A Question about Opening/Closing Doors
Archive: 4 posts
Hello. I have been stuck on a seemingly simple idea for quite some time in LPB: An object that, when activated, opens and stays that way until the switch (or a different switch, it doesn't matter much) is activated again, closing it. Example: A switch is pulled opening a door. The door remains in this state until a switch is pushed which closes it. Thanks in advance! | 2009-12-13 18:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I'm no pro at logic, but that sounds like the "Set/Cancel" switch that's in LBPC Logic Pack. I believe it's in the Intermediate Vault. Search @LogicPack in the game's search engine and copy the Logic Vault levels to your moon. You can then capture whatever piece of logic you need to use in your levels. ![]() What's cool is you can even tweak the logic to just what you want. | 2009-12-13 18:05:00 Author: GreyMRP ![]() Posts: 588 |
There are two slightly different switches you might want to use for this. If you want the same button to open and then close (so it cycles between open and closed) then you want the toggle switch If you want one button to open it and one to close it then you want the set-reset switch. Both are in the intermediate pack of the logic pack. | 2009-12-13 18:09:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
You probably need a Set-reset switch. Check the Logic pack. It's basically 2 winches pulling at a key with a key switch at one end. Take two buttons and a light. Press button A and the winch pulls the key away, turning the light on. Switch B controls the other winch and pulls the key back into range, turning the light on. EDIT: What they said. I was working this out while typing, lol. | 2009-12-13 18:11:00 Author: Grimdour ![]() Posts: 142 |
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