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LBPCentral Online Create Contest

Archive: 723 posts


That's right! We're having an official competition for all LittleBigPlanet Creators to celebrate the release of the Online Create component of LittleBigPlanet. Teams of two will work together to create a LittleBigPlanet level using this new feature. When we hit the deadline, we'll nominate a number of the submissions and let the community decide which one is the best. For coming out on top, each member of the winning duo will receive a LittleBigPlanet Crown, a copy of Beautiful Teams (signed by the entire Mm team), a LittleBigPlanet button straight from Mm themselves, and 5000xp to spend on the site as they please. Interested in competing? Continue on for the details!

So, first and foremost, prizes. Everyone loves prizes, and we're no different! Let's get into the prizes we're offering in more detail:

LittleBigPlanet Crown - Yes, we're handing two of them out! As mentioned before, each member of the winning team will win one for themselves.
Signed copy of Beautiful Teams - Beautiful Teams is a book about teamwork. It's focused mainly on teamwork in software development, such as video games and other software media. There is an entire chapter devoted to LittleBigPlanet, in which Mark Healey, co-founder of Media Molecule, is interviewed in depth about how LittleBigPlanet came to be. Both books are signed by every member of the current Mm team, and only two signed copies exist, making them a definite collector's item!
A LittleBigPlanet button - Mm was nice enough to provide a couple of LittleBigPlanet-themed buttons, which can be pinned on clothing, backpacks, or anything else you can think of!
5000xp - Plenty of Experience Points for each winner to use as they please around the site. It can be spent in our shop, used in custom contests, or even given away to others!


The level made by the team of two can literally be anything - from a minigame to a platformer to a tech demo or anything else, as long as it was cooperatively created by both team members, we'll accept it.
This contest is region-restricted to North America and Europe only. If you live anywhere else, we will not be able to send you any of the prizes offered due to shipping and customs issues. We considered allowing others outside of these areas enter, but we'd rather just lock this contest down to people that can be sent everything so that all this great stuff doesn't go to waste.
Teams of two only - no exceptions! We don't have enough swag to reward any more than two people, and allowing single-person teams doesn't make sense as this is a contest based around Online Create!
Post your submissions as replies in this thread. Include the title of the level, the PSN that the level has been published on, and the usernames and PSNs of both authors who worked on the level. Also, please include the hashtag #submission in your submission post so we can find it more easily.

Deadline: February 14th

Have fun!
2009-11-30 04:55:00

Posts: 3729

And here I was just saying that I probably wasn't going to use Online Create. Just make a liar outta me, why don'tcha?!2009-11-30 05:00:00

Posts: 588

Interesting... too bad I bet no one would create a level with me and I suck at creating.2009-11-30 05:00:00

Posts: 163

Well, there goes my free time. Lol.

Now I need to snag up a willing partner. Someone... humorous.
2009-11-30 05:01:00

Posts: 1129

Woop! I'll enter! Time to call a friend...
EDIT: Me and frozenpenquin are working together!
2009-11-30 05:04:00

Posts: 392

wow - now if I've got time.... hm......2009-11-30 05:51:00

Posts: 5983

uh...uh...uh *panic attack*
2009-11-30 05:53:00

Posts: 1924

Fascinating...that is all for now.2009-11-30 05:56:00

Posts: 2173

Neato, well since we are talking about a crown here, I'll sit this one out. I'd feel miserable if i did win, ruining someone's chance at the glorious crown, and if you did send me the crown code, OMG I'd never be at peace with the endless "CAN I has the crown?!" messages :eek:

But you can count on me to record the winning level

Best of luck you guys!
2009-11-30 06:10:00

Posts: 1125

Oh maaaaaaaan!!! This is going to make it really hard to finish my current work in progress!!!2009-11-30 08:22:00

Posts: 11383

I don't think i really have time for this one unfortunately but CC well done on getting an amazing prize fund.

If we could use beta levels mine and Leather monkeys level would win for sure
2009-11-30 08:26:00

Posts: 2662

Okay im in me and a friend are starting2009-11-30 08:43:00

Posts: 457

Good job CC, you have inspired me to check out all the wonders of online create a bit earlier than i would have otherwise 2009-11-30 09:44:00

Posts: 3322

Hmm... I may just enter this. I didn't really have any intention of creating online but maybe if I can find a perfect team-mate I'll consider it...2009-11-30 09:53:00

Posts: 490

Heck yeah! Im teaming up with KoRnDawwg! Best of luck with everyone entering the contest!2009-11-30 10:32:00

Posts: 837

wait.. i live in the middle east.. is that okay?2009-11-30 10:44:00

Posts: 457

C'mon, CC - you couldn't find a better prize!?

This contest sounds awesome! Can't wait to see what people come up with!

2009-11-30 11:35:00

Posts: 5338

Ye i'm definetley in can't wait already have a possible partner2009-11-30 11:43:00

Posts: 1304

This contest is awesome! You can has cheezburger!
Now to find someone to partner with...
2009-11-30 12:00:00

Posts: 203

wait.. i live in the middle east.. is that okay?

Read the rules, son. Sorry.

In thread-related news, I'm having trouble finding a partner.
2009-11-30 12:29:00

Posts: 1129

Someone wants to create with me? Maybe some friends! 2009-11-30 13:02:00

Posts: 504

Sweet! Can't wait to get creatin'!2009-11-30 13:17:00

Posts: 245

Someone awesome better create with me

Anywho, I, too, am looking for a partner. I'd like to have a good time creating with them, so no boring slobs of poop. Thanks.
2009-11-30 13:55:00

Posts: 1355

Does your partner have to be in LBPC or can it be anyone?2009-11-30 14:04:00

Posts: 55

Heck yeah! Im teaming up with KoRnDawwg! Best of luck with everyone entering the contest!

We are indeed I actually didn't have the slightest clue that there was going to be a contest 0__0

Should be fairly amusing...
2009-11-30 14:06:00

Posts: 1424

Hey, My creatir buddy lives in england. but i live in middfle east UAE. Dubai. PLease PLEASE make an exception! im begging u!maby if u send both the prizes to him if we win and he can send them to me! PLEASE! I just REALLY want that crown u have no idea how much it means to me! please consider thinking about it... please.2009-11-30 14:20:00

Posts: 457

In thread-related news, I'm having trouble finding a partner.

So am I... wanna be my partner?
2009-11-30 14:26:00

Posts: 1355

Hey it's ok if I team up with someone out of this website if so then I got a partner name xQziCyFlaMeZxQz2009-11-30 15:21:00

Posts: 592

If you'd like a team mate I'd be interested. PM me.2009-11-30 15:34:00

Posts: 238

I'm in! Only I am looking for a team-partner. I'm from the Netherlands, 20 years and my English is pretty good. Search for 'Nirokieb' to play some levels and see if we have the same style of creating! This is going to be exciting! 2009-11-30 16:08:00

Unknown User

Hey SLS10 ill work with you on a level!2009-11-30 16:17:00

Posts: 386

Hey SLS10 ill work with you on a level!

I asked first

Anyway I have an intense level idea if I join this with someone lol
2009-11-30 16:31:00

Posts: 1355

Oooo! This is the most epic competition in the history of competitioning!

Question: Does the person I team up with have to be active on these forums?
2009-11-30 17:05:00

Posts: 2266

Anyone need a second? Let me know if you do, I would love to take part in this contest.2009-11-30 18:19:00

Posts: 1090

Me and Joey have a great idea for this competition! Hopefully it does well 2009-11-30 19:43:00

Posts: 1355

I'll be up for it if I can get a willing buddy to help me out. do they have to be a LBPC member?

People looking for helpers: Im good with designing characters, enemies, simple logic and basic stories.

PM me anyone interested
2009-11-30 19:50:00

Posts: 1027

Count me in.
I have an idea for a level but I am no great with logic. I am good, but not great.
Looking for an UK gadder, preferably with a mic, but if not ok.
PM if you want to give this competition a go! I do!
2009-11-30 19:53:00

Posts: 1518

Very nice! I sort of expected something like this was going to be held, and what do you know. ^_^

I doubt I have the time for this with everything else I'm working on.

Then again, I might if I could find a partner with logic skills. I have visual skills, just not the best at logic. Decent maybe.

Ah well, if I change my mind I will seek a partner.
2009-11-30 20:02:00

Unknown User

Ah, this is just the thing to get me back into the LBP swing again. Now to find a partner...

I don't really have any decent levels uploaded, since I tend to start new projects in the middle of old ones. Those I do have up are music levels though, so I have plenty of music know-how if that'll come in handy. I'm also a Visual Arts major, and know a fair amount of logic programming.

Any takers?
2009-11-30 20:31:00

Posts: 151

Oohh! The prize looks tempty

I'm IN!!! Well, now all I need is a partner? someone colourful, fun and creative 8)

Good Luck to you all!
2009-11-30 20:59:00

Posts: 1712

Persona and I are making one, it's pretty awesome 2009-11-30 21:00:00

Posts: 1913

I would love to have a go at this competetion i just need a partner... PM me if you need a partner too (Preferbly someone who is good at the visuals of the level) i am quite good of thinking of ideas for levels and have quite a bit of logic..2009-11-30 21:09:00

Posts: 5592

just when I get out, you guys got to go and do something like this. I feel like Al Pacino in Godfather 3. Why this game always gotta be pulling me off the wagon and stuff?

Definitely not going to be able to pull this one off. It would be severely unhealthy for me, on many levels. But I will be watching. Oh yes. I will be watching.
2009-11-30 21:29:00

Posts: 1937

I'm new to this forum! I really want to do this! Please, I am great at level design, and i need a team!!!!!2009-11-30 21:33:00

Posts: 587

Aaaaw two people!?! That's so annoying that I started a project with three today. If only you allowed one more person. Ah well.2009-11-30 21:42:00

Posts: 1341

I started a cheese level with 4 people today. XD2009-11-30 21:47:00

Posts: 2266

This sounds really cool, but at the same time, I don't know anyone that I'm compatible with in Online Create. I don't know anyone on the same wavelength as myself. XD

I like to create things a certain way.

Besides, I think me, RickyBobby and Nobody are making a Christams level... I think... but when we were in create mode last night, it was chaos. It's really hard to coordinate.
2009-11-30 21:58:00

Posts: 466

Well, I've narrowed my partnership opportunities to three or four people. I also have a brilliant idea. 2009-11-30 22:05:00

Posts: 1129

I want to participate!
I'm not a really good designer but I'm good with logic
If anyone want to create with me just message me.
2009-11-30 22:08:00

Posts: 609

hey i have a question...
are we allowed to use some minor glitches? for example, i want to use a glass material but glitched so it is non slippable. its not in the rules but i want to make sure so all the work wont go to waste.
2009-11-30 23:09:00

Posts: 724

XVoodeedooX, you can just put inviable rubber on top of it if you can't glitch...

But anywho, I am most likely going o team up with ARD.
This will be interesting.
2009-12-01 00:28:00

Posts: 1063

Question: Does the person I team up with have to be active on these forums?
Nope, they just need to be a member.

hey i have a question...
are we allowed to use some minor glitches? for example, i want to use a glass material but glitched so it is non slippable. its not in the rules but i want to make sure so all the work wont go to waste.
Sure - anything goes if it will benefit the level.
2009-12-01 00:29:00

Posts: 3729

I'd love to work with somebody! I'd just like someone who could think of creative ideas! I've got the looks down, I think! Anybody?2009-12-01 01:56:00

Posts: 2979

interesting . I'd like to participate, but I'd need a partner. Complex logic and contraptions are definitely my strength, but I'm pretty good with looks and game play.2009-12-01 03:33:00

Unknown User

:O who wants to be my partner?
i got a mic but no mgs pack and i got good levels
a bit lacking on the visuals but good on the fun, i have a crazy imagination
and im online almost all day so someone pick me!

Edit: maybe you and me piggabling? i mean if you want to(dont worry about saying no im a robot when it comes to feelings... a sad robot *sniff* lol jk)
2009-12-01 03:46:00

Posts: 406

ConfusedCartman. Could you please reply to my message? GruntosUK said it was a good idea and that it can work. Im working with MightyArcangel. Here is what i said in my last post:
Hey, My creatir buddy lives in england. but i live in middfle east UAE. Dubai. PLease PLEASE make an exception! im begging u!maby if u send both the prizes to him if we win and he can send them to me! PLEASE! I just REALLY want that crown u have no idea how much it means to me! please consider thinking about it... please.

My Buddy Has agreed to this idea
2009-12-01 04:21:00

Posts: 457

I would love to enter this contest! I'd prefer the book or buttons, or any material object over a crown... but I'm a costume collector and a crown would be the perfect 'tip' to my collection!


Now if only I could find a partner. :blush:
2009-12-01 04:56:00

Posts: 39

ConfusedCartman. Could you please reply to my message? GruntosUK said it was a good idea and that it can work. Im working with MightyArcangel. Here is what i said in my last post:
Hey, My creatir buddy lives in england. but i live in middfle east UAE. Dubai. PLease PLEASE make an exception! im begging u!maby if u send both the prizes to him if we win and he can send them to me! PLEASE! I just REALLY want that crown u have no idea how much it means to me! please consider thinking about it... please.

My Buddy Has agreed to this idea
Sorry, can't do it. There are no crown codes in existence for anyone whose PSN doesn't reside in NA or EU - that's not my rule, that's how Sony does it. I realize that you could just make a NA/EU account, but due to customs and shipping issues I couldn't send you any of the tangible prizes. So, as I said before, we aren't accepting any entries from anyone who doesn't reside in North America or Europe.
2009-12-01 05:29:00

Posts: 3729

BTW, if anyone is interested in joining me... send a PM please. I need a partner.2009-12-01 07:27:00

Posts: 466

Sorry, can't do it. There are no crown codes in existence for anyone whose PSN doesn't reside in NA or EU - that's not my rule, that's how Sony does it. I realize that you could just make a NA/EU account, but due to customs and shipping issues I couldn't send you any of the tangible prizes. So, as I said before, we aren't accepting any entries from anyone who doesn't reside in North America or Europe.

My code is a EU one. And basically what im trying to say is you can send my partner the prizes and he could give me mine by sending them to me. Good idea no? it would work.PLEASE REPLY
2009-12-01 08:35:00

Posts: 457

Count Miglioshin and me in, we're already working.2009-12-01 08:46:00

Posts: 5112

Wow im tempted to join this... the prizes look g00d!

Although i was planning on making a level over xmas by myself, this competition though...

2009-12-01 08:46:00

Posts: 836

Arh, shame about the limited regions. Sounds fun.
But i'll look foward to the levels.
2009-12-01 08:47:00

Posts: 2513

X-NOBODY-X and Spawner1AndOnly (me XD) are teaming up, i shall edit or re-post once we get a title and such, also, nobody will sign up later on (to the site i mean)

good luck peoples
2009-12-01 10:32:00

Posts: 17

This sounds really cool, but at the same time, I don't know anyone that I'm compatible with in Online Create. I don't know anyone on the same wavelength as myself. XD

I like to create things a certain way.

Besides, I think me, RickyBobby and Nobody are making a Christams level... I think... but when we were in create mode last night, it was chaos. It's really hard to coordinate.

i was going to join you guys, so it would have been even more chaos, then we found out it was 2 player competition

anyway, if you still enter with someone, best of luck jolly
2009-12-01 10:35:00

Posts: 17

Well, me and bonner123 have paired up with dynamic results so far. We are the ones to beat. Mwahahahahahaha!2009-12-01 12:31:00

Posts: 1129

Me and Joey have the intro down and just need to make the level itself...lol

I think we are the ones to beat!
2009-12-01 13:58:00

Posts: 1355

Me and Joey have the intro down and just need to make the level itself...lol

I think we are the ones to beat!

Knowing Joey, you'll definitely be the fastest!!
2009-12-01 14:22:00

Posts: 2173

Knowing Joey, you'll definitely be the fastest!!

You mean they're not done!!!?!?!?!
2009-12-01 14:29:00

Posts: 11383

oh... this is just so unfair... i get to watch these people have all the fun while i cant enter cause where i live ,i hate this forum...2009-12-01 14:31:00

Posts: 457

Arh, shame about the limited regions. Sounds fun.
But i'll look foward to the levels.

Positive attitude!

oh... this is just so unfair... i get to watch these people have all the fun while i cant enter cause where i live ,i hate this forum...

Negative attitude!

Relax Tawarf, Cartman has explained the reasoning behind the rules. There really shouldn't be any more need for discussion on it.
2009-12-01 14:35:00

Posts: 1904

oh its just... will there ever be another contest that will let you get the crown again without restricting the areas?2009-12-01 14:37:00

Posts: 457

Knowing Joey, you'll definitely be the fastest!!

But then again I'm slowing it down......
2009-12-01 14:39:00

Posts: 1355

will there ever be another contest that will let you get the crown again without restricting the areas?
This contest is more than just crown, the signed book is really the best prize as there are only 2 in the world . having an LBP crown doesn't make you king of little big planet.

If that was the case there would be a lot of kings. (And Queens)
2009-12-01 14:41:00

Posts: 2662

@Tawarf: You can still have as much fun creating online without the prize. You can produce a level and show it off, you just don't get a chance to win the competition. Most of the entrants won't win either, so what's the difference?

It's nice to see MM giving out tangible rewards with this contest (signed no less). Very much doubt I'll be participating, but good luck to everyone who is.
2009-12-01 14:42:00

Posts: 6497

But then again I'm slowing it down......

LOL!!! Yeah.. I imagine it will take some time regardless! I recall Joey being fond of calling for rewind every minute or so when we were in an empty level the other night with Morgana and SLS10.
2009-12-01 14:44:00

Posts: 11383

I know its fun im having fun making it... but.... fine i dont care anymore but i just really want a crown....do you think there will be another contest in can enter? rtm? that sends the crown?2009-12-01 14:46:00

Posts: 457

Is this competition just for here? Just curious because can't see it on any other forums or the new LBP site 2009-12-01 14:50:00

Posts: 1494

Is this competition just for here? Just curious because can't see it on any other forums or the new LBP site

Yup... this is an LBPC co-create mega event!
2009-12-01 14:51:00

Posts: 11383

Is this competition just for here? Just curious because can't see it on any other forums or the new LBP site

LBPC gets all the cool contests, why would you visit anywhere else?
2009-12-01 15:13:00

Posts: 2536

Someone wants to create with me? Maybe some friends!

I will!!

On a separate note, will proper levels get more points if they look good? or will a tech showcase with a plain background look worse? or can you make a level with a tech showcase and a minigame combined into it?
2009-12-01 15:31:00

Posts: 5078

I will!!

On a separate note, will proper levels get more points if they look good? or will a tech showcase with a plain background look worse? or can you make a level with a tech showcase and a minigame combined into it?

Is it okay if I join in? I'm eager to try out create mode but so far i've only found unfriendly people or people who just left instantly in the middle of something. Either way, i've added you on PSN
2009-12-01 15:32:00

Posts: 450

Me and Joey have the intro down and just need to make the level itself...lol

I think we are the ones to beat!

i was just wondering who joey is.... everyone else seems to know him.. im new to this forum, but still... whats his psn, so i can check his levels, out of curiosity

good luck to you guys
2009-12-01 15:32:00

Posts: 17

i was just wondering who joey is.... everyone else seems to know him.. im new to this forum, but still... whats his psn, so i can check his levels, out of curiosity

good luck to you guys

xtrophx, hes a funny guy... Funny guy...

Is it okay if I join in? I'm eager to try out create mode but so far i've only found unfriendly people or people who just left instantly in the middle of something. Either way, i've added you on PSN

Oh im sorry... i'll add you and we can play sometime but, i was going to do it with Dante... oh im sorry, But surely we can make something not for the competition?
2009-12-01 15:35:00

Posts: 5078

[...]On a separate note, will proper levels get more points if they look good? or will a tech showcase with a plain background look worse? or can you make a level with a tech showcase and a minigame combined into it?

You can pretty much make whatever you want, from the way I understand it. But be warned, you will be competing against every other level in the contest. I think the bar will be set quite high, if I may say so myself. *cough*

So make it the most amazing, mind-blowing tech showcase/minigame ever! And having some cool decorations can't hurt.
2009-12-01 15:35:00

Posts: 2536

i was just wondering who joey is.... everyone else seems to know him.. im new to this forum, but still... whats his psn, so i can check his levels, out of curiosity

good luck to you guys

Joey's profile (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?u=4979)
PSN: Xtrophx
2009-12-01 15:36:00

Posts: 2173

xtrophx, hes a funny guy... Funny guy...

Oh im sorry... i'll add you and we can play sometime but, i was going to do it with Dante... oh im sorry, But surely we can make something not for the competition?

Ah, no problem.

To everybody else: I'm looking for a partner to create with for the contest. Anyone want to join up? Look at my Level Showcase (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/search.php?searchid=861906&photoplog_searchinfo=1) for an example of what I like to make.
2009-12-01 15:41:00

Posts: 450

thanks for the quick reply's, i can imagine he's funny having seen his levels.2009-12-01 15:59:00

Posts: 17

do you think there will be another contest in can enter? rtm? that sends the crown?

You say it as though I know stuff about things.... I have no idea mate
2009-12-01 16:02:00

Posts: 6497

Introducing my partner...2009-12-01 16:04:00

Posts: 2266

...Demon_Teddy!2009-12-01 16:04:00

Unknown User

@Leather-Monkey & Demon_Teddy: Congrats

I'm looking for a partner to create with in the contest. I've been searching for two days now.. does anyone want to join up?
2009-12-01 16:13:00

Posts: 450

Looks like I may finally have a potential partner. Hope he's willing to lend me a hand. I sure need it! I've got most of the logic 'n' things down, I just need someone to make it look pretty. XD2009-12-01 16:25:00

Posts: 588

Looks like I may finally have a potential partner. Hope he's willing to lend me a hand. I sure need it! I've got most of the logic 'n' things down, I just need someone to make it look pretty. XD
Who? I doubt you mean me, but if so, I'd like to help you, if you wish.
2009-12-01 16:33:00

Posts: 450

Who? I doubt you mean me, but if so, I'd like to help you, if you wish.

Doubt you know him, his name is AaronO777. However, he's been having a few problems with his Ps3 lately ( PERFECT TIMING ). So if he's not able to help me, I'll enlist your aid since you're having if you're still having a hard time finding a partner.
2009-12-01 16:39:00

Posts: 588

Doubt you know him, his name is AaronO777. However, he's been having a few problems with his Ps3 lately ( PERFECT TIMING ). So if he's not able to help me, I'll enlist your aid since you're having if you're still having a hard time finding a partner.
Okay. In that case, I've added you on PSN.
2009-12-01 16:44:00

Posts: 450

Alrighty, I'll add you this evening. I can't access my PS3 at the moment. 2009-12-01 16:49:00

Posts: 588

Alrighty, I'll add you this evening. I can't access my PS3 at the moment.

See you soon, then
2009-12-01 16:56:00

Posts: 450

Introducing my new partner:2009-12-01 17:08:00

Posts: 836

Doubt you know him, his name is AaronO777. However, he's been having a few problems with his Ps3 lately ( PERFECT TIMING ). So if he's not able to help me, I'll enlist your aid since you're having if you're still having a hard time finding a partner.

THAT LITTLE... OOOOOHOHO don't get me started on that little... scallywag...

Anyways, me and my partner are going to low-life it for the next couple weeks, as to spending at least 9 hours a day sitting in front of our black and white televisions, living off potato chips and empty milk jugs. Go teamwork!
2009-12-01 17:11:00

Posts: 724

Introducing my new partner:

2009-12-01 17:22:00

Posts: 2266

I lol'd a ladylyn. Bless her 2009-12-01 17:23:00

Posts: 6497

@rtm223 ladylyn is a boy, but its a common mistake. I think his nick is pronounced lad-y-lyn.2009-12-01 18:33:00

Posts: 386

I lol'd a ladylyn. Bless her

Him... Bless him... :arg:
2009-12-01 18:33:00

Posts: 5078

I made that mistake once before

EDIT: Just wanna make sure... the maximum amount of people per entry is 2? What if we make it so only 2 people get the prizes but there are still others who get xp/credit? Just wanna see incase you find it unfair or whatnot.
2009-12-01 18:47:00

Posts: 1355

Has everyone got a teamate already?
Still looking for someone. I can't enter on my own
2009-12-01 20:18:00

Posts: 1518

Yes ill try to find a partner for this.
If anybody wants to make a team with me tell me...
2009-12-01 20:22:00

Unknown User

Not sure whether I shall be enterting...

I definitely want that book but don't really want the crown.

Shall have to work out how much free time I have over Christmas too....that and find a partner of course!
2009-12-01 20:29:00

Posts: 1494

Not sure whether I shall be enterting...

I definitely want that book but don't really want the crown.

Shall have to work out how much free time I have over Christmas too....that and find a partner of course!

/sniped lol

Joey wants to be with morgana/someone else so I guess I'm free now...
2009-12-01 20:35:00

Posts: 1355

how much can you work on your own? or does it have to be completely online create?2009-12-01 20:36:00

Posts: 5078

@IGotFancyPants: I'd like to team up with you please, if you're free again. Do you want that?

@Jedi_1993: If IGotFancyPants refuses, i'd like to team up with you
2009-12-01 20:45:00

Posts: 450

ok well hmm i had a little problem.:S. so yeah.. im looking for a nice partner.. creative too and if he or she haves a mic well... way better 2009-12-01 21:14:00

Posts: 758

Aw! December 31st? Please! Subbteranean Setbacks and Sacky Potter & the Philosipher's sponge took half a year to finish !

That's the shortest deadline for a level contest I've ever seen on this forum, especially for a massive contest like this.
2009-12-01 21:17:00

Posts: 3251

Wha? No deadline? Hopefully a few months from now, right?

Deadline's December 31st
2009-12-01 21:18:00

Posts: 588

Deadline: December 31st

Sorry for ruining your buzz Incinerator...
2009-12-01 21:19:00

Posts: 1712

Im still looking for a partner
2009-12-01 21:28:00

Posts: 406

I guess I'm open...*sigh*
So yah just pm if your interested.
2009-12-01 21:34:00

Posts: 1576

Well, me and bonner123 have paired up with dynamic results so far. We are the ones to beat. Mwahahahahahaha!


10 characters.
2009-12-01 21:35:00

Posts: 1487

I found that. I edited the post a while ago.

Anyway, that's crazy. Even the logic pack which had four GENIUSES took five months to finish. I know that's different, but like I said, regular levels take months too. Goty interviews even talk about things like how planning takes time and not to rush levels...
2009-12-01 21:37:00

Posts: 3251

December 31st actually...feels like a VERY LONG TIME FROM NOW. Time goes extremely slow for me. Even when I am having fun. 2009-12-01 21:40:00

Posts: 588

I found that. I edited the post a while ago.

Anyway, that's crazy. Even the logic pack which had four GENIUSES took five months to finish. I know that's different, but like I said, regular levels take months too. Goty interviews even talk about things like how planning takes time and not to rush levels...

A level created for this contest doesn't have to be good as those levels, so it doesn't need that much time, it just needs to be the best level of all the entries.
2009-12-01 21:40:00

Posts: 4193

Me and Joey are teaming up. Let's all keep in mind this is a friendly contest, ok please guys?

Anyway, have fun creating guys
2009-12-01 21:53:00

Posts: 1712

@IGotFancyPants: I'd like to team up with you please, if you're free again.

Right now, I'm keeping my options open. May seem cheesy but I've told some others the same before. I've been having some extreme difficulties with partners so I'll have to wait it out. I say, feel free to ask others. Don't wait for me to decide because it could take a while.

2009-12-01 21:55:00

Posts: 1355

I'm struggling to find someone >:S
Please, Pm me as soon as you can, so we can start, if u want to help me out.
Preferably someone good at logic.
2009-12-01 21:56:00

Posts: 587

I'm struggling to find someone >:S
Please, Pm me as soon as you can, so we can start, if u want to help me out.
Preferably someone good at logic.

Thats your problem right there, your asking for a good creator and your only lint and I don't even know who you are.
2009-12-01 22:07:00

Posts: 1576

I agree with Mod, there.

Also, to anyone looking for a partner, try explaining your strengths and weakness or giving an example of your best work so people know more about your abilities in create mode. This will give you a much better chance of finding a partner me thinks
2009-12-01 22:09:00

Posts: 1355

Me and Rick have a secret weapon. >:] Oh yeah and just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm paired with Ricky, lol.2009-12-01 22:40:00

Posts: 724

Me and Rick have a secret weapon. Just thought I'd let everyone know who I'm paired with, lol.

I knew as soon as you said glitched glass lol
2009-12-01 22:41:00

Posts: 1355

I knew as soon as you said glitched glass lol

lol That's not it XD But quite convenient, that. That was just an example of a minor glitch.
2009-12-01 22:55:00

Posts: 724

Uh oh. Robotid's, Morgana's and Kernel's contest of epic proportions is definitely coming before this, but if I start when their contest ends...

I can work with someone for 12 days!

Plus the 19th is when my Christmas Vacation starts so ill be able to camp on LBP all day for 12 days straight

So. Until the 19th my focus wont be here...well maybe a little bit.

I got a mic so. If your willing to wait till about the 20th...shoot me a PM and ill decide if we would make a dynamic duo or be a complete disaster.

(I.e. If you have poor creating skills dont shoot me a PM. My OC buddy has gotta share equal work and produce equal or greater creations and what not. And be willing to wait for me to finish my other level. )

And if anyone out there is scouting before choosing a partner I reccomend you look at my more recent work. I just leave my old stuff up for ol' times sake. Check out Sack Run to see my good use a of logic and ability to make minigames. Check out Turrotolia if you want to see my last legit level.

Avoid anything else as its either old or has nothing relative for you scout for.
2009-12-01 23:36:00

Posts: 435

I'd like to give this a go in between trying to finish Sheriff Sack 2.

I think I'm good at:
Making cutouts and custom stickers

I know I'm hopeless at:
Level design
Use of layers

Check out the levels in my sig if you may be interested in teaming up. Thanks.
2009-12-01 23:43:00

Posts: 2210

I have an idea that people here could like. What if every team would choose a name according to who they are.
Example: Banana_09 and LovelyPeach would be the FruityTEAM (I invented names here)

Do you think this is a good idea?
2009-12-02 02:04:00

Posts: 1712

I have an idea that people here could like. What if every team would choose a name according to who they are.
Example: Banana_09 and LovelyPeach would be the FruityTEAM (I invented names here)

Do you think this is a good idea?

Could be but it doesn't have to be based only off their names... maybe their personalities too?

Rocksauron + peanuts = Evil Team!
2009-12-02 02:06:00

Posts: 1355

hmm lolz sounds pweettyy cool mhhm . with that idea the contest would be more fun .2009-12-02 02:08:00

Posts: 758

Could be but it doesn't have to be based only off their names... maybe their personalities too?

Rocksauron + peanuts = Evil Team!

Me and peanuts, working TOGETHER?!

2009-12-02 02:08:00

Posts: 10882

Me and peanuts, working TOGETHER?!


Actually, I'm pretty sure peanuts are level creatingly challenged. Sorry Rock.
2009-12-02 02:12:00

Posts: 1355

Anyone still looking for a partner? If you want you can check out my levels -
Ambush! (just a demo of possible future versions)
GROW-garden (puzzle, the most complex logic I've done.)
Robot Revolution (one of my earliest levels. Not bad, but not nearly as good as my current stuff.)

I do have a Mic, and am good with complex contraptions/logic/vehicles, and pretty good at looks/ideas. Level flow is kinda what I'm not so good at, and getting a project past 90% done . I have more than a few levels not far away from completion that I haven't touched in forever .
2009-12-02 03:03:00

Unknown User

Hmm. Second day of creation for me and bonner was a mixed bag. We ended up scrapping a small section of level that didn't work like we wanted to.

Still, our thunder rumbles on.
2009-12-02 03:46:00

Posts: 1129

THAT LITTLE... OOOOOHOHO don't get me started on that little... scallywag...

Anyways, me and my partner are going to low-life it for the next couple weeks, as to spending at least 9 hours a day sitting in front of our black and white televisions, living off potato chips and empty milk jugs. Go teamwork!

XVoodeedooX, im sorry, the connections didnt match to let me, nobody, you and ricky into the same level. (< not involving the contest things)
but i do wish you and ricky the best, im sure with your talents you'll make a black and white wonder!
2009-12-02 03:52:00

Posts: 17

I made that mistake once before

EDIT: Just wanna make sure... the maximum amount of people per entry is 2? What if we make it so only 2 people get the prizes but there are still others who get xp/credit? Just wanna see incase you find it unfair or whatnot.
Having more than two people building could definitely provide an upper hand to those with the extra people, so we won't be giving out any rewards for a third person. In fact, any team that has another person helping will be disqualified for not following the rules in the first place.

I found that. I edited the post a while ago.

Anyway, that's crazy. Even the logic pack which had four GENIUSES took five months to finish. I know that's different, but like I said, regular levels take months too. Goty interviews even talk about things like how planning takes time and not to rush levels...
Well, the goal here isn't to create a masterpiece. This is meant to be a fun way to get people together and use the new Leerdammer features. The challenge is not to build the best level you possibly can - the challenge is to build the best level you possibly can in a month's time. You'll have to come up with clever and creative ways to tackle the time limit so you can get your level done before the deadline.
2009-12-02 04:13:00

Posts: 3729

I'm still looking for a partner. If you want an example of my creation skills, play Race Through The Forest. _EVERYTHING_ in that level except the King character has been made by me, even the bird like in the first level of the gardens. And if you want an example of a level that is focused more on how it looks than the gameplay, please check out Captain Vernad (which is not finished). For an example of what I did with Logic, please check out Switch: Yes/No box. For an example of the kind of puzzles I use, check out Grassland Platformer (which is the first level I ever put online, although I updated it a second time)

You can find all of them by searching for my username, robinlint. (Go to Community, Search, Text Search, type in @robinlint, and press OK. If not everything shows up, click one of my levels, then press up until my name is selected, then press X.)

In my opinion, i think i'm fairly good at:
- Building landscapes and dungeons
- Building platforms, obstacles, and whatnot
- Building doors, vaults, and so on.
- Building characters (Check out Captain Vernad for an example)
- Putting Camera Zones everywhere
- Disarming Media Molecule objects and building a self-made version of it
- Thinking up fun gameplay, and balancing uit the difficulty so it's not too hard but not too easy eiither.

Things i'm not so good at:
- Using multiple layers to enhance the looks of a level
- Making dynamic parts in a level that are stable. For example to make a mid-level boss move around the level, I take a block of sponge, attach a piston to the wall and the sponge, set it to stiff, and let it slide back and forth. Then I attach a piston to the bottom side of the sponge, and to the boss, and set it to stiff, and make it move up and down a bit. But this method just isn't very stable.
- Building thermo-efficient logic or logic that uses emitters

If anyone wants to work with me, please let me know. Either send me a Private Message, or post it in this thread .
I don't care about the crown, or the book. I could use some exp, though.
2009-12-02 06:55:00

Posts: 450

partners anyone? i specialize in detail but im a slow creator (yeah, thtll bring some ppl ) i hope someone will join me in this, just because ima low profile member doesnt mean im not mysterious or anything..... >.> 2009-12-02 12:17:00

Posts: 103

partners anyone? i specialize in detail but im a slow creator (yeah, thtll bring some ppl ) i hope someone will join me in this, just because ima low profile member doesnt mean im not mysterious or anything..... >.>
I'd like to team up with you.. but currently someone else wants to team up with me, and I have to wait for his answer. But if he refuses, i'll team up with you. Do you want that?
2009-12-02 12:34:00

Posts: 450

@rtm223 ladylyn is a boy, but its a common mistake. I think his nick is pronounced lad-y-lyn.
don't you know that rtm can build a logic gate that turns men into women, do you?
2009-12-02 12:55:00

Posts: 5112

Anyway, that's crazy. Even the logic pack which had four GENIUSES took five months to finish. I know that's different, but like I said, regular levels take months too. Goty interviews even talk about things like how planning takes time and not to rush levels...

Team comegaUK23 made a level in just over a week that I personally think was pretty darn good (obviously I'm biassed, but you know). It even had jellyfish john. Nice visuals and some decent gameplay doesn't take that long to do out, if you remember that 100% polish is not necessary and you are wiling to compromise.

Regarding ladylyn: I know she's a boy and she knows I know - it doesn't stop me referring to her as a girl. She's an engineer as well, girls don't do engineering, that'd just be weird
2009-12-02 13:21:00

Posts: 6497

Yeh I'l enter but I never win ! Not beacuse I am not good, beacuse I am i'm just lazy... XD but i am dreaming of a crown. If me and my partner win this I'l probably freak out and accidentaly kill me self lol !!! I love to get that book and it is signed by Mm this is the best contest I hope I win beacuse I never won anything in my life ....

PSN ID :methodman55
2009-12-02 13:21:00

Posts: 2

CooL I need a good partner but already got one can we enter twice ?2009-12-02 13:24:00

Posts: 2

I am thinking of entering this..

Its just that I am pretty busy,and a level takes a Whole lot more time to finish than 1 mounth? o_o

And I need a partner yeah..heh feel free to send me a PM if you're interested.

I do ahve some good levels out..pying the billl..a level in create mode..I get crazy new ideas all the time (especially when creating with others! ) so that's good I guess xD

Hmm I need a partner that can stand me..and that are Good.

Gimme a PM if you're up for it. Who knows,we might be able to create something epic in the end and take this one! 8D

..hmm my skills..err...well im good at coming up with original and new gameplay..I'm not the best but good on scenery..I love logic and I am always filled with crazy ideas/always positive
2009-12-02 14:29:00

Posts: 531

Well...yeah. Looks like me & Bak are making some epicz.

So, we shall win.
2009-12-02 18:42:00

Posts: 4291

I don't have any friends that play LBP. Actually It may be that I don't have friends at all. Oh well... maybe I'll just let the prize slip to the hands of others.
This sucks... or maybe it's me.
2009-12-02 18:49:00

Chamion B
Posts: 124

Most the friend be in lbpc? because I'm creating with a friend that isnt in lbpc!2009-12-02 18:56:00

Posts: 3871

Most the friend be in lbpc? because I'm creating with a friend that isnt in lbpc!

That was already answered. See below quote from CC ..so just have them join!

Nope, they just need to be a member.
2009-12-02 19:27:00

Posts: 11383

try explaining your strengths and weakness
Ok. First of all, hi to those who haven't seen me around

My strengths: I'm good at making levels look nice. For example, my friend challenged me to make my own mgs level. so i did, and it looked pretty authentic. But it was on his ps3, and he was obviously jealous, so aparently he deleted it by accident. but anyway, yeah. I am the best level maker that I know (In the outside world O.o).

My Weaknesses: I am feeble at logic, and mechanisms. Also, I can't write authentic storys

Please help me out!!!
2009-12-02 20:19:00

Posts: 587

I'd like to team up with you.. but currently someone else wants to team up with me, and I have to wait for his answer. But if he refuses, i'll team up with you. Do you want that?

um, sure but will u b able to do some of the logic and challenges? if so i got the itroduction fer lbpc
2009-12-02 20:24:00

Posts: 103

um, sure but will u b able to do some of the logic and challenges? if so i got the itroduction fer lbpc
Sorry, Jedi_1993 and me have now formed a team (Jedi_1993 was the person who wanted to team up with me), and we are now making a level
2009-12-02 21:00:00

Posts: 450


Me and LordMagicPants have officially teamed up. Yes, the ultimate pants team!

Pants + More pants = win
2009-12-02 21:17:00

Posts: 1355

Has anyone actually started yet? Me and Evan have done, like, 20% 0__02009-12-02 21:31:00

Posts: 1424

Sorry, Jedi_1993 and me have now formed a team (Jedi_1993 was the person who wanted to team up with me), and we are now making a level

its okay ill lok in my friends list and see if anyone wants to help
2009-12-02 21:58:00

Posts: 103

Well, who's judging?2009-12-02 22:05:00

Posts: 3251

I'd like to give this a go in between trying to finish Sheriff Sack 2.

I think I'm good at:
Making cutouts and custom stickers

I know I'm hopeless at:
Level design
Use of layers

Check out the levels in my sig if you may be interested in teaming up. Thanks.

Hey! I'd like a go at this too... but not sure how much time i can dedicate to it.

If we're both in the same position why not give it a shot together with a more laid-back approach?
2009-12-02 23:56:00

Posts: 836


Me and LordMagicPants have officially teamed up. Yes, the ultimate pants team!

Pants + More pants = win

Got lucky there, he's a great creator.
2009-12-03 00:02:00

Posts: 787

Got lucky there, he's a great creator.

I know

Anywho, I'm wondering how everyone else's levels are doing? I know some people who can just up and create but is anyone having trouble to start?
2009-12-03 00:05:00

Posts: 1355

Well, who's judging?
As mentioned in the initial post, I will go through and pick out all of the top entries, and then from there we will hold a vote to allow you guys to pick out the winning level from those selections.
2009-12-03 00:06:00

Posts: 3729

Sorry... Didn't see that.2009-12-03 00:18:00

Posts: 3251

Most the friend be in lbpc? because I'm creating with a friend that isnt in lbpc!

Tell him to become a member and it will be all good!
2009-12-03 00:28:00

Posts: 1355

Need a new partner if anyone is up for it, partner bailed.
already have a start with some objects
2009-12-03 01:15:00

Posts: 1924

This website beats littlebigworkshop by far.

im glad I joined, this will be an interesting contest.
2009-12-03 04:26:00

Posts: 3

Team comegaUK23 made a level in just over a week that I personally think was pretty darn good (obviously I'm biassed, but you know). It even had jellyfish john. Nice visuals and some decent gameplay doesn't take that long to do out, if you remember that 100% polish is not necessary and you are wiling to compromise.

Regarding ladylyn: I know she's a boy and she knows I know - it doesn't stop me referring to her as a girl. She's an engineer as well, girls don't do engineering, that'd just be weird

Team comegaUK23 was made up of 3 crowned creators and 1 under average creator that tried to not mess too much.
That level is a showcase of sheer genious and I'm really honoured to have worked in it, and it's not bs.
I really feel the luckiest guy in LBP, since I had the chance to work with 3 crowned wonderful guys.
2009-12-03 10:19:00

Posts: 5112

Need a new partner if anyone is up for it, partner bailed.
already have a start with some objects

2009-12-03 12:00:00

Posts: 103

My partner told me I answered too late and he now has a new partner.

Sooo.... pm me if u need a partner guys. Im good at designing visuals, basic logic, simple enemies, and most other basic stuff
2009-12-03 16:56:00

Posts: 1027


Me and LordMagicPants have officially teamed up. Yes, the ultimate pants team!

Pants + More pants = win

HAHA Perfect partnership. As long as your level isn't pants that is. LOL.
2009-12-03 18:20:00

Posts: 2210

Wait, so just to clarify... am I ineligible since I'm staff? I'm not sure I'd make anything anyways, but I thought I'd ask since I thought this was the case.2009-12-03 18:29:00

Posts: 5338

Yep, I already asked CC. We're ineligible! 2009-12-03 18:36:00

Posts: 1335

Yep, I already asked CC. We're ineligible!

Wait, so just to clarify... am I ineligible since I'm staff? I'm not sure I'd make anything anyways, but I thought I'd ask since I thought this was the case.

I guess you have to sacrificing something when your a mod. Anyways wish you guys could join.
2009-12-03 18:39:00

Posts: 1576

Wait, so just to clarify... am I ineligible since I'm staff? I'm not sure I'd make anything anyways, but I thought I'd ask since I thought this was the case.

Don't you guys already have crowns? Leave some for the rest of us lowly plebs.
2009-12-03 18:48:00

Posts: 2536

Don't you guys already have crowns? Leave some for the rest of us lowly plebs.


Now go back to your mod-fortress with your fancy hats and leave us be.
*stares them out of the room*

2009-12-03 18:54:00

Posts: 2173

Regarding ladylyn: I know she's a boy and she knows I know - it doesn't stop me referring to her as a girl. She's an engineer as well, girls don't do engineering, that'd just be weird

This is very true... I've just come to accept that most people will refer to me as a girl lol

Regarding girl engineers: I came across one the other week here- and she was pretty hot too.
2009-12-03 20:08:00

Posts: 836

Regarding girl engineers: I came across one the other week here- and she was pretty hot too.

By indicating that you came across just one, you've proved rtm's point!

Anyways, what was this thread about? Yeah, I'm sad I can't participate. I don't need the crown, but it's be cool to have that signed book. :/
2009-12-03 20:12:00

Posts: 5338

You're gonna be there in spirit in all of 'em comphermc... think of all the logic pack stuff we're gonna use 2009-12-03 20:16:00

Posts: 5983

Anyone want to collab with me? I'm the maker of "Dig to the center of the Earth" Bomb survival level.2009-12-03 20:31:00

Posts: 150

Anyone want to collab with me? I'm the maker of "Dig to the center of the Earth" Bomb survival level.


I dont think using Bomb Survival as material to judge by is a good choice. "Common Community" levels are looked down upon here. As they require little talent to create.

Community "Garbage" falls under a few catergories:

-Obstacle courses
-Jump challenges
-Bomb survivals
-Anything else that requires little talent and is spammed across the cool levels pages.
2009-12-03 21:18:00

Posts: 435


I dont think using Bomb Survival as material to judge by is a good choice. Community crap levels are looked down upon here. As they require little talent to create.

Community Crap falls under a few catergories:

-Obstacle courses
-Jump challenges
-Bomb survivals
-Anything that RussleM or Jeriko makes

Well I have alot of other levels like a connect 4 machine that plays against you, really complicated but it's a bit glitchy, my other levels don't have much views so chances are that they didn't play them before.

It's basically the level design, I can do all the technical parts of the levels.
2009-12-03 21:20:00

Posts: 150

Oh dear. I was looking forward to this but I already have a crown. Does that mean I can't enter ?2009-12-03 21:28:00

Posts: 2210

Oh dear. I was looking forward to this but I already have a crown. Does that mean I can't enter ?

I wouldn't have thought so, MrV. I think you should enter.
2009-12-03 21:37:00

Posts: 1492

Hey, Tehuberzac, do you want to be my partner, I'm pretty good with logic and have kind of thought of a story. My PSN is coolkevin19, and I'd really like to get a crown, so reply here or message me on PSN.2009-12-03 23:50:00

Unknown User

ahhh i'm so late, does anyone wanna be my partner!2009-12-04 00:02:00

Posts: 1246

im rubbish at making levels but theres no harm in trying

all i need now is a partner:blush:
2009-12-04 01:48:00

Unknown User

I wouldn't have thought so, MrV. I think you should enter.

:O nooooeesss... teehee if he wins .. mhhm he can just give the crown to someone, right?
2009-12-04 02:17:00

Posts: 758

Oh dear. I was looking forward to this but I already have a crown. Does that mean I can't enter ?

No, you can participate whether or not you already have a crown. If your team wins, then we just won't hand out that second crown. We'll send it back to Mm so they can use it at another point in time.
2009-12-04 02:49:00

Posts: 3729

Ok cool! Looks like i got my partner sorted then!2009-12-04 02:56:00

Posts: 836

So does anyone want to be my partner? I'm really good with technical stuff of the levels as well as level design and I have a lot of creativity

Check out my levels

PSN: Kobe24Life
2009-12-04 02:57:00

Posts: 150

So does anyone want to be my partner? I'm really good with technical stuff of the levels as well as level design and I have a lot of creativity

Check out my levels

PSN: Kobe24Life

I can be your partner if you would like. I'm kind of good at making levels.
2009-12-04 13:54:00

Unknown User

Also my PSN is: DUDEWALK2009-12-04 13:57:00

Unknown User

Can we get extra time?
Because my profile is corrupted and am waiting for a solution (have posted in the help thread).
The level is on my moon which I cannot access and therefore cannot add to it, with my teamate robinlint, until the problem is resolved.
2009-12-04 14:42:00

Posts: 1518

i have been forced to drop out sorry dante2009-12-04 16:05:00

Posts: 5078

dont know why but my partner left while creating, wouldnt let me join him and then un added me. so again. i need a partner

2009-12-04 17:45:00

Posts: 1027

Id join, but ive been out of it for too long,
Still need to get up to speed.

good luck ya'all!
2009-12-04 17:57:00

Posts: 2136

I can be your partner if you would like. I'm kind of good at making levels.

Do you have any levels I can check out?
2009-12-04 20:08:00

Posts: 150

i have been forced to drop out sorry dante

What happen? D:
2009-12-04 22:00:00

Posts: 588

long story short i have been banned off my ps3 so i am unable to play2009-12-04 22:13:00

Posts: 5078

Do you have any levels I can check out?

Yeah. Just look up my name.
2009-12-04 22:15:00

Unknown User

Hows he posting if he's a guest?2009-12-04 22:54:00

Posts: 5078

When a level is being made for this contest, is the only time the level can be worked on is if the team is there? Or can a individual person work on it alone at times?2009-12-04 23:32:00

Posts: 4193

Yeah, I'm wondering this, too. MY partner's been too occupied with Modern Warfare 2...2009-12-04 23:34:00

Posts: 588

It's been a great pleasure being able to create online with my friends; It's the most fun I've had in a while playing LBP. Me and my partner are keeping our hopes high and our attitudes positive, and I think everyone should be doing the same.

Regardless of trying to get a prize, I feel this is a very great experience for people. It can really improve your likeness toward yourself, no?

I wish everyone luck, and kick buttocks!
2009-12-05 00:09:00

Posts: 724

Mnniska and I started today! I think we make a great team. And we have a pretty good concept!

Everyone good luck. I'm curious what kind of levels we're going to see! Good luck!
2009-12-05 02:10:00

Unknown User

I need a partner if any1 wants one!2009-12-05 02:43:00

Posts: 332

Just thinking, someone should put a list of all teams and all people still looking for partners. It could be helpful.2009-12-05 04:31:00

Posts: 1487

would be helpful, maybe edit something like that into the first post? I'm still looking for a partner2009-12-05 04:40:00

Unknown User

This sounds like a fun competition with some brilliant prizes. Good luck to everyone!

I've teamed up with Tanuki75 for this. Unfortunately, we're spending a good deal more time laughing than we are actually building at the moment, so the deadline may be tight!

Still, we shall see...

2009-12-05 14:24:00

Posts: 1492

well its a good job i dropped out in time2009-12-05 14:29:00

Posts: 5078

well its a good job i dropped out in time

Aww, why did you drop out?
2009-12-05 21:24:00

Posts: 1492

banned... again...2009-12-05 21:32:00

Posts: 5078

Well, Acdramon, would you like to be my partner? Tehuberzac doesn't seem like hes replieing. my PSN is coolkevin19. send me a message or tell me on hear and I'll add you and then we can get started.2009-12-05 22:11:00

Unknown User

Day 5: Both me and Ricky had nightmares involving the thermo. Life moves on.2009-12-06 00:37:00

Posts: 724

Yeah im not entering ( maybe ) instead ima help the community, Like the LogicPack but im making a HelpfulPack, It will have switches and other Tips, aswell as Tutorials i started to work on it yesterday hopefully if me and my friend are quick and 100 % brilliant level. We could enter.

Bye- LittleBigCentral - is cool.
2009-12-06 11:08:00

Posts: 1

Yeah im not entering ( maybe ) instead ima help the community, Like the LogicPack but im making a HelpfulPack, It will have switches and other Tips, aswell as Tutorials i started to work on it yesterday hopefully if me and my friend are quick and 100 % brilliant level. We could enter.

Bye- LittleBigCentral - is cool.

This isnt the thread for that, and you contradicted yourself in that,
2009-12-06 11:36:00

Posts: 5078

Sounds like a great competition. Im not sure ill be able to get anything done before the deadline as I dont have as much time available to play games over the holiday period. Im still ging to create a level with a friend anyway.2009-12-06 12:48:00

Posts: 423

i live in austraila but i have a friend in america can i have you send the prizes to him so he can send it to me. please i really want that stuff2009-12-06 13:37:00

Unknown User

Day 5: Both me and Ricky had nightmares involving the thermo. Life moves on.

same here! .
2009-12-06 14:57:00

Posts: 758

well, i got my partner emodrawcab with me and were finally gonna get workin on it goodluk to all!!2009-12-06 16:18:00

Posts: 103

Me and Chuck_18mp almost done with the lvl! ..2009-12-06 22:02:00

Posts: 758

Me and Chuck_18mp almost done with the lvl! ..

I call playtesting lol!
2009-12-06 22:24:00

Posts: 1355

I don't think people who are currently in the contest should be playtesting other levels - what with idea stealing and all.

And as for me and bonner's progress, we were briefly hampered by a freak material glitch. I had to reconstruct an entire wall because of it. However, the level is almost done, and I can proudly say that it will definitely be a contender.
2009-12-06 22:39:00

Posts: 1129

I don't think people who are currently in the contest should be playtesting other levels - what with idea stealing and all.

And as for me and bonner's progress, we were briefly hampered by a freak material glitch. I had to reconstruct an entire wall because of it. However, the level is almost done, and I can proudly say that it will definitely be a contender.

When people playtest other creators level, I think creators should be certain that their playtesters swear that what they see in the level, stays in the level.
2009-12-06 22:48:00

Posts: 1712

I don't think people who are currently in the contest should be playtesting other levels - what with idea stealing and all.
It's up to the Creators of the level. If you want your level playtested, feel free to do so, but if you're worried that others might try to take your idea and repurpose it, then either don't playtest it at all or be selective about who you let play it. We won't be judging any levels until the deadline, so if you run a public playtest, don't worry about us playing it in an unfinished state and laying judgment then. Everyone gets an equal shot.
2009-12-06 22:56:00

Posts: 3729

agreed Play testing is essential but who you use can make all the difference both for the level working and for the trust to not leak out info or steal ideas.2009-12-06 22:58:00

Posts: 5983

I suppose you're right... I'll only let a select population (i.e. people who aren't in the contest or are good at dropping their notepads) run through our work.

So, mainly, bonner's friends.
2009-12-06 23:00:00

Posts: 1129

how do i go about contacting the guys in charge of the competition2009-12-07 01:32:00

Unknown User

how do i go about contacting the guys in charge of the competition

You could leave CC a visitor message.

2009-12-07 02:06:00

Posts: 11383

Anyone wanna team with me?!?!


Didn't think so...
2009-12-07 03:32:00

Posts: 2068

This is really great!
Isn't there any special requirements or something like that...?
You can never trust someone... hehe!
But yeah, I'm willing to go in!
When is the deadline?
Oh... wait maybe it's in the first post...

Oh and Sage... I wouldn't bother to team up with ya!
Just leave a friend request!

ANOTHER EDIT: Aaand nooo... I'm not begging for friends, I'm just suggesting!
2009-12-07 14:35:00

Posts: 104

I'm interested in doing this.
I will require a team mate.

Anyone want to team up with me just send me a PM.

2009-12-08 11:40:00

Posts: 172

Man, if you're just starting now, you have a lot of lost time to make up for.2009-12-08 12:03:00

Posts: 1129

True but nowhere near impossible2009-12-08 12:40:00

Posts: 172

Man, if you're just starting now, you have a lot of lost time to make up for.

Deadline: December 31st

You can create a fully working, fully detailed level in 1 - 1.5 weeks, so no worries there.
If both players can work together like symbiotic twins, you could even finish a whole level in a few days.

Most of the time when a level takes longer the author (me in this case) is either trying new things, or he b0rked his logics.
2009-12-08 13:42:00

Posts: 2136

Sounds awesome. now if i could only find a creator that is detail freak. All my buddies have been taken on psn. I can do smooth gameplay and traps and mechanics. and make everything playable for 1 or 4 players. If anyone interested please check out my Jones and the Demon to see if you think we would make a good team. thanks. It is locked right now, so you can see a video of the level here on lbpc on my Jones and the Demon level thread.2009-12-08 16:06:00

Posts: 159

I'm interested i've sent a PM-aroonie2009-12-08 16:45:00

Posts: 172

Ah, feck. I would give it a go but I've no mic. Have fun to those who do it though.2009-12-08 18:15:00

Posts: 142

Ah, feck. I would give it a go but I've no mic. Have fun to those who do it though.

Who said a mic was required?
2009-12-08 18:32:00

Posts: 588

Due to the fact that there are two similar competitions going on simultaneously, I have decided to extend the deadline for this contest a whole month and a half, until February 14th. Hopefully this will give you all more time to find partners, come up with a concept, and really pour your heart into the levels you make. Enjoy the extra time! 2009-12-09 00:39:00

Posts: 3729

Thanks CC! Me and Astrosimi (yeah, switched partneres) only just got started 2 days ago!2009-12-09 00:48:00

Posts: 392

Due to the fact that there are two similar competitions going on simultaneously, I have decided to extend the deadline for this contest a whole month and a half, until February 14th. Hopefully this will give you all more time to find partners, come up with a concept, and really pour your heart into the levels you make. Enjoy the extra time!

Hmmmm... now you have my interest!
2009-12-09 00:55:00

Posts: 11383

Finally a bit of good news! Thanks CC!2009-12-09 00:58:00

Posts: 5983

yippee! i was about tobail but now we can add a ton of more stuff, but were figtin the thermo atm and i think well have to cut some stuff out but we are makin progress. 2009-12-09 01:11:00

Posts: 103

Hmm. This'll certainly help, I suppose.2009-12-09 12:09:00

Posts: 1129

Ohhhh, i'm rubbish at creating and i really want a crown or anything really...2009-12-09 17:38:00

Unknown User

Ill be creating with my partner soon. 2009-12-10 08:58:00

Posts: 1

More time! Now I can relax and enjoy the Christmas holiday. 2009-12-10 20:48:00

Posts: 2266

Who wants to team up with me? I'm good with contraptions and logic.2009-12-12 01:17:00

Posts: 386

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