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(The First?) 1.21 Teleporting System

Archive: 15 posts

Hello, friends. This is my first post in the Object Showcase thread regarding my own work.

So, anyway, this teleporter uses switch-activated checkpoints, newly introduced in the very recent Leerdammer update. There are two; a thick and thin one. Both can be found within my demo level called "SLS10's Fancy Teleporters!".

They're designed to be permanent - i.e. you use it once and you can't use it again - but I've been thinking up a design that will allow for multiple uses.
2009-11-30 04:57:00

Posts: 1129

i don't mean to insult so don't take this the wrong way but a bi-directional teleporter just need sensor switches and a switcher.2009-11-30 09:03:00

Posts: 2662

I'm also a bit confused as to what makes this different than previous teleport systems, aside from the switchery. I'll have to check it out later and see i guess.2009-11-30 09:46:00

Posts: 3322

I know it's a pretty simple system, but I just made it to look neat. Really, it's about the science-fiction feel of the whole tool. 2009-11-30 12:25:00

Posts: 1129

Hello, friends. This is my first post in the Object Showcase thread regarding my own work.

So, anyway, this teleporter uses switch-activated checkpoints, newly introduced in the very recent Leerdammer update. There are two; a thick and thin one. Both can be found within my demo level called "SLS10's Fancy Teleporters!".

They're designed to be permanent - i.e. you use it once and you can't use it again - but I've been thinking up a design that will allow for multiple uses.

Nice level name

I'll go ahead and check this out! Of course it's going to be simple but that doesn't mean it won't be radical.
2009-11-30 13:58:00

Posts: 1355

Man, you beat me to it. I made a teleporter last night and forgot to publish it since I was having too much fun with online create. Great job with the teleporter!!!2009-11-30 18:28:00

Posts: 1090

Its a cool design, but the first leerdammer teleporter was made in the beta.2009-11-30 18:42:00

Posts: 386

Its a cool design, but the first leerdammer teleporter was made in the beta.

the beta never reached 1.21, and it was never called leerdammer...

So I'm pretty sure everything in SLS's OP is reasonable still.
2009-11-30 18:46:00

Posts: 6497

awww...you spoiled all the fun...just had to bring up the beta Just Kidding 2009-11-30 18:46:00

Posts: 1090

Ahhhh...... now that you can activate checkpoints by switches it takes the joy, as so to speak, out of making teleporters.2009-12-01 18:38:00

Posts: 485

I don't know if it takes the joy out of it. At least for me, it makes it easier, less to worry about, so that you can focus on the more difficult logic in a level.2009-12-01 18:52:00

Posts: 1090

It sure makes teleporting easier now. No need to destroy previously activated check points. Ive used it already to teleport to various floors on a level. I havent had any bugs like the old technique either, where additional players failed to appear when playing with lag.2009-12-06 15:34:00

Posts: 423

I checked the teleporter out and it was pretty cool. I liked the little sound it made when you disappeared. The only thing I can suggest is placing a sound to cover up the noise when you come out of the checkpoint to make it more, "teleporty" .2009-12-12 03:33:00

Posts: 5

its easy to make a teleporter after leerdammer update, simply connect a switch to a checkpoint 2009-12-16 17:18:00

Posts: 8

Hey checkout my tardis tech demo (shameless self promoting) it has a two way teleport that will teleport you between different places forever.2009-12-18 12:05:00

Posts: 485

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