out of your thermo and maybe still have great visuals but with some thermo left to spare to make stuff to do. + The ship - it's beautiful but when it gets dark it's hard to make out where to jump and with gas encased demons floating around the deaths start up pretty quick. Perhaps consider some more ligting in that area. It can be dramatic but still help illuminate the scene so players feel they have a fighting chance. + Not a huge fan of visible switches except for a few cases. There are two visible global lighting sensors. (On boat - on cliff) + The fire and bones at the top confuse me a bit. We haven't seen battle yet but there's indicators of a fight. Not sure if that's meant as a lead in to the next level of the series or not. It's not a big deal, but given the themo issues it's an interesting choice to make. I'm loving your style by the way, I hope to see more work from you ![]() | 2009-12-18 09:14:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Thanks for the feedback Morgana ![]() Ive got quite a few ideas for the next level of the series, and hopefully it will strike a much better balance between player interaction and visual design. Ill let you know when its done ![]() | 2009-12-18 17:27:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
Yes, this looks terrific - it's on my list to play later, so I'll feedback when I've played it. Nice one. | 2009-12-18 17:30:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
Whaaaaaa didn't you just make a level?! Definitely going to play and give feedback ASAIGetOffMNRBeta ![]() | 2009-12-18 23:05:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
Whaaaaaa didn't you just make a level?! Definitely going to play and give feedback ASAIGetOffMNRBeta ![]() Lol yeah i did, but actually this level is older than the one I recently published... I just never published it. I gave up on it for a while because I lost interest, but I'm back at it now and figured I should finnish it up ![]() | 2009-12-19 09:03:00 Author: Duffluc ![]() Posts: 402 |
Just played your level, great visuals but it's a bit short. Let's begin the feedback: from the beginning, the visuals are awesome: great temple, great ship, all great! But i bet that you killed the thermo, right? Then, there are some global effect switches visible, 2 on the ship! And i have a suggestion: why don't you use a custom switch for the ship? Like a wheel or something else, it will be better in the level's theme. Then, the three demons are nice, but i was unable to kill the left one, i don't know why. And then, the ship arrived to destination before i was able to kill the demons. After the ship part, the visuals were great too, but i was able to see a little dissolve, when the rock broke by the thunder. The warrior was cool, but remember that the Greek's Soldiers were on Troy's beach ![]() Anyway, the level was nice, great visulas but not much gameplay. 4 :star: ![]() F4F: Can you try my level - Mm Squad's Christmas Mision :"Protect the Pack!" - ? You find the thread in this section! Thanks ![]() | 2009-12-19 16:48:00 Author: Dante95 ![]() Posts: 504 |
Hello ![]() Just played it, that was short, but great for a prologue ! It looks great, can't wait for the first part, I'm a big fan of Greek mythology. | 2009-12-19 18:32:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
I must say the visuals are fantastic, again. My only complaint is that the wooden bridge is very annoying. 4 stars. | 2009-12-19 19:34:00 Author: bonner123 ![]() Posts: 1487 |
Really short but it was nice. I really liked the visuals and the warrior at the end. Right before that warrior there's a visible Global Lighting Switch. Also, on the boat part, if you move all the way to the right you get a camera and it looks like the boat is not moving at all, I'm thinking that camera is for when you "get to land" but it shows it before that. And I think something is wrong with the little enemies because they come down on the boat and just stop moving. I look forward to Part 1! | 2009-12-21 19:40:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
Really great looking level!!! The only downside, is that it's too short... but I understand it's only a prologue. I can't wait for the next episode! :star::star::star::star::star: | 2009-12-27 20:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Excellent level. Great visuals. The only gripe I have is that you can see the ground below and the pistons moving the waves up and down when you're in the front of the ship. Love the broken bridge. I agree with everybody. It is pretty short. I want more so I'm going to go play Part 1 now ![]() 5 stars & hearted | 2010-04-08 21:04:00 Author: MrTran ![]() Posts: 216 |
Duffluc i honestly don't know what to say im blown away by this ABSOLUTELY GREAT LEVEL ! wonderful job my friend i have only great things to say about this level it was short but that's okay sometimes its happens do to the thermo 5 stars and a <3 as for 4f4 plz play my Hellfire Tomb 2 level =) | 2010-04-11 02:21:00 Author: RiseOvBaphomet ![]() Posts: 35 |
This was a very beautiful level. You did an amazing job on the visuals. I really liked the water and the lightning. I can live with it being short because it is a prologue and not an actual level. It made me want to keep going. My one gripe is that the demons on the left and right seemed impossible to kill. When they came down, their brain was under them and they rested on the ground so there was no way to hit the brain. I would also consider maybe adding a little more gameplay like morgana said but it isn't absolutely necessary, even if there was more story I think it would help fill that gap. I did think it was wierd that I could keep going without having to kill all the demons, maybe if there was a way to make it so you have to defeat them before you could keep going. Overall, it was a visual masterpiece. If you have a chance can you check out my Retro Retribution? It won't look anything like yours though ![]() | 2010-04-11 09:14:00 Author: shebhnt ![]() Posts: 414 |
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