The Peculiar Pine of Puzzlewood - now with video!
Archive: 36 posts
The Peculiar Pine of PuzzlewoodTheAdipose Mrs Morris' ruby ring has been sneakily swiped by the meddling magpie. Can you climb to the top of the puzzlewood pine and get it back? On this perplexing journey you will have to ride caterpillars, navigate tricky treetops and solve devious puzzles! all I'm in the middle of a massive overhaul of this level and I'd rather you played the new version - therefore this level is currently locked. Thanks for your support. Thanks for all your feedback so far. We have made a lot of changes, both big and small and would love some more feedback on the new level. The changes include: --far longer key dragging section at beginning with 2 new puzzles. -- new massive waterwheel puzzle --Removed spinning platforms that were killing (annoying) people and drastically shortened tree climb. --Lots of tidying of blocky shapes/visable DM/weird shapes etc. --Added several more sightings of the meddling magpie --improved the look of the treetop race, 3D maze and elevator sections --Added checkpoint half way along caterpillar run, fixed unevenplatforms and modified final jump (you dont have to wait for the caterpillar now) --improved final 'celebration' scene If you played the level before, it feels pretty different now, perhaps you could give it another run and let me know if it needs any further tweaking. We have spend alot of time making this level and really enjoyed it. We would really appreciate feedback from the community, your opinions are important to us ![]() Update: Video preview of the level HERE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnruiTGoIEI) TheAdipose and Clarie | 2009-12-06 21:37:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
speechless! :o 5* + heart | 2009-12-06 22:07:00 Author: SavNeel ![]() Posts: 20 |
First off, there's something seriously wrong with this level. When I played it, it only had 6 plays! This level is fantastic. The premise is original and cute, and the gameplay is very creative. The art is simple but aesthetically pleasing, and the caterpillar is one of the best animations I've ever seen in LBP. A few hitches here and there, but overall, 4/5 + heart ![]() | 2009-12-07 01:51:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
Thanks for the feedback guys. Foofles could you be a little more specific when you say a 'few hitches'? I'm probably going to republish later with a few tweaks so I'd love to hear what you think I could improve. adi and Clarie | 2009-12-07 17:19:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
Hello there! Thanks for your comments on my level. I've just played yours and here's what I thought... Charming intro with super magpie! Tricky opening with keys and spikes (I squished a few), and a decent puzzle at the end of the sequence to open the gate. I enjoyed the 'bounce' platforms, and the caterpillar was very well executed. Overall, good stuff! A few observations (Suggestions, NOT criticisms)... - your use of language in the text bubbles was a real refreshing change. Younger players may not find it interesting, or indeed understand some of it, but I thought it was great. - not sure whether a slightly different camera angle could be used when riding on the caterpillar, or maybe one or two more cameras. The platforming isn't too tricky in this section, but I had a few deaths because I couldn't really see how far the gas extended. No biggie. This level is a good example of balance between puzzle, platforming and storytelling, and I look forward to seeing more from you. Well done. ![]() | 2009-12-07 18:33:00 Author: MrsSpookyBuz ![]() Posts: 1492 |
Hello Adipose ![]() As promised, a little review. That first statue told me to get the key key. Key key? I think thats a typo right ![]() Also, when I took the key with me and made it drop in the first pool it wouldnt respawn for some reason, so restarted it and this time took the key with me. Only to discover that a little bit further a new key is available. So why that first key may I ask? I did like the button-pressing-puzzle you made, simple but effective. Maybe you could spice this up some more by hiding parts behind a thin layer, but always show where the key will end up. Just do it in a way that it wont bother the gameplay element. The second part is with the jump-pads, and they make sound! I like that so I know when lift-off occurs. I might recommend adding a checkpoint after the first three "swings", just before the rotating platforms to make people that give up easily some room to breath because one wrong move on the jump-pads that come after the rotating platforms can kill you/will not launch you far enough. I did like this part for its platform-jumping around. I liked your catterpiller, since I am working on one looking at the version from someone else can really help, especially the platform-element you come across with the caterpiller are a nice touch, though because of those round things in front of those platforms my sack got in front of the platform and fell down/died... twice. Then we go onto the tree-top fun, and I liked this basic mario-esqe jumping from platform to platform.. especially because you can also hang onto those leafs for last second saves. the background on this section was a little dull (empty) and could use some spicing up, but the music made up for that, it really added to the atmoshpere. Still.. maybe add some clouds/spice up the background! Overall I enjoyed the gameplay of this level, I died a few times but I allready mentioned why. the enviromental/visual part could use some spicing up, Play around with the lighting and daylight system some more, and make more use of all plains. I gave it four stars, would you have put a little more efford in the overall visual department it could easily become a 5, I also added the tag "fun" because it was fun to play. | 2009-12-08 19:32:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
Hey Adipose, here responding to your F4F. Ugh, my computer crashed while I was writing my review as I played the level, so here's my main points. The dialog is very clever and interesting. I had to re-read a few things, in a good way. The beginning is my favorite part. Getting the key key (lol) across the gaps and through the walls of gas was brilliant. But on my first try, I accidentally pushed it under a spike block, and it got crushed and was nowhere to be found (I hadn't reached the next key-spawn-point yet). Was it supposed to respawn at the beginning? Because I checked, and it wasn't there. Visually, the level is somewhat bland, but this fits the style well, and adds to the intended atmosphere. The puzzle where you have to push the key key through various tunnels using the button switches was great. I can tell a lot of thought went into it. Now, we get the platforming section, where sackboy gets the most involvement. The first area seemed kind of vast and empty (Where you have to catapult sackboy around, and use the hanging sponges to swing). I liked the peachy texture on the sponges, though. The caterpillar. Gorgeous. Animated. Life-like. Hell. The difficulty of the actual cave segment wasn't too steep, but I died a several times near the end and had to do the whole thing over again. Arrrggghhhh..! Maybe you should speed him up a little bit. With that out of the way, the atmosphere was very nice. Excellent use of sound. The spiders luring you with score bubbles was a nice touch. The race section was nice at first, but after missing one of the very last jumps about 20 times, it became annoying. Maybe it's just me, but I had a lot of trouble with the jump where you have to grab the bottom of one leaf and pull yourself across to land on the one below it. Nice ending, it took a second to register what had just happened when Magpie slammed into a stone wall. XD Overall, a very nice level with a fun story, witty dialogue, cool puzzles, and a nice challenge. I'm just worried that not a lot of people will take the time to actually beat this gem. I gave it four stars and hearted. The problem with the key key where I had to restart is keeping me from giving it 5, but I'll gladly re-rate it if you can fix this problem, or explain what I was supposed to do to get the key key back. Keep up the good work! | 2009-12-09 01:26:00 Author: glue ![]() Posts: 46 |
Thank you guys so much for the detailed feedback. What I'm hearing is that I've made a decent level, thats a little too hard, and a little too bland visually. I think I will probably do a major overhaul of the opening sections with the key and take out a lot of the annoying platformy bits. I'll add some spawn points along the caterpillar trail and maybe even put a puzzle part way along to allow the caterpillar to progress. Glue, I think the key respawns if you walk just past the respawn point, thats my fault for setting the proximity switch wrong - i'll sort it. Luos, the 'key key' wasn't a typo, its like "This next football match is key for victory". Key as an adjective and then a noun. ...I possibly need to get my head out of the dictionary. I will look again at the visuals on the outside of the tree and at the top. I like to keep it simple.. but simple doesn't have to mean bland. I will try and spice it up. Thanks so much again for playing my level and letting me know how to improve. | 2009-12-10 13:57:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
haha, still.. key key sounds a little.. weird. I will look again at the visuals on the outside of the tree and at the top. I like to keep it simple.. but simple doesn't have to mean bland. I will try and spice it up. some simple clouds, maybe a bird/butterfly or two can do the job. Ive played the level with some friends, and even though they died around 30 times (mainly around the rotating platforms) they really liked your level, especially the treetop-climbing. | 2009-12-10 16:16:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
So i just played ur Lev. and I can say I liked it... All in all it's really a kind of hard...and some points i can mention: - ur shapes all look a bit to "geometric" and "blocky" for me...maybe u try to do some more unsymetric outcutting etc... - some of the parts i really died 10-15 times...especially the Part with the rotating plaforms and fire was kind of frustrating... -The Caterpillar looks nice...but in the Part with the moving platforms the Camera angle makes it much mor difficult to get that done...here i died several times too... - when U fall off in the race Part, you see this Branches just hanging in the Air...looks kind of weired to me... - this kind of Labyrinth-Part behind Glass i did not really like...dunno...in my eyes it's kind of useless... But all in all i can say i really liked the Lev...i gave it 4/5. I liked this Puzzle with the switches...and those Spiders are really cool as well as the Caterpillar... pls give me som Feedback on my F4F Lev. "GreatMayaTemple" Thanx ![]() - | 2009-12-10 17:08:00 Author: MightyMoeJoe ![]() Posts: 27 |
Overall a pretty good level. A few people have beaten me to the feedback, but I'll leave mine anyway. I enjoyed the simplicity, but at the same time I craved something a bit more visually attractive. Some of the color contrasts turned me off a little, but that will never ruin the level. In the caterpillar part I would suggest either making it move faster, or to have maybe one more checkpoint there. It got redundant when I would make a bad jump and die, and then have to sit there waiting. Loved the little platform race at the top, but some of the jumps were kind of choppy and didn't make for smooth transitions. As for the puzzles, great work. I loved the little glass maze. If you've ever played Super Mario RPG on SNES, and done the section in the underwater boat, this section brings back some good memories. My only other suggestion would be to make the hazards fit the atmosphere a little better, like falling branches, sharp insects, etc. All in all, I still loved the level. Four Stars and a Heart. | 2009-12-11 03:56:00 Author: Lieufa ![]() Posts: 62 |
Just went through this level, and I must say I loved it! Once again the DKC deja vu kicked in, which usually means I like what I see, especially in terms of platforming challenges. The level was long, entertaining and challenging enough to keep me interested in seeing it through all the way to the end. Some noteworthy problems, though: - The ending was a bit anticlimactic, at least have the Missus thank Sackboy for retrieving his ring... purdy please! ![]() - The caterpillar sequence was too long and difficult to complete in one go with the only checkpoint being at the end of it... and to make matters worse, the next to last sequence (with the three low platforms and the two back layers littered with score bubbles) had some sort of invisible wall or very dimly lit obstacle between the first and the second platform, which resulted in Sackboy dying and having to restart the whole sequence over again before I managed to jump early or high enough (I'm still unsure which helped in the end...). - There were some areas especially in the latter parts of the level that felt like they were done in a hurry, as they weren't decorated at all, making them feel out of place - one such place that comes to mind is the elevator after the caterpillar and the maze that followed, but it's true for the whole treetop race sequence as well, some atmosphere could really liven up that part - clouds, birds chirping, flowers or maybe a change in environmental effects to make it look foggier or cloudier (or - heavens forbid - rain!). - Replacing the buttons with levers at the first puzzle would probably be a better option, since you can't so easily activate them inadvertently while moving over to the next one to pull. Still, even with these problems I think the level is great and easily deserves a :star::star::star::star: rating and a heart. Excellent job! Pros: + Excellent platforming and puzzles + Entertaining chat bubbles + Varied scenery Cons: - Gradual decrease in attention to detail - Caterpillar section badly in need of checkpoints | 2009-12-11 18:35:00 Author: sny ![]() Posts: 144 |
Thanks for all your feedback so far. We have made a lot of changes, both big and small and would love some more feedback on the new level. The changes include: --far longer key dragging section at beginning with 2 new puzzles. -- new massive waterwheel puzzle --Removed spinning platforms that were killing (annoying) people and drastically shortened tree climb. --Lots of tidying of blocky shapes/visable DM/weird shapes etc. --Added several more sightings of the meddling magpie --improved the look of the treetop race, 3D maze and elevator sections --Added checkpoint half way along caterpillar run, fixed unevenplatforms and modified final jump (you dont have to wait for the caterpillar now) --improved final 'celebration' scene If you played the level before, it feels pretty different now, it would be great if you could give it another run and let me know if it needs any further tweaking. Thanks so much for all the feedback and compliments on our first level. It wouldn't be nearly as fun creating without you guys! Those people I owe F4F to from yesterday, I will play your levels tomorrow morning. TheAdipose andClarie | 2009-12-11 23:56:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
Sounds really cool, however i cant get past the third obstacle where you have to jump across with the key. Please fill me in on how to acomplish this? | 2009-12-12 05:25:00 Author: drei ![]() Posts: 158 |
Your level is very unique in that it requires a diffrent state of mind to get past the key obstacles, which is really cool and becomes easy after you get the hang of it. So far i found one minor bug. When i approached the labrynth with the buttons, after getting on top of the mountain while my key went on the wheel... I dropped, then grabbed the sponge to pull me back up. while holding on its possible to go to the right behind the mountain and drop beneath the level. Where i saw some toggle switches. :O The catterpillar was awsome. and the spiders were cool once i realised they were like luring you. the catterpillars climbing up the tree were also very attractive. But the race against the magpie was odd in the fact that it was standing still :? But then when you grabed on and it hit the cliff, that made up for it. Overall it had some very good platforming. Four Stars, and tagged Brilliant. Is this F4f? if it is play my level when you have time, its called "The Lost" | 2009-12-12 05:47:00 Author: drei ![]() Posts: 158 |
Thank you for your comments on my level. I agree with your suggestions, and I would like to go back and make a few changes. I can't do a lot due to thermo, but thanks again. The Puzzlewood. Loved the alliteration. Did not love the second waterwheel. It was a challenge and I made the mistake of going past it without the key key and had to restart. But that was just me being dense. I think the piece itself was fine. Hard, but fine. Besides a challenge is a good thing. I can tell you've done a lot of really hard work. I spotted a few mechanics that maybe should be hidden; a prox switch I think, but that's really nitpicking. Anyway, thanks again for the comments. I really enjoyed your level. Good luck with it. | 2009-12-14 01:36:00 Author: thanatos989 ![]() Posts: 248 |
Hi, I've been playing your level and I loved it! It's a bit of fresh air to have some puzzlish platformer like that + that "going forward" part. Pros: - I love little puzzles to bring up the key. Especially the final one. It stroke me as original. - Caterpillar part = great setting for a "auto-forward" part/level. The arachnids giving you bubbles are lovely. -The level is solid and look's fine. Cons/Bugs/Suggestions, etc - Mask always tells "key key". Is this intended? - I was blocked here and I to start over... http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq262/RangerX_photos/Blocked01.jpg I didn't drop the key down there because I wanted to know if I needed to drop it or bring it. When I went down, I couldn't back up and since I had activated a new checkpoint, I couldn't pop me back up there either. So I had to restart. The fix I would suggest you is to spawn the gate down only if the key has been brought down. (easy to do, I can explain if you want) - Could have used to some background and deco in the sky part I suppose. - I would have found fun to have a way to go over the leaderboard to go reach those bubbles that dropped from the bird part. All in all I loved this level. It has what I'd call "the perfect lenght" and felt original and enjoyeable enough to effortlessly play until the end. You seem to have the mind to create platform/puzzle hybrid, I'd be curious if you'd expand in that direction. :star::star::star::star: + heart | 2009-12-14 02:47:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Thanks for the additional feedback. A few people have commented on the keykey now.. it is deliberate, but perhaps its a bit subtle ![]() I've realised there are a few places where the player COULD get ahead of the key and not be able to get back. Sorry that you both had to restart because of that - I will sort that out tonight. I love the idea of a secret to get past the scoreboard to collect those bubbles. Perhaps I could put a secret launcher in the wooden hut that launches you out the chimney. Thanatos, sorry you didn't like the second wheel, I've been trying to create puzzles with 'unobvious' solutions. (like rtm's levels) - the solutions are there but you have to hunt. That's one of the reasons i put the extra sign at the start cluing the player in that they are going to need to think outside the box. | 2009-12-14 10:48:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
I liked a lot this level, you put original ideas in good visuals: the puzzles weren't too hard and the platforming was simple yet effective - I didn't like the caterpillar section, it was very well done, but it moves too slow; other than that, I loved the key puzzles at the beginning and the maze; the section on the top of the trees may be too simple, both in visuals and challenge, but is good as it is now. Overall 4/5. | 2009-12-14 13:27:00 Author: Shadowheaven ![]() Posts: 378 |
Thanks shadow. I agree the caterpillar should go faster. He originally went slowly because there was no respawn point and I wanted to give the player a good chance of succeeding. Now I've added a reset point in the middle - he should go faster. The problem is, the 40 or so wheels that move him are all behind a big slab of wood that holds everything else together :-z I don't suppose theres some secret way to select objects behind other objects that I haven't come across yet? I just fixed the 2 places people got stuck before. I added a lift to get back past the waterwheel and prevented the player from progressing without a key where ranger got stuck by freezing the spikes to create a blockage. (activating the key starts them up and opens the route) Thank you so much for all the feedback on this level. I think I'm just about done with it now (unless more bugs are found!). I've learned a lot from making it, I've really enjoyed getting the 880 plays on it! and I'm hoping my next level will be even better. | 2009-12-14 18:45:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
I did like the second wheel. It isn't the puzzle, it was just me. I didn't get it, but I should have. Sorry. I like that it made me think. I just wish I hadn't jumped over and been unable to get back. Anyway, great level. | 2009-12-15 00:59:00 Author: thanatos989 ![]() Posts: 248 |
Thanks thanatos. Sadly the star rating of this level has gone down to 3. I guess the 'puzzley' nature and some of the bugs that were there when I first released has caused some people to review it lower than I think it deserves. Very few levels get 5* and I don't think my level looks good enough visually to get 5, but 3* star rating is usually a sign the level sucks a bit. sigh. Makes me sad :-( | 2009-12-15 07:23:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
I just played your level and I love it, some original puzzle ideas that had me thinking, especially the first one in the cave, that one was quite difficult. The entire ground section was pretty much perfect I don't think you need to alter that at all. The climb up the tree was a bit odd, changed from puzzles to very simple platforming, it serves as a nice break from the puzzles though and separates the level up nicely. The caterpillar ride was fun, once again I don't think there's really anything here that needs to be altered The final section with the platforming was a bit boring, it was basically running right, jumping and grabbing, I guess it's meant to be an epic chase scene but really it seemed like a bit of an anti-climax, it didn't really help that the level then ends abruptly. That did make me laugh though and I do like how you end in the same spot, actually completing your goal. The language was just hilarious, completely contrary to the fairytale like setting yet somehow so appropriate. Definitely added a lot to the level. I gave you a well deserved 5:star: and heart. | 2009-12-15 12:47:00 Author: Tomo009 ![]() Posts: 274 |
EXCELLENT use of Thesaurus' in this one! ![]() | 2009-12-17 18:50:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
Yes mate it is our first level. thanks for the feedback, a lot of people have commented on the plain-ness of the race at the end - I just can't seem to get clouds looking right. I've added flowers though! I've been working on our second level for about a week now. Going to focus on making the puzzles AND the visuals better ![]() Adi and Clarie | 2009-12-17 19:07:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
I've been working on our second level for about a week now. Going to focus on making the puzzles AND the visuals better ![]() Awesome, I look forward to it! | 2009-12-17 19:22:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
Okay, I just finished playing your level. This was an interesting level that was full of platforming, puzzles and so much more. The visuals were pretty neat and so was the design on the caterpillar. It was pretty fun, but I got a bit irritated at some points. Other than that this was a great level. :star::star::star::star: | 2009-12-23 08:56:00 Author: galacemiguel ![]() Posts: 179 |
Thanks a lot for the feedback mate and I'm glad you enjoyed. Could you give me an example of a bit that irritated you? Was it because you got stuck on a puzzle or something that I need to tinker with? | 2009-12-23 11:36:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
I've created a video preview of this level You can watch it here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnruiTGoIEI) | 2009-12-28 17:27:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
Hey... this is sort of an F4F, although you didn't really provide feedback per se, but the video scoring tips for my Survival Challenge was priceless. So here we go... I really like this level. It is lovely to look at, and (mostly) fun to play. Transporting the key, and figuring out how to do so, was so much fun. I really think you might have too many key re-spawn stations though. It kinda defeats the purpose if you know you just need to get sacky to the next re-spawner and you'll get a new key, rather than trying to figure out how to move the key you have. But that's a minor gripe. I didn't finish it however... and I'm not sure how much more I had left. I'll be honest (and this is just me - my personal taste and a major weakness in my LBP skillz)... I hate spinners (I know, I know... those who know me well almost fell out of their chairs when they saw the spinner room in my Survival Challenge, but that's different, there's no real danger there based on where/when you let go and/or time a jump). I tried this section in your level for a looooong while (probably 15-20 re-spawns - thank god for inifinite checkpoints, eh?), but eventually I got angry to the point of throwing my controller and decided I wasn't having fun any more. ![]() ![]() ![]() Sure hope I didn't miss a lot more, because the rest of what I saw and played was fantastic! I especially enjoyed the maze/button/piston puzzle. :star::star::star::star: and tagged Pretty. Oh, and don't think of my spinner rant as any sort of real constructive criticism. I'm not suggesting that you change anything. It's just a personal issue for me. I would never have finished the Mm story levels if Morgana hadn't held my hand through the spinner section in Sensei's Lost Castle (if you're reading this Morgana, thanks again!!). ![]() | 2009-12-29 07:31:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
lol. Yeah Clarie isn't too fond of spinners either (but she's getting better!) Thanks for playing the level. I've realised it needs yet more work after playing so many peoples quality levels. You missed out on the caterpillar which is probably my favourite bit but if you go to my youtube page you can see it on the levels trailer. I put in a lot of respawn points because I wanted the challenge to be "how do I get past this?" rather than "nuts, now I have to go back through that again". I know I've ended up with a lot, but I'd rather support people through it... which is ironic as you didn't make it through! I think I will do a wee re-edit today. | 2009-12-29 07:47:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
I also played this level. I think the term 'puzzler' only applys to the first half of the level. But they were fun to figure out. I am also not fond of spinners, ![]() P.S. Loved the ending where the Magpie 'learns' its lesson and I return the ring to Mrs Morris. :hero: | 2009-12-29 23:12:00 Author: Beed28 ![]() Posts: 200 |
I'm in the middle of a massive overhaul of this level - and I'd rather you played the new version - therefore this level is currently locked! Thanks again for the feedback. | 2009-12-30 07:27:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
I cant wait to see the final results! | 2010-01-04 00:33:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
HI I would just like to start off by saying that you are really good at making levels. Another thing I would like to say that you make very good tutorials, easy to understand and follow and they show u stuff that you need help with. Im hopeless at making levels and so many ways of doing stuff doesn't help but you have really great ways to do these things. I like your levels they clearly have lots of work put into them and you should get hired by Media Molecule. PS if you have any tips at all could you give me them Thanks | 2010-06-28 19:09:00 Author: shark ![]() Posts: 1 |
Thanks mate. This level was actually revamped and re-released as 'In pursuit of the meddling magpie'. Most of my hints and tips are in my videos and theres at least an hours worth and videos to keep you going. The LBPC logic pack is another good place to hunt. | 2010-07-01 19:02:00 Author: TheAdipose ![]() Posts: 533 |
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