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Sticker Switches: Incorrect Input Consequence.

Archive: 6 posts

I made this system a few months ago, but decided to post it now since leerdammer's new sticker switches made me remember.

I thought of a system that had a consequence for an incorrect sticker switch input. If you put in the correct sticker, it "correctly" opens a door, or whatever you want it to do. But if you put in an incorrect sticker, it activates any consequence you want it to.

It's very simple, and needs two invisible sticker switches next to each other. The first sticker switch is activated by any sticker. The second is activated by the specific sticker you want to activate something. If both switches are activated, you win. If only one switch gets activated, kablammo!

Pretty neat effect

For instance, "Please insert the correct access card or prepare to be terminated".
*Noob places a peacock feather*
*Noob gets gas-bombed*
2009-12-07 04:10:00

Posts: 3251

Neat, isn't this done with a AND gate?

.You're a genius. There, I did what you wanted me to do lol.
2009-12-07 04:23:00

Posts: 4193

A bit more complex than that. You need to combine some logic to "turn off" the gas in the event of placing the correct sticker, because [remember] that the other switch takes any sticker, including the correct one.

You wouldn't want to gas the player for doing the right thing, now would you?
2009-12-07 04:29:00

Posts: 5338

A bit more complex than that. You need to combine some logic to "turn off" the gas in the event of placing the correct sticker, because [remember] that the other switch takes any sticker, including the correct one.

You wouldn't want to gas the player for doing the right thing, now would you?

He has a version working. (I had to learn about the gas the hard way...)
2009-12-07 04:30:00

Posts: 4193

..........2009-12-07 04:44:00

Posts: 3251

It doesn't use an AND switch, it uses something equally simple, but doesn't really have a name.

Hmm, it would be like an AND switch, except the output depends on the amount of inputs activated.

We could call it a BOTH switch :hero:
2009-12-07 04:57:00

Posts: 2046

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