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Fullmoon (sharing levels by data)

Archive: 37 posts

I think its about time I talked about this here. Cause I'm getting tired of being trolled and flamed about it when I go against it anywhere else.

But anyway Fullmoon is way to share your levels by sharing the data files, I can't remember if it actually involves hacking or not to share them. But regardless people without internet can get others levels, sounds good right? WRONG!

One of the big things is that this enables those with pirated software to get levels, and if this gets popular and increases piracy for LBP PSP. Cambridge/MM won't get money and we'll never get that dream patch or DLC we always wanted or really need.

The REAL big reason though, is that levels shared through this way are saved on my moon (hence why its called fullmoon). So that means anybody can publish it and claim it as there own. If we did this we might as well make our published versions copyable and watch the dozens of copies of people claiming its theirs pop up, and we might as well save our PS3 levels as copyable as well, cause its almost basically the same thing.

That whole thing is going to fail miserably cause there will never be anything remotly good being shared that way, cause the creators don't want to risk it being copied or stolen. The only levels being shared there will be garbage "Made in 5-10 minutes" type levels

And whats funny to me is an argument I had, with him saying that

"It's honestly not that big of a deal, seeing as it's a video game with no real world relevance and if someone "steals" your level it costs you precisely nothing and in no way harms you" cause on how wrong he is on that. What about the hard work and dedication we made to our levels, and not to mention the various things we have gotten such as crowns, respect,the GotY edition, to even small honors like on the Sack it to me and community/creator spotlight. Does that not count for something?

I'm pretty sure just about everyone here will be against this idea of fullmoon.

2009-12-07 05:43:00

Posts: 1125

I'm highly against this. It still sickens me to see countless people claiming good levels (such as Distress in Ocean) as their own BEGGING for undeserving hearts. What's worse...the people that do heart those levels don't even have a clue that it's a copy...

*sigh* The constant fight for "popularity" saddens me.
2009-12-07 06:55:00

Posts: 588

Fullmoon will henceforth only be referred to as Failmoon. You heard it here first.

Yes, Failmoon is bad and I have no intention of using it in any way. It seems to me to be nothing more than a pirate's den of level sharing for would-be hackers, and it isn't even as good as the infrastucture of community level sharing/playing that is native to the game. The only legitimate purpose I can fathom is that it's for people who can't get their PSPs online (i.e., no wireless internet connection), and even at that it's not a very good idea.

The only thing I like about Failmoon is that everyone using it is doomed to drown in totally useless "OMG teh rockit car!" levels. Just buy a legit copy of LBP and do things right for once. Sheesh.
2009-12-07 08:10:00

Posts: 3187

How does that work? Do you have to submit your level to Fullmoon first? Then it doesn't sound so bad.

I think sharing levels by data in itself makes sense, at least on the PSP. It would merely be an extension of sharing with friends, but with a wider range. But levels should be saved in the community moon, they don't belong on My Moon.
2009-12-07 10:14:00

Posts: 2284

Hello everyone! I just had to register to add a comment on this matter...

I just love the LBP for PSP, and I think that sharing by data COULD be a good thing, atleast for me as I only have a mobile broadband from 3Three... There is noway I could connect it to my PSP to get some levels or even share those of my own.

And I can see the darkside of this too, but woudn't that be solved by uploading to the community moon (or whatever it is called, dont know really) and then download the readonly (as far as I've understand the level is kinda readonly when downloaded from the moon in game) and then share that data? That would render the shared data as readonly... Just a thought..
2009-12-10 09:56:00

Posts: 1

Hacking the game cannot lead to anywhere good. If you notice, the same two people have the highscores for every story level and both scores are impossable to get on any level.2009-12-10 11:18:00

Darth J464
Posts: 343

I really don't think this is a good idea. The potential for abuse is much greater than whatever benefit this could bring.

Also, regarding the high score hackers... I find it sad that they did that in the first place. What's the point? People can obviously tell it's hacked, so it's not like it makes them seem good at the game or anything, it just labels them as de facto cheaters. I hope Sony at the very least deletes those high scores (and add in a check to automatically reject any score that is impossible to achieve normally).
2009-12-10 13:47:00

Posts: 2536

Gilgamesh: Good idea. Sony should do that. The highest score on the list I got was a 5 on one level, and 10 on another.

Also, FrailityXXX is #2 on almost every story level.
2009-12-19 06:56:00

Posts: 38

I love FullMoon2010-02-10 18:42:00

Mr. Waffle
Posts: 2

Fullmoon is NO hacking ! It's just copy some files from your savegame , zip it and upload it to a filesharing portal.
Thats a good way to get cool levels if you have no WLAN...
... but is someone hacks a level, which cannot be copied to my moon and uploads it, then it's a kind of pirate copy.
2010-02-11 13:24:00

Unknown User

I know nothing about fullmoon and have no intentions of visiting their site. If Cambridge sees this thread and decides that it's necessary to take some kind of action (whether said action comes in the form of patches or some kind of action against the site itself) then fine, but otherwise the only thing that this thread is doing is telling people where to go if they want to download levels that other people have made. I would have never heard of fullmoon had it not been for this thread and the one before it.

It's an unfortunate double-edged sword, despite whatever good intentions of awareness might have been behind this thread. Just my two cents though.

Also, since I'm not going to the site nor am I going to research all of the mechanics behind downloading someone else's level and what that entails, I honestly can't pass any kind of judgement on the downloading of levels at fullmoon. (Which is why I can't answer the poll above.)
2010-02-11 14:18:00

Posts: 150

I don't like fullmoon(Failmoon). That's final, also I saw a picture of it on my moon, does it render create mode Unusable?

EDIT: OMG I cant believe I said That's Final.
2010-02-11 14:55:00

Posts: 61

Hello everyone. This will probably be a little long, but I ask that you please read it, and read it with an open mind. Thank you.

I'm a member of the "FullMoon" site, and I would like to clear up a few misconceptions. First off, I apologize for the rude behavior of some of our members. They felt they were being attacked, and I don't think they appreciate the term "FailMoon" (which isn't even technically accurate, considering FullMoon does work, and many people use it). I think FullMoon is a great thing, and it's extremely helpful to those who have custom firmware, and to those who do not have wireless internet. For example, your member Mopthefloo posted that he doesn't have wireless, but he would like to upload his level. This is exactly how FullMoon can help.

There are also concerns over custom firmware. I use custom firmware myself, and the features and programs for it are truly amazing. I can't imagine my PSP without them. You can do things like: use a file browser, use a notepad, watch YouTube, multi-task programs, listen to mp3's while playing games, use the PSP as a remote control, turn off LED's to save power, unzip and unrar, use other web browsers like Opera Mini, use an alarm clock, take screenshots, access the files on your computer wirelessly, etc. I'm sure that many of you would also like to use some of these features.

The only downside to custom firmware is that some people use it for the wrong reasons. But I guess the same could be said about any piece of technology. The MP3 is a good example of this. Some people use iTunes or similar sites to purchase their music legally, but some people download it, or share it with friends illegally. Can everyone on this site honestly say that every MP3 they own is 100% legal? Probably not. For me, I am completely against piracy. I always support the people who make our games by buying the games new. Because, I personally believe that used game sales hurt game developers 1,000 times more than every pirate combined. Stores that sell used games are in every city, they make huge profits, and the game developers never see another dime. If that's not piracy, then I don't know what is.

I do believe that we should have the right to make backups of the UMD's we own, though. Just like making MP3's from our CD's, people create game backups for the same reasons. UMD's can scratch, their cases can break, but there are other reasons as well. Games will load so much faster from the memory stick, and battery life is greatly improved when the UMD drive isn't running. The faster loading, and extra battery life are very important to portable gaming. This is one of the advantages of custom firmware PSP's, and also the PSPGo. It's just a shame that people can't use the UMD's they already own on the PSPGo, and that the whole PSP catalog is not available on the PSN.

Your member starkastor asked if create mode is ruined by using FullMoon. No, create mode works exactly the same. And when you create a level, you can then share it with anyone else who uses FullMoon. He also says that he doesn't like FullMoon. How can you dislike something that you've never tried? It seems you are passing judgement on something out of fear, and a misunderstanding. I hope that didn't come across as rude, that really wasn't my intention. Another fear that some members have expressed, is that we will somehow "steal" your levels. This is not possible, because we can't make a community level into a FullMoon level. Also, the vast majority of FullMoon users have custom firmware, or have no access to wireless internet. So, they couldn't post stolen levels to the PSN even if they wanted to.

I hope this has answered some of your questions, and I really hope that our sites will be able to get along with each other. I've found the members of our site to be extremely friendly, and very helpful. When I discovered LBPCentral, I found exactly the same thing. A great group of people coming together over a love of LittleBigPlanet. I really enjoy your site, and I greatly admire your creators. You have made some of the best levels I have ever seen. Thank you so much for your excellent work, and for giving everyone the opportunity to play them.
2010-02-12 10:45:00

Posts: 1

I agree with JKthree

fullmoon is dumb unless you want to risk your 1 week of hardwork on 1 level

who knows, mayber even a longer period of time
2010-02-13 15:19:00

Posts: 801

I don't have CFW, but i could have gotten it. But that would be wrong, i realized that Sony spends thousands of dollars making the coolest things they can think of. When you 1-up them, it hurts their feelings. and puts them down... I SUPPORT OFFICIAL FIRMWARE (OFW)! 2010-02-16 21:12:00

Posts: 31

I'm Criticized alot. (I'm sorry for all negative comments, I'm only Ten)2010-02-16 23:29:00

Posts: 61

Time for a Seth Myers-style Really? moment here.

Really? Really, LBPC? You really think that custom firmware is so horrible? You think it's a one stop short-cut to evil hackers? First off, as others have said, CFW is really a way of smoothing out software and hardware issues. A game I used to play, Ratchet & Clank Size Matters had an extremely annoying chat scroll that keeps you unable to really follow conversations. You know what happened? Lots of people got CFW, and - big surprise - people enjoyed the game more! Sure, there were a few in-game hackers, but they were quickly uncovered and avoided like the plague! You underestimate people's common sense.

Really? Really, LBPC? You think that Fullmoon is evil? Guess what? It's great! Personally, as well as its legit uses, I think it's sweet vengeance to stuck-up creators who couldn't be bothered to provide a few useful items or make a tutorial. I suspect that it will be getting a few uses from me soon - time to figure out a few of those amazing levels.

Really? Really, LBPC? Are you actually demonizing pirates? You know why I pirate music, personally? Let me put this as simply as possibile.
Thanks to downloads, the music industry gets much more of my money. Do you think I'm going to spend my hard-earned money on bands I've never heard? Heh... Instead, I get an album, and if their good enough, that band will get my money for the rest of their carrier. Sure, they (the actual band) loses 2 or 3 dollars from me, but they'll get much more over time.


(That was a LOT of fun.)
2010-02-18 19:58:00

Posts: 1702

Really? Really, LBPC? You think that Fullmoon is evil? Guess what? It's great! Personally, as well as its legit uses, I think it's sweet vengeance to stuck-up creators who couldn't be bothered to provide a few useful items or make a tutorial. I suspect that it will be getting a few uses from me soon - time to figure out a few of those amazing levels.

Really? Really, LBPC? Are you actually demonizing pirates? You know why I pirate music, personally? Let me put this as simply as possibile.

Really? Really BlueBullet? You think Fullmoon is "vegeance to stuck-up creators"? You obviously miss the point that some creators don't share secrets because it might be claimed by someone else, a pathetic thing to do. While other creators make useful tutorials, hackers and thieves in Fullmoon go the easy route and steal levels. So that isn't vengeance, that's bull****.

And really? Really BlueBullet? You think piracy is good? Piracy is stealing, but instead it's virtual, because people are to weak to purchase the real thing, AND they're scared of stealing in real life so they rely on some pixel emmiting machine to do it for them. So go ahead and download illegaly, but you know that anybody who sees your post can just report it to some copyrights company and sue you? Ya, shocking. So next time, don't say "TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!", because that's not how it works. Real owners have the guts to say "BUY BEFORE YOU TRY!", and I'm one of them.

2010-02-24 02:46:00

Posts: 5551

Oh dear.

Can't we all just get along? :blush:
2010-02-24 03:56:00

Posts: 3187

Apperantly no. I hate when this happens. I can believe that I fell victim to "The Arguement Bug". I don't know why I posted that last comment, but when people think they're so high and mighty, or when they clearly see a bad thing as good, it gets me into a sort of "NO!" state. Sigh...

So, let's all drop the arguement statements and just stick to discussing the thing like a debate instead? I don't want this thread to lock because of negativity. I'm more than happy for any other reason for locking it (but I'm not asking for it), but not for negativity.
2010-02-24 04:16:00

Posts: 5551

When I originally read b3's post I was all fired up to reply too, but then again I realized he does have some good points in there. Fundamentally, I disagree but on the other hand I can see the other side of the argument.

Do I like it? Not really. Is it worth a long-winded reply trying to make a point I'm not even sure about? No.
2010-02-24 04:21:00

Posts: 3187

Well Taffey, sometimes there’s points that you know isn’t true, and I couldn’t help but disapprove of them, because they were in my eyes as insults to this site. Like:

Really? Really, LBPC? You think that Fullmoon is evil? Guess what? It's great! Personally, as well as its legit uses, I think it's sweet vengeance to stuck-up creators who couldn't be bothered to provide a few useful items or make a tutorial. I suspect that it will be getting a few uses from me soon - time to figure out a few of those amazing levels.

See, I know that know that LBP is a place for fun, not vengeance. So when BlueBullet is saying that it’s sweet vengeance, I can only disagree with that. Oh, and BlueBullet claims to be speaking for everyone on Fullmoon, quote, “Personally, as well as its legit users…”, but I know that not all users think the same way as BlueBullet, just look at Mopthefloo. And I know this site has many great and helpful creators, not “stuck-up” ones.

Really? Really, LBPC? Are you actually demonizing pirates? You know why I pirate music, personally? Let me put this as simply as possibile.
Thanks to downloads, the music industry gets much more of my money. Do you think I'm going to spend my hard-earned money on bands I've never heard? Heh... Instead, I get an album, and if their good enough, that band will get my money for the rest of their carrier. Sure, they (the actual band) loses 2 or 3 dollars from me, but they'll get much more over time.


(That was a LOT of fun.)

Now I can’t help but feel disappointed that some people think this way. LBP is getting pirated, and BlueBullet feels okay with this? From what I read, BlueBullet thinks that “Sure, the (the actual band) loses 2 or 3 dollars from me, but they’ll get much more over time.”, but that still doesn’t make it right. It’s like saying stealing a $500 TV from a store is okay because they can always restock. Well I find this wrong on so many levels, because this “disease of good nature” will infect the minds of those who do not know the real consequences. Once that happens, many will have downloaded illegally, and the music business will go bankrupt, just because of that knowledge of no respect. It’s the same with LBP: you do not steal something someone worked hard on. So maybe I did “cross the line” a bit, but I wasn’t just going to let BlueBullet leave that comment there with no response, because then that’s just leaving a stain in the website.

So, sorry for the long post members, but I got a lot in my mind.

2010-02-24 22:59:00

Posts: 5551

I'm gonna post one more time in this thread, and then you can flame me all you want. I just want to clear up some things, and I'll try to keep this short.
1. I take back at least half of that, as most of that was a 'Wtf, why won't my pistons work, why does this update screw everything', Red Bull and Glenn Beck fueled rant. I was in no mood to listen with respect, and I'm ashamed for taking that method.

2. I never, for one second after joining this site, thought that hardly anyone on this site was a stuck-up creator. Even if they, as aforementioned, don't provide items. I'll use Taffey (Hi) as an example - sure, I'd like to have Clone Trooper heads pop-up in my levels, but that doesn't make him stuck up in the least. From what I've seen, he and many other LBPCers go out of their way to help noobs like me. Again, sorry.

3. I still believe in what I say about music and game piracy, but my previous situation in life has led me to that route. A lot of my old (moved away from) friends couldn't afford music or games, and so they and I pirated. Is it technicly right? No. But do you think that when we can make our own finance decisions, when we aren't slaves to self-centered, uninvolved parents, we won't change? I personally plan to start going 100% legit.

I'm sorry to anyone I offend by my clearer beliefs, and I'm sorry to anyone I offended earlier.

I'm moving on at LBPC. Time to put this whole ridiculous fight behind me,

ps. What's with BlueBullet? Is my name some insult now?
2010-02-24 23:23:00

Posts: 1702

Well I'm glad to hear we can both agree to put this arguement behind us BlueBullet.

Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention that I (and some others) like to shorten names so they won't get to repetitive. Say me, for example:


See how long and repetitive it is? Now this looks better:


So calling you BlueBullet is no insult, just a short reference to you. Of course, if you want me to call (or type) you something else, then please feel free to say so.

Finally, I only went after you for posting you opinions in a more offensive way. If you had mentioned them like you did now, instead of fustrated with us and saying things like "stuck-up creators", then I might have been able to agree on some points. Though I still have something against piracy, at least you showed me that not all people do it for fun. Like you said, it depends on the situation, and your situation kind of makes a bit less wrong than I originally thought.

So, no hard feelings?
2010-02-24 23:33:00

Posts: 5551

You people just don't get it do you?
We do NOT tolerate "stealing" levels. You give us one link to a level that's been "stolen". If it's not on the actual FullMoon site, then you can't blame us.
2010-03-05 22:05:00

Rasta Monkey
Posts: 7

You people just don't get it do you?
We do NOT tolerate "stealing" levels. You give us one link to a level that's been "stolen". If it's not on the actual FullMoon site, then you can't blame us.

Ummm... didn't we already drop this discussion? In fact, why don't we have it locked?
2010-03-05 22:07:00

Posts: 5551

Ummm... didn't we already drop this discussion? In fact, why don't we have it locked?Totally agree.

2010-03-05 22:10:00

Posts: 3187

Uh, a little late aren't we?2010-03-05 22:12:00

Posts: 1702

Ya. Really late.

So.... I'm just going to get a mod to lock this, okay?
2010-03-05 22:16:00

Posts: 5551

Any chance you can ask to lock the voting too? (if thats even possible) Hate to see the votes mess up again due to trolls2010-03-05 22:17:00

Posts: 1125

I've only just been informed that you people are linking to us, then mad mouthing that thread.
Yeah, lock it, delete it. If you haven't noticed, we don't copy others' levels. Only *a certain PSP pirate site* and i've noticed even some Russian site had it.
And look, FullMoon has NOTHING to do with your levels being copied. I could do that on my PSPgo on 6.20 OFW now. w/o FullMoon.

I'm just sick and tired of us being bad mouthed. Sony have blocked even the legit CFW users, and we're simply letting them have their "own Community Moon" if you will.
You can blame JKThree for all this. He brought it up, he ripped it off, he *****ed.

And no, none of us have voted, i honestly don't care.
2010-03-05 22:18:00

Rasta Monkey
Posts: 7

Any chance you can ask to lock the voting too? (if thats even possible) Hate to see the votes mess up again due to trolls

Don't worry. The poll will vanish in the forums history along with this thread. It'll be okay.
2010-03-05 22:20:00

Posts: 5551

Good. I don't want anymore bad discussion of it either. There's nothing bad to it.2010-03-05 22:21:00

Rasta Monkey
Posts: 7

I've only just been informed that you people are linking to us, then mad mouthing that thread.
Yeah, lock it, delete it. If you haven't noticed, we don't copy others' levels. Only *a certain PSP pirate site* and i've noticed even some Russian site had it.
And look, FullMoon has NOTHING to do with your levels being copied. I could do that on my PSPgo on 6.20 OFW now. w/o FullMoon.I'm just sick and tired of us being bad mouthed.

Sony have blocked even the legit CFW users, and we're simply letting them have their "own Community Moon" if you will.
You can blame JKThree for all this. He brought it up, he ripped it off, he *****ed.

And no, none of us have voted, i honestly don't care.

1. No difference. Stealing is stealing. FullMoon just has more theiving there. I never said everybody is bad there.

2. I won't blame JKthree for this. It was an opinion, not a retaliation.

3. If you don't care, why post here?

Side-Note: Yup, my post is another reason why I think this thread needs a lock. Too many negative perspectives here.
2010-03-05 22:25:00

Posts: 5551

Since this is closing up, I might as well tell you guys something.

The whole trolling from both Fullmoon/CFW/pirating involved topics of my concerns, all came from the same site (A dedicated fullmoon site, I went and discovered this shortly after the incident happened)

The 2.03 update which causes the files to be changed ruined the possiblility of them getting published levels (or made it harder I can't remember). IMO I think they blamed it on me because they think Cambridge read this topic (and with rasta's post "You can blame JKThree for all this" they still are)

This little "flame war" I do believe caused some bans on that site. rasta is a moderator on that site. The admin of that site even warned everyone on that site to stop with this.
2010-03-05 22:31:00

Posts: 1125

This is a miserable thread isn't it? Why can't we just get along? The sooner it gets locked the better...2010-03-05 22:32:00

Posts: 1277

Locked by request of multiple members.2010-03-06 00:36:00

Posts: 2575

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