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Magic Mouth Operated Drone

Archive: 30 posts

Because magic mouths let you look anywhere in a level, and you can still grab grab switches while reading a magic mouth, I decided to make a player operated drone that can go anywhere in a level with you being able to see it.

Based off of U.S.A's talon swords unmanned ground vehicles.

The drone itself features a machine gun and reliable treads. It only uses one thick layer and two thin layers. It uses a chainsaw noise for the machine gun and the mgs movement noise when it moves.


Although you can grab, you cannot move. To control it, just like in the real world, use your cute little labtop, which opens when you sit in the seat.


Merely tap-grab the labtop while you're looking at the drone through a magic mouth to change commands. It toggles between moving forward, stopping, moving backwards, and aiming + shooting the machine gun.


Another advantage, you don't need to hold on to keep it grabbing or shooting. Tap it once and it will complete your desired command until you tap and give it a new one.

Using this feature, if you hold down your grab on the labtop during the machine gun aiming + shooting command it will switch to a new set of commands, aim, shoot, or both. Then, you can hold down on any of those three commands to switch back to the first set of commands.

Althought the controls are complex, It makes it easier to switch commands in fractions of seconds, instead of otherwise toggling your way through all of them. Different versions will be given out as prizes in my upcoming massive vehicle showcase.

The possibilities with a drone like this are endless. One of my favorites, the two player brawls, where we each have our own drone and magic mouth view and try to shoot or push the other off a metal platform over fire XD. It also works flawlessly.

I also made an obstacle course for it on the other side of the level where you have to shoot trucks with your paintballs, and try not to get your bot blown up in the process.

One of my favorite things of all, you can operate it from anywhere. I hid myself and the labtop underground, outfitted the drone with special electrified paintballs and gas grenades, invited a friend, and in his moment of shock and bewilderment, all hell broke lose

Comment on questions, feedback, or suggestions.
2009-12-10 04:53:00

Posts: 3251


That....is genius! I knew that you could grab things will magic mouths were active, but I didn't think of anything like this!

Great job!
2009-12-10 05:00:00

Posts: 4193

See, that's just awesome.

You're pretty resourceful. I feel like I should throw you some random piece of logic just to see what you could do with it.
2009-12-10 07:46:00

Posts: 479

I've made a similar RC car that can jump instead of shoot. it uses the same magic mouth idea but works in a slightly different way. each time you hold the switch, it will move in a direction untill released. the next time you hold, it will move in the opposite direction. each time you tap, it will jump. if it is flipped over, the tap function also self-rights it. very easy to use and can be modified to shoot a gun or fire missiles on tap... maybe even guided missiles :kz:2009-12-10 09:27:00

Posts: 118

''One of my favorites, the two player brawls, where we each have our own drone and magic mouth view and try to shoot or push the other off a metal platform over fire XD. It also works flawlessly.''


Another suggestion; You and your friend are trapped in two underground bunkers, armed with explosives around. The drones battle against eachother, and when one of the drones are destroyed, the losing bunker will explode, and there will open a door to a leaderboard.

The controls looked a bit advanced though. ;P
2009-12-10 15:06:00

Posts: 342

What a really great idea... I like the idea and would imagine it could have all sorts of implications tailored to the individual creators needs...2009-12-10 15:38:00

Posts: 1308

Wow... nice idea! Thanks for sharing!2009-12-10 16:29:00

Posts: 11383

Great work, mate!
It's good to hear so many new things are discovered out there!
2009-12-10 19:43:00

Posts: 104

Very nice of you all 2009-12-11 03:34:00

Posts: 3251

Are you going to add anything else to it? Like a RPG?2009-12-11 04:51:00

Posts: 4193

rpg on a drone? xD publish it in a lvl! 2009-12-11 15:43:00

Posts: 342

I would really like to see how your control system works. invite me to a game if you want and I'll bring my scout bot 2009-12-12 14:46:00

Posts: 118

Wow amazing idea, looks great too!

One question though, when your changing between 'commands' dont the magicmouths close and the camera zaps back to sacky but then zaps back to the drone?
2009-12-12 16:39:00

Posts: 485

i'd like to take this idea and advance it further... Would you be willing to let me?2009-12-12 17:30:00

Posts: 5078

The two player brawls are great fun, even though it's a simple idea. And the drone works almost flawlessly. I wish I could create things like that. lol. Great job 22! 2009-12-12 17:42:00

Posts: 88

Kernel, you couldn't possibly advance mine further. It's too awesome XD. I know about double grab switches and that sort of stuff but I left things sorta simple.

Theamilien, no it doesn't . It's awesome.

Rouge--elite, sure . Feel free to add me.
2009-12-12 19:09:00

Posts: 3251

Oh yeah, 22 and me had a few matches with the 2 player level and apart from me reversing off the platform like a dork the first couple of times it was really fun.

With the 2 player level you need labels for the different cameras because I got confused as to which robot I was controlling sometimes.
2009-12-13 17:52:00

Posts: 2454

ok 22 (i sound like a james bond movie codename 22 and all that..), I've added you.
I'll be on tomorrow morning (if my uncle is out of the spare room), got a geography exam at 1:20
2009-12-13 20:34:00

Posts: 118

Well you're not the one who has to write a four page autobiagraphy that's due tommorow; coupled with the fact that I have been stalling the entire mourning by going on lbpc XD!2009-12-13 20:39:00

Posts: 3251

lol, have fun
Procrastination for the nation! ..have to write notes for an oral exam for geography as well but LBP seem so much more fun ...so... I think I'll do that instead
2009-12-13 20:48:00

Posts: 118

I had a scary dream where someone published a level with a drone and took all the credit, lol. Now I'm scared!

I'll be publishing a demo shortly.
2009-12-19 16:19:00

Posts: 3251

Wow. Seriously awesome concept and execution. These are the things I need to keep up on.2009-12-19 19:29:00

Unknown User


I smell a self-rescue level.
2009-12-19 20:31:00

Posts: 142

Cool beans! You know you should make this into a level; you would revolutionise the way we use magic mouths! And you could put it as a prize bubble but a simpler worse version (well we couldn't have you giving away your best work now could we?) and only make the prize bubble avalible to members of LBPC- similar in the way that takelow's LBPC logo giveaway level which would therefore boosting our numbers. But generally i'm more bothered about the cool little laptop, that would just be cool 2009-12-19 20:54:00

Unknown User

Cool beans! You know you should make this into a level; you would revolutionise the way we use magic mouths! And you could put it as a prize bubble but a simpler worse version (well we couldn't have you giving away your best work now could we?) and only make the prize bubble avalible to members of LBPC- similar in the way that takelow's LBPC logo giveaway level which would therefore boosting our numbers. But generally i'm more bothered about the cool little laptop, that would just be cool
He's already told us how to make it, no point in making prize bubbles.
2009-12-19 23:23:00

Posts: 142

that's very innovative.

That would make for a good versus survival challenge.
2009-12-19 23:27:00

Posts: 98

Okay, okay, if i'm a going to make this i have a few questions: How do i make it toggle between the modes?
How do i make the reliable treads (mine always break)
2009-12-20 12:59:00

Unknown User

I had a scary dream where someone published a level with a drone and took all the credit, lol. Now I'm scared!

I'll be publishing a demo shortly.

Lol straight after reading this thread I went and made my own version...

But im not going to publish it!
2009-12-20 21:19:00

Posts: 836

The potential is endless....
2009-12-20 21:54:00

Posts: 1063

thanks 22, for getting my idea out there (althrough i do feel a little un-creditted .... to be fair, you have changed the original logic behind it quite a lot ).

I had a scary dream where someone published a level with a drone and took all the credit, lol. Now I'm scared!

I'll be publishing a demo shortly. ..Like what your doing to me?... I joke

in a month or two it will be magic mouth drones spamming little big planet and not bomb survivals, everyone seems really interested in the concept

I've had a few ideas for uses of the drone in a level;
A Mars base level where you use the drone to explore the surface and activate terminals and collect items whilst you do... er...stuff (Yeah.. I need to look into this a little more.. it's just an idea at the moment ).

A two player only level where one player is in control of the drone and the other runs around with it. The drone could have attachments that boost sackboy up or fire him over gaps allowing him/her to progress through the level.
2009-12-22 01:28:00

Posts: 118

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