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Snow Generator

Archive: 19 posts

I made a snow generator that follows your sack person around the level, using the sack tracker from the LBPC logic pack. Doesn't use up much thermo and offers a nice wintery atmosphere in your level(s). It can be tweaked to give the scene a more stormy feel. However, the more you turn up the frequency to more thermo you will gain.

Pictures are coming up very shortly, as in tonight shortly.
2009-12-08 23:25:00

Posts: 171

Sounds nice! I'd love to see it in action!

By the way, I'm assuming that it only moves horizontally, but if you could work in the verical/horizontal sackboy tracker (I think comphermc or rtm223 may have made one before) then you could have it moving in all directions! But who knows, maybe you've already done all of this or it is tall enough to not be seen when you go up in the playing area....

Anyway, I'd like to see this in a level so I can "examine" it! Or is it already in a level?
2009-12-09 02:07:00

Posts: 2979

Here's the picture of the generator. It's nothing fancy, but it works great. I'm glad I came up with this one cause there's only 2 snow generator levels out there and they both suck ***!


It's positioned high above the playing area, so it's never seen. It's not in a published level yet, but my Christmas level will have it.
2009-12-09 03:03:00

Posts: 171

oh so it doesnt matter about your horizontal movement because its going to be very high in the air right?2009-12-09 03:18:00

Posts: 80

I think you mean the vertical movement Meta, and yes, it's high in the air, so you can go to the highest point in the level and it's still snowing on you and fills the entire frame of view. It gives the illusion that it's snowing all over the whole level, but really, it's only snowing where you are. The sack tracker's sensor switche's radius' are set to maximum so it will sense you no matter how low or high you are.2009-12-09 03:23:00

Posts: 171

yeah thats what i meant ahaha2009-12-09 03:26:00

Posts: 80

I have to ask; can it work with emitting missiles and stuff? I'd like to tweak it for a level I'm making.2009-12-09 07:58:00

Posts: 142

Grimdour: Yep, you can tweak all of the emitters to emit whatever you want them to. You can emit them to rain down cats and dogs if you want.

Just beware of the thermo generated by using missles and other such things. It's a really simple design so if you need to make it shorter or longer you can basically build another one yourself. The construction is pretty self explanatory. You'll see when I publish my snow gen level.
2009-12-09 11:14:00

Posts: 171

I used polystyrien for the snow so it will float down slowly using only the replicated gravity within the game.2009-12-09 11:16:00

Posts: 171

but what about 2,3 or 4 players? when i played levels with a tracker in it with my friend, it went crazy2009-12-09 12:56:00

Unknown User

Yeah, see that's the thing. The tracker is always best utilized with only one player, but since there is no camera attached to the tracker it should be okay, however, it is still only best used in a one player level for best reliable results. If anyone could come up with a multi-sackboy tracker, I'd like to get my hands on it.2009-12-09 13:00:00

Posts: 171

o, yea i guess you cant fix it. i would like one to2009-12-09 13:18:00

Unknown User

Sounds a lot better than setting emitters ALL OVER the level I'm also diggin' on the use of something other than say... glass, LED lights, etc for the snow. I've played a couple of snowy levels that used these things. They either:

A) Lagged like crazy
B) Were ugly
C) Actually KILLED me

...I have nothing to F4F, by the way.
2009-12-09 15:43:00

Posts: 588

- Grey: Meh, no worries and yeah, I've played those as well and know what you mean.

Now in order to solve the multi-player dilema with the sack tracker, in this case, you may get away with extending the emitter bar (the long strip of cardboard with the emitters on it) to cover two panes of view rather than covering only one. That way when the view extends outward or even when the emitter doesn't know who to track it will still snow in the frame of view no matter what. However, this, again, uses up 2 or 3 degrees of thermo. But if you can pull it off and have a complete well built level, then you've got yourself covered and no one will notice that the tracker is messing up. If anything it will make the snow drop in different places due to the tracker jittering all over the place, which isn't a bad thing. It's more of a good random outcome other than having the bad opposite effect.
2009-12-09 15:54:00

Posts: 171

Really original dude, but I have a Question:
Does the snow only emits at the front layer, or one layer back or another layer back, etc. ?
2009-12-09 16:16:00

Posts: 104

konniksanders: I have set the snow to emit on all 4 thin layers. I mixed each emitter up pretty well so there's no definite pattern, like, the first 4 emitters drop snow on layers 1, 2, 3, 4. Instead it's like this: emiter 1 - layer 2, emiter 2 - layer 4, emiter 3 - layer 1, emiter 4 - layer 3 and I mix them up again after that so there's no pattern because real snow doesn't fall in a pattern. It falls completely randomly.2009-12-09 16:27:00

Posts: 171

I love this idea yeah i ddnt realize the polystyrene floated. You gotta tell me wen you release this level...2009-12-10 02:12:00

Posts: 59

Sure will Kevin.2009-12-10 02:29:00

Posts: 171

Hey guys, the snow generator is now acquireable. Please try out the newly published snow generator level under my psn: AceofAces.2009-12-11 17:19:00

Posts: 171

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