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"Laggy" Create mode popit cursor.

Archive: 6 posts

In create mode, after leerdammer, when I get my popit cursor out to rotate something it is very laggy and just jumps to different angles. I don't have it on grid and its not my controller since stickers are fine [or that I can remember they are].

The rest of the game plays out fine at normal speed. I tried it on an empty level and everything but it just jumps when rotating something.
2009-12-05 12:18:00

Posts: 710

the create mode when editing objects has became pretty laggy but it will probably get patched out in a week or two hopefully2009-12-05 12:21:00

Posts: 2662

Good to know. Thanks for the help =)2009-12-05 12:39:00

Posts: 710

I only get this when actually creating with someone. Everything is as normal if I'm on my own.2009-12-05 12:40:00

Posts: 6497

Yeah I've had this a few times already when in co-op create. Even with just 1 other it's been horrendous. Last night was the worst lag ever. I couldn't pick anything from my popit. Couldn't even change my costume.

We went into play mode to test my friends level ( galacemiguel ) and I just couldn't move. It ended up with the 'game diverging' again and kicked me back to my pod. Then I joined him again and we went into a blank level where he built a new 'require all' grab switch and attached it to a big sponge. When he asked me to test it with him I couldn't even grab the sponge. I kept jumping right under it but sackboy just wouldn't grab onto the sponge because of the lag.

I don't know about the supposed 'fixes' for network and lag issues but my experience so far has been just as bad as before most of the time. The only slight improvement I've noticed is that I can hear people talking on their mic's a bit better. Before it just kept breaking up all the time.
2009-12-05 13:21:00

Posts: 2210

I only get this when actually creating with someone. Everything is as normal if I'm on my own.

Same here.
2009-12-08 16:37:00

Posts: 305

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