As simple as; an elevator.
Archive: 6 posts
Building on a new level, but I'm at a point where I have to wait, 'till I get some answers. I have built an elevator. Woow... Now, the hard part (or the part that's probably easy, but that I'm to stupid to know of): I want to only have 1 Grabable object inside the elevator, and still be able to go up and down. Now here is what I was planning (yes I did test it and it did not work): Put the switch on One-Shot and attach it to a piston, have the piston fly to a magnetic key switch, activate it so that the elevator goes up, touch the grab thing again and the piston retracts and the elevator goes down. Now, the first problem is that I cannot attach a one-shot switch to a piston. The second problem is that it doesn't work. Here is a solution I just thought of this second. Have a piece of glass in a 'box' of dark matter, just as many other Logic things work. Have 2 pistons from 2 pieces of glass to each other side of the dark matter. Grab(Directional)>Both pistons extend in 0.1 second(s)>Release in 0.1 Seconds>Glass shift side, that way changing whether the elevator is up or down. Would this work? Or do I need to pull forth a massive amount of Logic? Also, I would really like the option to be able to pull a 2 Way switch down, to make the elevator come to me.. A winch to make it move up when the elevator is the other place would also be nice.. - If you don't understand any of this; I won't blame you. I made this alot more complicated than I think it is.. It'd probably be easier to show in Create Mode? | 2009-12-05 20:15:00 Author: Risumm ![]() Posts: 77 |
Uhm from what i understand is that your gunna make one of those systems that passes a block with a key on it back and forth, yea i usually use that but i just remembered a toggle switch would be more thermo friendly and way easier. basically a wheel with notches, and a block with a key that sits in the notches with the switch and when you grab the switch the block steps out for only a 0.1 to let the wheel spin to the next notch ( can have 2 3 4 w/e you want but you want 2 in this case) it's in the Logic Pack, go check it out. Its a prize too. | 2009-12-05 20:29:00 Author: Littlebigdude805 ![]() Posts: 1924 |
For an Elevator i'd suggest checking out the advanced section of the logic pack, Notched logic, Toggles, and Elevators would all help you | 2009-12-05 20:30:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
Just find a toggle from the Logic Pack. There are two different versions, and both work just fine. Also, they both take one shot inputs. Set the output to be directional. Viola. For the record, pistons can take a one-shot input, but only when they are set to flipper-in or flipper-out. | 2009-12-05 20:47:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
Ah thanks guys. I already have all switches from the LP, I just didn't think of using the notch switch ![]() | 2009-12-05 21:13:00 Author: Risumm ![]() Posts: 77 |
you can just edit the 4 way notch with the square tool. cut the bits you dont need off and as long as its even it should work | 2009-12-05 21:17:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
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