'Canyons' by Nipo123
Archive: 8 posts
This is Nipo123's first level, and tbh for a first level I don't think I've seen much better. It's a very simple and easy level based around some pretty simple puzzles and a few platformer challenges. I aced it first go... so its not hard at all. The aesthetics though... are where Nipo really shines. It all looks very similar to Jackofcourse's levels with a similar design and similar types of obstacles (Jackofcourse look out!) Overall its doing pretty well... its only had 25 plays and its already got 9 hearts and 5 stars. Go play it! Im looking forward to what we can see from Nipo in the future! | 2009-12-08 14:18:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
Uh-oh! I've been working on a Canyons-themed level that hearkens back to jackofcourse's style! Competition? ![]() ![]() (Does it have a mine cart intro!?) | 2009-12-08 14:21:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
No unfortunately it doesn't... but general gameplay and style is similar (if a little simpler!) | 2009-12-08 15:18:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
Just played it. Didn't think the aesthetics were that similar to my levels. Killzonequinn's and 'A Li'l Platformer by ruof are a lot more like 'my style'. Thought it was alright, nothing particularly special in it. Most of the ideas I've seen in other levels and there was nothing there that was particularly new or fresh. The other level I just mentioned,A Li'l Platformer by ruof, if you play that you'll notice a lot of the gameplay elements that are in this level are in that too. I think there's a bit of a thing at the moment with these type of levels ![]() I think the reason the gameplay seems similar to my levels is that both my levels, and this, contain very simple puzzles and the general platforming in quite easy. However, the puzzles and gameplay elements in this and A Li'l Platformer are a lot simpler. The more complex parts of them are probably what you'd see at simpler end of my levels. Not saying that's a bad thing by any stretch, just an observation ![]() However, through all my criticism, it's been put together nicely. More levels like this that are simple but effective would definitely benefit LBP. I just believe that this should be the 'starting point' of general platformers and not held up as something that special. | 2009-12-08 19:03:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
Just played it. Didn't think the aesthetics were that similar to my levels. Killzonequinn's and 'A Li'l Platformer by ruof are a lot more like 'my style'. Thought it was alright, nothing particularly special in it. Most of the ideas I've seen in other levels and there was nothing there that was particularly new or fresh. The other level I just mentioned,A Li'l Platformer by ruof, if you play that you'll notice a lot of the gameplay elements that are in this level are in that too. I think there's a bit of a thing at the moment with these type of levels ![]() I think the reason the gameplay seems similar to my levels is that both my levels, and this, contain very simple puzzles and the general platforming in quite easy. However, the puzzles and gameplay elements in this and A Li'l Platformer are a lot simpler. The more complex parts of them are probably what you'd see at simpler end of my levels. Not saying that's a bad thing by any stretch, just an observation ![]() However, through all my criticism, it's been put together nicely. More levels like this that are simple but effective would definitely benefit LBP. I just believe that this should be the 'starting point' of general platformers and not held up as something that special. Yeah this is all very true... I never said the level was anything amazingly special. But for a first level it does out do most people's attempts. The design is good and although u may not agree too much, id say his design is pretty similar to urs. As for 'A'lil Platformer' I played that straight after this and too thought it was very good... a bit more complex perhaps than Canyons but both are at a great standard for first attempts. | 2009-12-08 20:57:00 Author: ladylyn1 ![]() Posts: 836 |
Yeah this is a pretty good first level. I'd like to see how good this guy gets in the future so ladylyn I hope you post here when he makes a new level ![]() | 2009-12-09 00:15:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
Just played it. Didn't think the aesthetics were that similar to my levels. Killzonequinn's and 'A Li'l Platformer by ruof are a lot more like 'my style'. Thought it was alright, nothing particularly special in it. Most of the ideas I've seen in other levels and there was nothing there that was particularly new or fresh. The other level I just mentioned,A Li'l Platformer by ruof, if you play that you'll notice a lot of the gameplay elements that are in this level are in that too. I think there's a bit of a thing at the moment with these type of levels ![]() I think the reason the gameplay seems similar to my levels is that both my levels, and this, contain very simple puzzles and the general platforming in quite easy. However, the puzzles and gameplay elements in this and A Li'l Platformer are a lot simpler. The more complex parts of them are probably what you'd see at simpler end of my levels. Not saying that's a bad thing by any stretch, just an observation ![]() However, through all my criticism, it's been put together nicely. More levels like this that are simple but effective would definitely benefit LBP. I just believe that this should be the 'starting point' of general platformers and not held up as something that special. That Ruof guy is another one of the many accounts of "lil-klash16" ![]() | 2009-12-09 00:49:00 Author: TheFirstAvenger ![]() Posts: 787 |
Haha found it by searching my psn name on google with my iPod touch ![]() Just to let you guys know, I am not lil-klash16 or any other LBP player. I am me, I am ruof ![]() Thanks for playing my level though, I'm working on some more! (But I'm quite slow ^^) | 2010-01-16 16:25:00 Author: ruof ![]() Posts: 2 |
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