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Homing bombs, flying enemies, and more.

Archive: 17 posts

I realize this may have been done before, so I don't claim to be the first to invent it. But, I've never seen it in any community levels, despite being a relatively simple concept. So I've created a level showing off some practical applications for my homing tech.

These include-

- A sack-seeking bomb
- A flying enemy
- A companion
- A short range weapon I've dubbed the "PSG", or "Portable Sheild Generator".

Level name- Flying enemies, homing bombs, and more!

(The level's only purpose is to show different things created from a basic homing ball. It's a not a "real" level).

PSN- Elmerz_glue

Enjoy, and please tell me what you think! I'm considering creating a level based off of the PSG and other experimental homing stuff.

Note that the level itself isn;t exactly top notch... But please, try and focus on the homing stuff. XD

Also note that multiple players will confuse homing objects!
2009-12-12 06:08:00

Posts: 46

How does it work? I've always wanted one of those.2009-12-12 11:10:00

Posts: 142

Ok, here's how it works.

It's a ball of pink floaty with four different rockets. The ball is balanced so that it floats mid-air with a bit of pink floaty to counteract the rockets weight. There are four sensor switches on the ball, one for each rocket. These can be tuned to whatever you want the range of the homing object to be. These sensor switches activate the rockets opposite of them, propelling them in the direction that the sensor switches spot sackboy.

That's a basic homing ball. You can do so much with it, it's like a completely untouched game element.
2009-12-12 11:17:00

Posts: 46

i think i remember playing a survivalgame with something like that...2009-12-12 11:44:00

Posts: 342

yh, I've been messing about with this tech for a bit now. I've published a level just where you hav to lure electrified cubes into a crusher and kill them to get points although the level is pretty empty. If u manage to find the scoreboard (far right, bottom corner, there is a key that unlocks a maze full of them where the same game objectives apply. These 2 levels are published under my old account (Altair1911).

I mostly use the maze level with my fiends as its not particularly attractive but is very fun to play with friends. I am also making a new maze level that looks a lot better and has power-ups like shields that protect you and swords that kill the flying enemies.
2009-12-12 14:24:00

Posts: 118

*sigh* That's so ingenious, I'm jealous. I'll have to use that some time, sounds great!2009-12-12 22:41:00

Posts: 80

The level does include a key to a copyable level which contains a basic homing ball, if you are interested in making something out of it.2009-12-12 23:21:00

Posts: 46

Thanks, that's good to know, but I can't hook up my PS3 to the Internet due to lack of Broadband and an ethernet cable. I plan on correcting this ASAP.2009-12-12 23:49:00

Posts: 80

hey, wanna' team up and make a maze game where you have to lure these flying creatures into a place and kill them? my old version of this concept looked alittle ugly and I've already started making the basic doors, wheels and power-ups that will be used in the new level and now we could have a variety of different enemies!2009-12-13 15:14:00

Posts: 118

Sounds awesome! Currently, I've got about 3 different projects on my hands, so I'll contact you when I'm ready to start something new. Probably within the next few days.2009-12-13 21:37:00

Posts: 46

I made a homing thing myself, only it's a cube. It likes to squish Sackboy.
It's pretty awesome.
2009-12-13 22:01:00

Posts: 80

alright glue, but i might be a little bussy at the moment aswell.. mock exams all week 2009-12-14 11:10:00

Posts: 118

I love playing with homing bombs in online create! I also have these cool UFO's I made, and I like to fly in it while dodging the bombs. It's really fun with more players.

The cool thing with homing bombs is that they feel "alive". It's really neat, and whenever I pull them out, people think I'm a genius, until I explain how easy they are to create.
2009-12-14 13:20:00

Posts: 466

I've published a new maze (might expand it in the future) where you have to lure the flying creatures to the death :kz: to get points then when you feel you cant get a higher score, you find the scoreboard and upload your score to the LBP community!

The level is pretty simple and I've only put shield power-ups around the maze at the moment. I'm just waiting for some feedback to see if i should continue with this idea (i have a lot of things in mind to make it more challenging :kz: and with me and Glue teaming up who knows what we'll come up with!).
2009-12-14 20:41:00

Posts: 118

sounds kool, i've tried making a Lock-on Turret before. it was working great, and there was nothing more i could do to tweak it to work any better, but the game couldnt respond to Sackboy's presence soon enough for the turret to shoot at him i'm glad yours work better then mine2009-12-15 00:33:00

Posts: 139

I've published a new maze (might expand it in the future) where you have to lure the flying creatures to the death :kz: to get points then when you feel you cant get a higher score, you find the scoreboard and upload your score to the LBP community!

The level is pretty simple and I've only put shield power-ups around the maze at the moment. I'm just waiting for some feedback to see if i should continue with this idea (i have a lot of things in mind to make it more challenging :kz: and with me and Glue teaming up who knows what we'll come up with!).

Sounds awesome. I'm ready to start on this project whenever you are.
2009-12-16 04:35:00

Posts: 46

i should be finished with all my exams on thursday so.. how about friday?2009-12-16 18:11:00

Posts: 118

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