The Grand Adventures of Sackcho Libre
Archive: 4 posts
The Grand Adventures of Sackcho LibreTAFKAPR I will be publishing the first three levels I made for my kids tonight, I would like to make them more appealing to the masses and expand my player base to more than just my 3 kids, so if you would give them a play and let me know what you think, The first level is the same as the title, levels 1-1,1-2 and 1-3. thanx in advance to everyone who gives them a try. all | 2009-12-01 21:56:00 Author: TAFKAPR ![]() Posts: 7 |
You should've posted some screenshots so people know what to expect. Either way, onto the review(s): Level 1 Well, it is an introduction, but there's not much to do/it's very basic. There's this part at which I placed a sticker on a switch, after which the ground blew up and I had to walk all the way back to that point again; a little frustrating. :star::star::star: Level 2 A lot better than Level 1 suggests. There's a story, there's platforming and it's fun. You should've locked off the left part at the start, though, 'cause I have no idea why you made it that way. 'u are stuck like chuck'. Lol, okay... :star::star::star::star: Level 3 'Sadly however there is no big vampire battle.' 'Sh#t ![]() The Ferris wheel is cute, but it's basically almost the only contraption in this level... It's kinda useless, too, 'cause you can just walk past it. :star::star::star: Deduct a star from each score if you want to know how I would've judged them if you wouldn't have posted that they were made for your kids. F4F: Survive the h4h-attack! (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=19380) ~ffha. | 2009-12-02 14:10:00 Author: ffha ![]() Posts: 48 |
thanks for playing them, the getting blown up, or having to commit sackicide is just a little taste of my sick sense of humor. I wanted to have them wear it was all one level that way the whole story would flow better but on level to the thermometer is full for some reason, I have seen levels way more intense than mine, but I am learning and I am sure I will figure it out in time. I would like to make them with different degrees of difficulty choices, because they are made for my little ones my 7 year old first and foremost, and the more hardcore LBPers will probably not find much challenge. whats funny is your the only person that I have seen that played all three levels, I guess it doesnt bring them all up in search or something, because I hoped into a couple of peoples matches and they didnt know there was a 3 part story. I figured labeling them levels 1,2,3 was obvious. I tried to lock themso you have to play them in order but it will not let me, if someone could give me some tips on this it would be great. Thank you again for playing and your feedback | 2009-12-02 14:52:00 Author: TAFKAPR ![]() Posts: 7 |
thanks for playing them, the getting blown up, or having to commit sackicide is just a little taste of my sick sense of humor. I wanted to have them wear it was all one level that way the whole story would flow better but on level to the thermometer is full for some reason, I have seen levels way more intense than mine, but I am learning and I am sure I will figure it out in time. I would like to make them with different degrees of difficulty choices, because they are made for my little ones my 7 year old first and foremost, and the more hardcore LBPers will probably not find much challenge. whats funny is your the only person that I have seen that played all three levels, I guess it doesnt bring them all up in search or something, because I hoped into a couple of peoples matches and they didnt know there was a 3 part story. I figured labeling them levels 1,2,3 was obvious. I tried to lock themso you have to play them in order but it will not let me, if someone could give me some tips on this it would be great. Thank you again for playing and your feedback Killing sackboys can be fun at times, yes, but having to walk that same part back again as a player basically sucks. It's not a big deal, but you can just drop another checkpoint right next to it anyway, right? About your level overheating: I think you use a lot of different materials and stickers -> those fill up the thermometer a lot. You can try deleting some unnecessary stuff, limiting the materials you use (e.g. merge 4 different types of sponges into 1 type of sponge) and getting rid of unimportant stickers. About the various degrees of difficulty: You can (in it's most basic form) create a difficulty selector by spawning the sackboy inbetween two tunnels, which both lead to different parts of the level (1 easy path & 1 hard path). About locking the levels: Select Level 2 (& 3 after you've done 2) on your moon, move to the second page, select 'Locked' and then move the right Analog Stick to lock it. X = Not locked. √ = Locked. After it's locked, re-publish the level (overwrite the original) and then a message will pop-up, telling you that a key to access the level will appear in your inventory (Tools-section). After you get the keys to Level 2 & 3, edit Level 1 and insert the two keys somewhere in the level (most insert them at the end). Save and re-publish (overwrite) Level 1. Got it? If you've still got trouble with locking them, you can add me and I'll join your game to explain it more thoroughly. ~ffha. | 2009-12-02 15:54:00 Author: ffha ![]() Posts: 48 |
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