Online Create Ettiquette - what do you expect from guests?
Archive: 59 posts
ok - so Online Create is finally here and after a couple of weeks of having guests in levels I'm working on I've been thinking about OC etiquette. When you have friends over what kind of behaviors do you expect and what won't you tolerate. So I'm going to list a few of my thoughts on this and I'd love to see what the community at large thinks about what's polite and what's a kickable behavior when in OC. - When visiting during OC if your messing with people's work without asking permission that's not cool. This can be anything from minor sticker stuff to major booby traps. I'm all for a little fun but there's a line between pranking and sabotaging. The line gets reached in my world somewhere around emitted bombs and subtle hard to find alterations like sound effects or wires being tampered with. - If you've come to help that's great! But if you've bitten off more than you can chew say so before something gets ripped apart and can't be fixed. I love that LBP challenges us to do better, that's part of the appeal of create for me is to try and improve my work and skills. That said if your in over your head say so before attempting to help or fix stuff. Your intentions may be noble and good but it's too late once you know your in too deep. Good idea to copy or capture what your about to work on just in case things go badly. Saves egos, time and hurt feelings this way. - Always ask before capturing another creators objects/work. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but capturing an object without permission is stealing. You wouldn't want someone to do it to you so don't do it to another creator. - In groups of 3 or 4 rewinds/pauses/unpauses & chat can get really confusing. I love to chat but with four people it can get a bit overwhelming. As a host when you have 3 or four people to manage it can get really hard really fast. Doesn't help when you have two people talking over each other either. If your in a big group try not to talk over someone else and before you request a rewind/pause think if you really need it or could find another way to do what you need to do. The flipside of this is if your in a group where they need to rewind a lot. You have to learn to not move or continue to work until they get to where they need to rewind to. Every movement you make is another rewind that has to be done so stay still until your sure they're clear. As the host of a level - always a good idea to keep a backup of it before inviting people over. It's not always easy to anticipate problems but if you backup before problems arise you can save as much of your work as you can. This way if something bad happens - accidently or intentionally - your covered. So that's just a few of the things I've been thinking about with OC. I'm sure there's a ton more you guys can think of. If your going to share them here all I ask is keep the points polite and anonymous. This isn't about calling out people it's about general good practices and etiquette. Thanks! | 2009-12-11 21:44:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
All good points morgana - especially the one about sabotaging. Granted, all I've done on the OC beta is capture bombs and put them well above a creators object. They never notice..... Personally I expect all guests to: - provide a goat sacrifice to the LBP Gods - worship me - make levels for me - not expect credit for anything ![]() | 2009-12-11 21:49:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
My rules are as follows: Build whatever you want. Ask before capturing an object. (Even though I'll say yes.) If you can fix something without rewinding, do it. Haz teh fun! | 2009-12-11 21:50:00 Author: KlawwTheClown ![]() Posts: 1106 |
Personally I expect all guests to: - provide a goat sacrifice to the LBP Gods - worship me - make levels for me - not expect credit for anything ![]() Note to self - Never create with The Real Ice Maiden! ![]() Thanks Morgana, some excellent advice for both hosts and guests. Icey | 2009-12-11 22:04:00 Author: IceMaiden ![]() Posts: 1057 |
All good points, Morgana! It may be that the majority of people will know each other before creating together. However, your points still apply. I think mutual agreements beforehand are good to have - plan out/flesh out ideas, plan who does what, and at every stage come to some agreement about how things are going. Above all else, Online Create should be fun for EVERYONE involved in a project. If you're working with someone with less experience, knowledge or skill, encourage them and help them. If you're working with someone who has more knowledge than you, try to learn and don't be afraid to ASK! And everyone should SHARE. Good thread this. Nice one. | 2009-12-11 22:07:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
I agree... messing around with someone's work in progress while visiting is just not cool. Be respectful! However, if someone came in and sabotaged my level for a prank, they would not only have been kicked instantly, but they might be removed from my friends list. ![]() Concerning co-op levels.. If I am working co op in a level, I try to refrain from asking for a rewind. For example, I think out of 4 beta co-op levels I worked on I called for like 5 total rewinds. Most of the time with a bit of thought, you can correct an issue rather than rewind at all. Like if it is an object I am building, I usually copy it before taking the next step. That way if I screw up I can delete that one, and make another copy to try again. If it is something I can build on my own moon and return with, even better! One thing I have found is to eliminate worries for play mode coming without warning is change a bit of your object to DM. I do this even when I am on my own moon like for example if I am attempting to set a wobble bolt and need to adjust the angle. Changing another connected piece for a bit eliminates any wacky gluing issues as well as keeping the whole thing from falling to the floor causing a possible rewind. | 2009-12-11 22:16:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Good idea, Morgana. Though to me, it doesn't really apply. I rarely (if ever) show off my WIPs to people unless they're there specifically to help me with the level. Otherwise I open a template level and go nuts. | 2009-12-11 22:52:00 Author: Grimdour ![]() Posts: 142 |
Always make sure as the host that everyone has somthing to do at all times!!! I will admit that if i have nothing to do in OC and the host is creating i get very bored quickly and go straight to the bombs lol. (Don't let that put you off playing with me lol) So just make sure everyone knows what there doing as the host you're in charge! EDIT: oh yeah i just remembered somthing i did as a little joke, i put a fart noise on the checkpoint without them noticing and never told them... Hehe ok i shouldn't have said that... Now nobody is gonna want to play with me ![]() | 2009-12-11 22:58:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
All these are great! Hopefully they teach a few people. I personally would never let anyone create with me on any of my current projects. I prefer working alone. Although, I do sometimes copy my published locked levels onto my moon, then me and my friends completely destroy the levels by dropping bombs on everything, it makes for good lols. ![]() | 2009-12-12 00:16:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
I would add : if you see a complex piece of logic or mechanism, don't touch it unless you ask first. Odds are the logic/mechanism has been carefully fine-tuned through many trials and errors, and any minor alternation to it would cause the universe to implode. ![]() Edit: Also, if you notice a censored magic mouth, please inform the host about it. They are probably unaware of this because censored magic mouths show up normally for them on My Moon. | 2009-12-12 00:44:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Not to self: get into Morgana's level and delete a single sensor switch. Tell no one.![]() Haha, I kid! These are all great points. As soon as I have guests, I save and then assume they will break it horribly. I encourage goofing off and modifying stuff, because I don't plan on saving. It's oddly satisfying to tear apart your work with someone else. Although, be warned... if you work with me, you'll probably have to sit and watch me make some logic. That's just how it goes... ![]() | 2009-12-12 01:25:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
These are some really good points! Luckily for me, I only have one person that does that. He drops time-bombs a lot. At least he asks me to rewind after. I won't name any names, but, *glares at littlebigdude805* | 2009-12-12 02:06:00 Author: Drakora ![]() Posts: 392 |
I would like to add, duckies aren't that fun, blowing up said duckies is great. Note to all who OC with me, ignore me when you see please rewind. My fingers tend to hit left on the D-pad for no reason. If you are coming on to help, let me know before hand. If you come to play, let me know. I have levels on my moon that are great for messing up. I rarely save after someone comes on to create with me. Side Note: Comphermc, I would go and watch you make some boring logic in OC. Seeing that you are better at making things than I, maybe I would learn something. Don't be surprised if you see a friend request. | 2009-12-12 02:47:00 Author: thefrozenpenquin ![]() Posts: 479 |
Even though online create mode is really great, I don't like to use it... I always feel bad because I rewind alot when I create stuff. I don't want the other people to get mad at me lol. | 2009-12-12 04:56:00 Author: Tomvis ![]() Posts: 99 |
be warned... if you work with me, you'll probably have to sit and watch me make some logic. That's just how it goes... ![]() Yeah that's the kinda thing that makes me want to destroy stuff ![]() | 2009-12-12 13:58:00 Author: Doopz ![]() Posts: 5592 |
Well Morgana i think your list is great. I was on your moon one time and i din't touch anything don't worry. I loved the complication of the level and i would never of sabotaged it. If i was inviting someone to see my work i would either back it up first or just not save afterwoods. | 2009-12-12 14:06:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
I think there is also something to be said about host etiquitte as well. If yiou invite others to come and design a level with you, you need to be respectful of the work they do. We all have different styles and tastes, so unless something is totally wrong, you may have to live with it in order to avoid hurt feelings. My advice is to take a long look at whatever someone has done and wait before commenting or trying to "correct." Given a bit of time, you may come to see its merits or think of a tactful way of making suggestions to better blend the work into the level. Needless to say, collaboration is one of the toughest things to do because of artistic differences. Look at how many bands split up after only a single album. | 2009-12-12 14:52:00 Author: thanatos989 ![]() Posts: 248 |
Needless to say, collaboration is one of the toughest things to do because of artistic differences. Look at how many bands split up after only a single album. Collaboration, much like marriage is one of the simplest things in the world to do as long as you keep things in perspective... Rules for a good collaboration or marriage: 1 Understand you entered into a union. From this point on you will never be wholly right or wholly wrong. But for good or bad you will always be you. 2 Encourage creativity 3 Foster understanding 4 Best to keep the arsenal under lock and key. 5 Remember courtesy is more than a word and gets more miles than a gallon of gas (...not sure about this if you own a Prius... as that's what my wife drives and the jury is still out!) 6 Pretend your the adult you thought you'd be as a child... (this will be decidely tougher for sum of us) 7 Always bring a gift as a back-up 8 Never take without asking Thanks Morgana for this! | 2009-12-12 15:19:00 Author: Gravel ![]() Posts: 1308 |
i played with a guy, He was my second Lbp friend so i could never delete him, But he arrives in my moon, Fine, i show him something i made, he flys upwards i capture my piecec as i get pelted by rocket powered soccer balls being emitted from the top of the level, Being the kind well mannered modest (lol) Person i am, i simply draw a semi circle with a middle cut out, put my sack in it, make it emit really fast so it can never be destroyed Mwhaha, then sat down it it, covered it in glass and turned the lights down to darkness! Mwhahaha -The ettiquette i expect is to help as best they can -dont create annoying distractions -if i have a skill let me focus on that. -dont keep saying Please Rewind, | 2009-12-12 15:37:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
Ok I'll admit I'm pretty bad to work with. I'll often take out a sombrero covered in orange floaty and float up to the top of the level, then change the floaty to metal and fall. OR I might just make a large block of stone, put a cow sticker on it and crush things I make just for fun.(I don't crush other's work) Yes. (ask mod5.0 or Joey) I never destroy peoples work. The only thing I ever captured that wasn't mine was Incinerator22's "noob button". He deserved it for putting me through that. ![]() Other than that I think I'm quite an angel. ![]() | 2009-12-12 16:00:00 Author: iGotFancyPants ![]() Posts: 1355 |
The problem I've encountered in online create is people being protective of their work, hosts and guests. You pop in a pre-made object to have fun with and it gets blown up by the host or a guest which is fine because blowing stuff up is fun, they pop in a pre-made object and they won't let you even touch it much less try to help. Double standards. | 2009-12-13 18:25:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
fancypants, I'll never forgive you for that ![]() It's a game-breaker. If you step on the button a bunch of text bombs rapidly emit (magic mouth views that emit so fast you can't move, 'x' out of them, or even press start to leave) To add insult to injury, a metal cage emits over the button with the word noob sprawled across it in big, bold letters. The trapped target is completely at the host's mercy. How's that for your ettiquitte? ![]() | 2009-12-13 19:46:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
The problem I've encountered in online create is people being protective of their work, hosts and guests. You pop in a pre-made object to have fun with and it gets blown up by the host or a guest which is fine because blowing stuff up is fun, they pop in a pre-made object and they won't let you even touch it much less try to help. Double standards. That's probably directed at me and the sattelite railgun I used to blow up your airship XD. If I mess around I'm hell lol, but don't get the wrong idea. I can be pretty calm and good to work with. | 2009-12-13 19:48:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
I need to work with you folks. I've ventured more into OC, and one tip I have to say for hosts is to expect everything. For example, I made a simple plane held up by rods attached to dissolve glued to dark matter (going to crash it later on). The other guy I was with stuck trigger explosives right under the plane, a delay switch which triggered both the bombs and the dissolve. Once I tested the physics, my plane crashed prematurely. ![]() | 2009-12-13 20:30:00 Author: Grimdour ![]() Posts: 142 |
Still, rewind button and I trapped him inside an elevator by gluing the doors shut. You can do the "hold to retry" thing to automatically pop yourself into the outer flying layer in create mode. | 2009-12-13 20:37:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
I'm all for a session of blow the crud out of each others stuff in an empty level, I have no problem with that at all BUT the difference between one of those create sessions and coming into an established level that's being worked on seriously and bombing the living b'jesus out of it are night and day. If the host has told people it's not ok to blow stuff up - it's not ok. Hosts do bear responsibility for their guests to have fun to a degree so I've taken to stopping work on "serious" levels and just going to a blank playground of sorts when guests get bored. Seems to work. | 2009-12-13 21:12:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I've recently been whiplashed in the face. I invited someone i thought was a nice person into my level and it went well. But 1 time i did it that guy dragged a big capture object over one of my characters. I got him out asap and he said it never turned out but who knows if it did or not. And later on he invited me to his moon and showed me his recreation of my first room of my level. I was fairly annoyed. i asked him not to use it and he said ok but whether i believe him or not is another matter. Oh and did i mention this is for the Fairytale competition. Bah! Never again (It was only the first room so i can live with it.) "Ha i got burned" as they say. Chio! Black-Toof:arg: | 2009-12-13 21:26:00 Author: BlackToof ![]() Posts: 172 |
Collaboration, much like marriage is one of the simplest things in the world to do as long as you keep things in perspective... Rules for a good collaboration or marriage: 1 Understand you entered into a union. From this point on you will never be wholly right or wholly wrong. But for good or bad you will always be you. 2 Encourage creativity 3 Foster understanding 4 Best to keep the arsenal under lock and key. 5 Remember courtesy is more than a word and gets more miles than a gallon of gas (...not sure about this if you own a Prius... as that's what my wife drives and the jury is still out!) 6 Pretend your the adult you thought you'd be as a child... (this will be decidely tougher for sum of us) 7 Always bring a gift as a back-up 8 Never take without asking Thanks Morgana for this! I don't think online create is much like marriage, because people don't have vastly different skill levels in marriage. If someone who is just learning how to create is goofing around in my moon, whatever they make probably won't make the cut. It's a difficult and awkward situation if they approach you and ask, "hey, where did all that stuff I made for your level go?" The only way I could think of to handle it would be to politely explain it, and hope they understand. | 2009-12-13 21:33:00 Author: thekevinexpress ![]() Posts: 256 |
I hate when I'm cutting out a sticker and someone will randomly come by, capture it, and claim it as their own. >:0 | 2009-12-13 21:34:00 Author: Ricano ![]() Posts: 434 |
May I throw one in? Just a personal rule, but if anyone starts to fire paintonators whilst I'm working, I will beat the crap out of you. I've had three so far. Anyway, nice etiquette, definitely agree ![]() | 2009-12-13 21:37:00 Author: KoRnDawwg ![]() Posts: 1424 |
[QUOTE=Gravel;349464]Collaboration, much like marriage is one of the simplest things in the world to do as long as you keep things in perspective... Rules for a good collaboration or marriage: 4 Best to keep the arsenal under lock and key. LOL, truer words have never been spoken. And if she gets the keys, know your escape route. | 2009-12-13 23:56:00 Author: thefrozenpenquin ![]() Posts: 479 |
these are all great rules...even though i usually oc in a blank...i still try to invent something so i can impress my guests...but yeah,np yet!(i even made a co-op level with my friend g7775...it took less than half the time than if i worked alone exam=high-detailed level that is tons of fun in 13hrs | 2009-12-14 04:00:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
these are all great rules...even though i usually oc in a blank...i still try to invent something so i can impress my guests...but yeah,np yet!(i even made a co-op level with my friend g7775...it took less than half the time than if i worked alone exam=high-detailed level that is tons of fun in 13hrs Is that the tank guy? The one who made the GOTY level? | 2009-12-14 04:08:00 Author: thekevinexpress ![]() Posts: 256 |
I don't think online create is much like marriage, because people don't have vastly different skill levels in marriage. If someone who is just learning how to create is goofing around in my moon, whatever they make probably won't make the cut. It's a difficult and awkward situation if they approach you and ask, "hey, where did all that stuff I made for your level go?" The only way I could think of to handle it would be to politely explain it, and hope they understand. I think you just proved my point! In the game of life we all have varying degrees of valuable skills. Further more we all put different values on what skills we consider valuable. One participant might be a dreamer, while their partner is diagnosed with OCD--Now who's to balance the checkbook, and who's to plan date night? IDK but I know there's varying skills there, to varying degrees and it would work best with defined responsibilities, rules, and communication-- all while working together. Now you know why the divorce rate is so ridiculous... | 2009-12-14 05:18:00 Author: Gravel ![]() Posts: 1308 |
Is that the tank guy? The one who made the GOTY level? your thinking rz22g...g7775 makes hoverboards. | 2009-12-14 05:32:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
Divorce rates are so high because people rush into marriage. Whatever issues you have after dating someone for a year is going to be multiplied at least tenfold after marriage. Before you marry you should think to yourself, could you both be confined to one room and nothing else for a month. Could you do it and her survive? Would you survive? That doesn't translate to Online Create, sorry. I think I want to make a NOOB button. ![]() | 2009-12-14 07:32:00 Author: thefrozenpenquin ![]() Posts: 479 |
Divorce rates are so high because people rush into marriage. Whatever issues you have after dating someone for a year is going to be multiplied at least tenfold after marriage. Before you marry you should think to yourself, could you both be confined to one room and nothing else for a month. Could you do it and her survive? Would you survive? That doesn't translate to Online Create, sorry. I think it probably does. An intense online create project is like being cooped up with someone in a room for a period of time. So actually embarking on the commitment of a full level production with someone should only be done after you have enough understanding of that person to know you can hack their artistic style, gameplay style, creation methodologies (to plan or not to plan), work ethic, sense of humor ... A few OC "dates" just to fool around would definitely be advisable before starting out on a level project with someone, unless you already know them well enough. | 2009-12-14 10:10:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Ah, rtm brings up a point [sorta] that's very important. If you are going to be spending any significant amount of time with someone else on a level, a sense of humor is absolutely vital. Things are going to break, errors will be made, data can be lost - you both need to be able to laugh it off and forget it. If you end up with someone who is easily angered, or you yourself are this way, you are bound to have a sour OC Create experience. Just something to keep in mind. Hopefully your sense of humors actually allow you to get stuff done, as well! I've spent about a dozen hours in create with mrsupercomputer (and some with Javi), and we have yet to manage anything productive. Everything seems to end up with a rocket on it... ![]() | 2009-12-14 13:14:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
Everything seems to end up with a rocket on it... ![]() And that, so it seems from personal expierence, is what OC is all about!! ![]() | 2009-12-14 13:23:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
I personally don't mind when people come and bomb the **** out of my level, because I can always rewind. It's sort of expected if you let people join while creating. Exercise your freedom to refuse join requests if you don't want anything to happen. The only thing that bothers me is when people capture objects I've spent hours on without permission... that ****** me off a little. | 2009-12-14 14:31:00 Author: TheJollyRajah ![]() Posts: 466 |
Excellent ettiquette rules Morgana25 ![]() I also think it would be cool if this thread could be marked as "sticky", given its importance. The only thing that bothers me is when people capture objects I've spent hours on without permission... that ****** me off a little. I agree with you, TheJollyRajah. As if the online trolling practicied by some wasn?t enough ![]() ![]() | 2009-12-14 15:44:00 Author: AlvaroShiokawa ![]() Posts: 126 |
i guess me and g were ok because we have similar creation processes and similar personalities. | 2009-12-14 16:02:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
your thinking rz22g...g7775 makes hoverboards. lame... rocket powered hoverboards | 2009-12-14 16:04:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
lame... rocket powered hoverboards HEY!!!i made a rocket-less one!and now he is making his own! | 2009-12-14 16:14:00 Author: theswweet ![]() Posts: 2468 |
- Always ask before capturing another creators objects/work. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but capturing an object without permission is stealing. You wouldn't want someone to do it to you so don't do it to another creator. Adding to that if you the creator allows you to copy a new-ish glitch/trick he or she found don't publish it in your level until he had a chance to publish his own level. ![]() | 2009-12-14 16:15:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
HEY!!!i made a rocket-less one!and now he is making his own! dont give away Outlaws secrets or out... ![]() Foo | 2009-12-14 16:17:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
I only play with a few people and they're pretty much from the beta. So I need not worry about this. | 2009-12-14 16:42:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
EDIT: oh yeah i just remembered somthing i did as a little joke, i put a fart noise on the checkpoint without them noticing and never told them... Hehe ok i shouldn't have said that... Now nobody is gonna want to play with me ![]() Nice, I wouldn't mind something like that as long as it wasn't hidden, and could easily be removed. | 2009-12-15 01:58:00 Author: RagTagPwner ![]() Posts: 344 |
I once pulled a prank of temporarily turning a big piece of material into Shiny Metal. ![]() Nothing quite as fun as dazzling someone, not that I'd do it again though. ![]() | 2009-12-15 02:31:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
I've spent about a dozen hours in create with mrsupercomputer (and some with Javi), and we have yet to manage anything productive. You didn't think the mountain of objects from all of our levels combined into one big freak show was productive? ![]() | 2009-12-15 04:31:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
I MIGHT pull simple pranks like while there building further in the level make a dissolve trap in the level, nothing to hard to fix though. Or make a collecter and add boxing gloves with pistons going around in one part. | 2009-12-17 01:29:00 Author: Schwem00 ![]() Posts: 255 |
i had my friend shooting giant missiles at me... | 2009-12-17 03:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I don't mean to bump but, if you make something on a level that has stuff in it, delete said something. I couldn't figure out why the Thermo was going down when I changed all the materials down to three until I flew around a bit and found something tuck waaayyyyyy in the top corner. Grr. Atleast let me know. | 2009-12-19 04:05:00 Author: thefrozenpenquin ![]() Posts: 479 |
My big rule with going into an empty level is to not have instant expectations of what it'll turn out as. Like say, "oh, let's create a fire level, or survival challenge". Screwing around aimless can be fun though. My rule when allowing someone to see a WIP on OC is to look but don't touch. I have a boat load of logic in my levels, and even I find it confusing. The punishment for breaking my rules is the fun part. I don't kick most people. I don't kick them until I trap them in a portable player prison I created. switching hover mode won't even save them once they're in ![]() | 2009-12-20 00:47:00 Author: TheLawnStink ![]() Posts: 98 |
Honestly, what would I expect from an OC create partner.... Three things: Common sense Respect A sense of humour That's it. If we have to set up ground rules or codes of conduct, then you're just not gonna mesh with me. Anything goes in my mind - dropping bombs on each other, spamming paintentator rounds, hiding booby traps... as long as it doesn't interfere with someone else's creation and can be undone with no effort. And especially important: You can take whatever you give in terms of messing around ![]() | 2009-12-20 00:56:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Excellent points rtm - personality needs to mesh absolutely. | 2009-12-21 01:25:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I once showed up to pull a prank on Morgana.. I was going to stick like a zillion and a half huge spotlights in a coop level we were working on... However, I was too late. She beat me to it. LOL!!! ..ok on topic.. yup, personalities need to mesh. Otherwise it is not going to be fun. If it is not fun, it will show up in the quality of the level. | 2009-12-21 01:40:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Ya almost got me there ![]() Seriously - jww and I work great together because we're both very type B personalities and share a similar sense of humor. That and he let's me eat up at least a 1/4 of thermo on lighting ![]() | 2009-12-21 01:47:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I love OC. I was with Ricky Bobby in a new level, and he had this cool intro with a thing with his name on it, so I put on my logo. Then another person came into the level, and I just said "ssshhhhhhh". Then when we played the level it said "srgt_poptart presents". That was my favorite prank. | 2009-12-21 17:54:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
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