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Retro Robots Competition - Winners Announced!

Archive: 22 posts

Well the results are in! I've had many well known scientists review and assess these robots. Each robot went under rigourous stress testing and...... ok I'll stop with the spoof and cut right to the chase

1st Place: MrSupercomputer
My comments:
This is everything I was looking for and more. Serious attention to detail, brilliantly stylised, Its fun, well constructed and the piston movements breaths life into this killing machine

2nd Place: Zwollie
My comments:
This robot has a very unique style which I love. It extremely original and brilliantly implemented. A robot like this is very hard to do with only the layers given but Zwollie really pulled it off using some clever trickery.

3rd Place:ITS A TIE! javi haguse AND Dajdaj03
http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=509&pictureid=9543 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=509&pictureid=9536

My comments:
OK I really could decide for third place there are a few more robots that could have made it here also! I narrowed it down to these two as both are brilliantly put together, amazing little details on both, their colourful, fun and it clear that a lot of work has gone into them. I love the laser type eye on Javis and the spindle on the chest of Dajdaj's rocks!

Now, with the quality of entries, you guys have really surpassed my expectations so I'd love it if I could put all 4 in the level if you guys were up for it? If you are PM me and we can sort it out.

And in no particular order:

Runner up: FULLGORR
My comments:
This highly detailed robot rocks in just about every way. Love all the fiddly fobs and twiddlyknobs!

Runner up: The Jolly Rajah
My comments:
This was actually Mrs. wexs favourite I love the musical side to it and the speeded up version is hilarious

Runner up: Syroc
My comments:
C'mon, whats not cool about a transforming robot! Very clever indeed!

Runner up: JWWphotos
My comments:
Best eyes ever! This guy is what stops kids sleeping at night!

Runner up: V0rtex
My comments:
This robot is so much cooler ingame. You get to see all the details that are missed in the picture. The electricity sparks are brilliantly done!

Runner up: iiijujube
My comments:
I love the colouring on this guy! Very suitable name too

Runner up: killzonequinn
My comments:
How could I pick this guy to put into the level, He just far too cute to kill!
It would be like shooting wall-e in the face! Love the quirky look.

Runner up: Gilgamesh
My comments:
Love the setup on this guy. player tracker, moving arms and hands. Would kick some serious sackbutt!

Runner up: Gravel
http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=509&pictureid=9538 http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=509&pictureid=9534
My comments:
I thought this one was brilliant! Really origianal, loved the light bulb head and the whole eerieness of the showcase level. The second guy was brilliant also. Again, nicely thought out and well implemented.

Runner up: MrsSpookbuz
My comments:
Only Mrs.SB could come up with robots like this! When I first entered the level I fell off my chair laughing when I got zapped by killer love hearts Brilliant stuff !

Runner up: Dante95
My comments:
Dante95 came in on the final hour and blew me away with this entry! Is it a robot that acts like a monkey or a monkey that acts like a robot? Does it matter I ask. As long as it jumps and fires killer plasma balls Im impressed

Runner up: Donkeyshow
My comments:
Sorry dude I mustn't have copied over my pic for this. But thats not important. What is important is that robot is brilliant. You really are genius when it come to building this kind of thing. It just veered a little too far from the theme for it not to be the winner.

One last thank you to everyone who entered! I really had fun with all the entries and if theres ever a sequal to this level Im building I'd definitely do this again with a different theme and try get even more people involved and in the level.

I'll leave you with the best song ever!

2009-12-10 14:12:00

Posts: 1904

Congrats to the winners! Really fun competion wex! Thanks for doing it! 2009-12-10 14:19:00

Posts: 11383

Very good choices, and all of the entries are awesome! This was a great contest!2009-12-10 14:30:00

Posts: 2536

I must admit, I thought my robot was pretty good... until I saw all the other entries! They were all really, really great, so I know you had a tough decision Wex. I'm delighted that my bot is in the top three...er...four! Thanks for this contest Wex. It was a blast!2009-12-10 14:41:00

Posts: 1335

"Wex how could you?" Bless their little vocoders... inconsolable... rust... grief-stricken. Bleeping all through the night... Do you know what you've done? They're scrap now! Are you happy? How do you sleep with their lubricant on your hands????

Off to destroy the little buggers... just don't have the room... oh, *mutters with a big smile* Congratulations to all! I played them all and one by one tried to destroy the competition to no avail... Only Vortex's might droid withstood my wraith... Incidentally, Supercomputer's screamed like a sissy!

All of my evil plans undone... pfft-baababa-pfftpt... I'll be fine.
2009-12-10 15:04:00

Posts: 1308

Wow... 3rd/4th place is way more than I would have expected, with all this great entries!
Thanks very much Wex!

Congratulations to mrsupercomputer, Zwollie, javi haguse
and also to everyone who entered for their awesome work!
2009-12-10 15:08:00

Posts: 1486

Congratulation to all the winners, this time the victory is very deserved! Loved them all! Oh Wex, thanks very much for the comment about al the entries: so everyone can read your opinion (oh, and i don't know if it's a monkey that acts like a robot or a robot that acts like a monkey ?___?. If you look carefully, it shoots musical notes ) To be honest, my favourite was Zwollie's one, i really love it, but i think it's a little "futuristic" style, not very retro... Well, i'm 15, so i can't judge what is really retro XD
Great Contest Wexfordian, i hope your level will be great (i'm sure it will be!)
2009-12-10 16:42:00

Posts: 504

its hard to say but, congrats mrsupercomputer...
We had a little personal comp going... and I lose again..
But I would love to see my robot in ur level! I have no use for the robot, so its all yours Wex!
Thanks again! 3rd/4th Place yeeiii
2009-12-10 16:50:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

Brilliant! Congratulations to the winners - very well deserved!

Congratulations to everyone who entered, too. Well done.

And well done to wex for organising this super fun contest. Great stuff!

2009-12-10 16:59:00

Posts: 1492

To be honest, my favourite was Zwollie's one, i really love it, but i think it's a little "futuristic" style, not very retro... Well, i'm 15, so i can't judge what is really retro XD
Great Contest Wexfordian, i hope your level will be great (i'm sure it will be!)

Why thank you!!
I think it is quite retro actually, the look was inspired by many things, there is a bit of "the jetsons vibe" in there, that style dates back to at least 1962 so that is pretty retro to me!!

That said, it is a different style to what I knew Wex had in mind when he pictured his "retro vision" so I am amazed I made it in the top 3!! Btw, thanks for that Wex!!

Congratulations to the other winners and all who entered as well, I thought they were all FRICKIN BRILLIANT, all in different ways.
2009-12-10 17:13:00

Posts: 2173


By the way while I was building that ugly transformer I found out that piston still work even if you encase them in material. So you first connect them as usual and then you can draw over the connectors as you please. Not necessarily useful but I found that interesting.
2009-12-10 17:23:00

Posts: 3193

I played them all and one by one tried to destroy the competition to no avail... Only Vortex's might droid withstood my wraith...

Yay! I win... sorta

And... Yes Congrats to all the winners. And thank you again Wex. This little distraction kept me from giving up / tossing away my new level, as I was reaching a near insurmountable frustration point. Really fun stuff!

Can't wait to see your new level and how you incorporate these wonderfull winning entries!
2009-12-11 04:14:00

Posts: 1878

Oooh! Neat-o! Congratulations to the winners! Thanks to Wex for organizing it, it was super fun building the robot and I am very glad that you actually liked it! Everyone who entered did a great job!2009-12-11 04:29:00

Posts: 245

Thank you Wex! I enjoyed this so much, I will be more than happy to participate in any future contests you hold. And I'm glad Mrs. Wex liked it too! 2009-12-11 05:46:00

Posts: 466

Great job to everyone and particularly the winners. Great stuff there. Really. Shows the quality of stuff this community can build in such a short time. A little competition like this brings out what people what from a gaming community: Participation, and good sportsmanship (or whatever manship is in a robot building contest ). :star::star::star::star::star: to all the bots.

PS. Mines cute XD Thats what I was aiming for. Finally did something right.
2009-12-11 20:36:00

Posts: 1758

Congratulations guys & gal! Those were awesome designs and I loved seeing what new creative version of robot would get posted next. Very cool.

Thanks Wex for hosting it and now I'm really excited to see what your working on!
2009-12-11 20:49:00

Posts: 5983

Awesome designs! The only one I've seen in motion was Gravel's, which was VERY funny and I enjoyed!

Interestingly.... The day after the original contest closed my son showed me a robot he built, which I about ended up on the floor laughing after seeing... but.. too late.

Dying to see what Wex is working on now! This should be fantastic.
2009-12-16 15:38:00

Posts: 4430

Dying to see what Wex is working on now! This should be fantastic.

Yeah Wex, what the deuce !? Where are the robots!?

OMG, You're such a tease!
2009-12-16 15:57:00

Posts: 1878

Yeah Wex, what the deuce !? Where are the robots!?

OMG, You're such a tease!

Haha... I've been having a few issues with my internet at home. If its working tonight I'll be able to put in the 2 remaining robots that I need from zwollie and javi. If this happens I'd say I will publish it the next day.

Whats going to happen is I'm going to publish a level called "The W-EX 69 flight training simulator" (or something equally as catchy) which will be a quick tutorial level to get you used to flying the helicopter used in the game. That will unlock the full level in which you have to stop these robots destroying New York with you trusty W-EX69 Attack/Rescue Helicopter of course

Its going to be a psuedo 2D game like choplifter..... only with robots
2009-12-16 16:11:00

Posts: 1904

Haha... I've been having a few issues with my internet at home. If its working tonight I'll be able to put in the 2 remaining robots that I need from zwollie and javi. If this happens I'd say I will publish it the next day.

Whats going to happen is I'm going to publish a level called "The W-EX 69 flight training simulator" (or something equally as catchy) which will be a quick tutorial level to get you used to flying the helicopter used in the game. That will unlock the full level in which you have to stop these robots destroying New York with you trusty W-EX69 Attack/Rescue Helicopter of course

Its going to be a psuedo 2D game like choplifter..... only with robots
CHOPLIFTER??????? Did someone mention CHOPLIFTER????!!!!

One of my favorite all time games! Used to play that constantly when I was a teenager.
2009-12-16 18:29:00

Posts: 4430

Haha... I've been having a few issues with my internet at home. If its working tonight I'll be able to put in the 2 remaining robots that I need from zwollie and javi. If this happens I'd say I will publish it the next day.

Whats going to happen is I'm going to publish a level called "The W-EX 69 flight training simulator" (or something equally as catchy) which will be a quick tutorial level to get you used to flying the helicopter used in the game. That will unlock the full level in which you have to stop these robots destroying New York with you trusty W-EX69 Attack/Rescue Helicopter of course

Its going to be a psuedo 2D game like choplifter..... only with robots

Sounds awesome!!! ...and not at all what I thought you were up to! ...but why New York? You should pick a city no one wants like Cleveland or something. kidding!!! Really it sounds great!
2009-12-16 18:57:00

Posts: 11383

Better get those robots a-movin' Wex because in a couple of days... even you may suffer from the deluge that will be water.

Perhaps a better title would be: W-A-T-E-R!!!!(w-ex69/attack heli-robo-thing-a-majib)
2009-12-16 19:00:00

Posts: 1308

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