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New Logic piece- Tap/grab mechanism

Archive: 106 posts

This logic piece that me, Burnvictim42, Rtm223 and CompherMC all inputted on, can be used for warfare or non warfare,

the car in lbp has evolved, from the lever, which made you reverse slightly if you crashed, to the 2 point grab system, that was a bit slow to be honest; to comphermcs fantastic contraption. but my idea; if you tap the sponge, it will change direction; However, if you, hold the grab it will move in that direction.
It was originally concieved in thoughts of warfare :kz:, a way to allow one grab to control 2 switches, Think Johnees Dropship, i will post pictures and a level soon
2009-11-29 16:25:00

Posts: 5078

So, you put it on a car, huh? Same design you showed me a week back?2009-11-29 16:44:00

Posts: 5338

yep sure is! 2009-11-29 17:12:00

Posts: 5078

Interesting concept, though there needs to be some indication of what its current direction is.

Actually, how well would this work with a firing mechanism on the "tap" and a different function on the "grab"? Can it handle rapid tapping and then grabbing? I may have a use for this if it does.
2009-11-29 17:31:00

Posts: 2536

it would handle say. maximum 1 tap every second because its connected to a piston to prevent it from activating in create mode, but the piston can be tweaked to suit your needs. so yes it would,

CompherMC has tested it so you can ask him if you think it could handle it.
2009-11-29 17:34:00

Posts: 5078

I had a little spree of making grab mechanic switches a little while ago and made a version of this that can handle a grab every 0.1s.

At least I think it's 0.1s... I had an issue for ages where it seems like it was skipping out grabs, but I think that was the sound effects messing up. I'm just hooked it up to 2 emitters - one directly linked to a 1-shot grab switch and 1 through the "tap-grab" detect mechanic as well. If I spam R1 I can get them both emitting at the same frequency. The direct link has a quicker response (immediate vs 0.1s delay), which is necessary for it to work.

Holding for 0.2s activates the alternative action, for as long as you keep holding.
2009-11-29 19:25:00

Posts: 6497

I had a little spree of making grab mechanic switches a little while ago and made a version of this that can handle a grab every 0.1s.

At least I think it's 0.1s... I had an issue for ages where it seems like it was skipping out grabs, but I think that was the sound effects messing up. I'm just hooked it up to 2 emitters - one directly linked to a 1-shot grab switch and 1 through the "tap-grab" detect mechanic as well. If I spam R1 I can get them both emitting at the same frequency. The direct link has a quicker response (immediate vs 0.1s delay), which is necessary for it to work.

Holding for 0.2s activates the alternative action, for as long as you keep holding.

Haha, it sounds exactly the same as the tap/grab mechanism I'm using in my Gundam. I just added a third function for a prolonged grab.

- Tap fires laser
- Hold immediately releases the shield
- Hold for about 6-7 secs fires off a strong attack

It also includes a Hold <- + R1 function to change firing directions in which the controls on top are still the same.
2009-11-29 19:34:00

Posts: 1476

There is a major difference: you always fire off the laser, even when you activate the shield. I don't think KernelM made it very clear, but the versions here only do one action or the other - tap or hold.

If you aren't fussed about the tap going off when the hold is activated, you can make the entire thing with just a quick-reset timer and some extra mag switches. If you don't want the tap action triggering when holding, then you get stuck with the 0.1s delay, which is an annoying compromise.

For the vehicle controls it is necessary to not have the tap action (change direction) activate when you hold (move), as this would lead to you changing direction every time you stop, rather than changing direction when you wanted to. For weapon systems it's likely to be less significant.

Alternatively for weapon systems, you could have a "cycle" on the tap action and hold for the activate weapon, which can be extended for any number of weapons.
2009-11-29 19:52:00

Posts: 6497

Ah, that makes sense considering the function of his tap/grab. With mine, players just need to be able to fire regardless of direction their moving which is more important in shooters than anything else.2009-11-29 20:07:00

Posts: 1476

Yep, my Barracuda (and it's predecessor the Rhemora) uses this logic to control take-off / landing and machine guns. As in, tap to take off / close door / retract landing gear and hold to fire machine guns.2009-11-29 20:36:00

Posts: 572

but when i play your levels yours doesnt seem to work 100% of the time, i believe mine is more efficient2009-11-29 20:38:00

Posts: 5078

I've seen a tap grab system somewhere online. Looks like an upside down cross. You can rapid fire as fast as you want, believe I tried. Only if you hold it does it not. And it has two different outputs. I don' remember where I found it but I searched warehouse. One of the levels said its coming back and had some sort of conveyor belt on it. If anyone knows what I'm talking about. Oh yeah, also it said something about being a place for the requests made on Little Big Workshop.2009-11-30 10:22:00

Posts: 479

Kernel, that may be the one in the Rhemora, which, I'll agree is very tempermental. However since I now associate that vehicle with corrupt files, I won't be rushing to fix it any time soon.
I'm pretty sure the one in the Barracuda works much better. That being said, I have never actually seen anyone else fly it in it's current state (though I do know one player has definitely done it, as they found the scoreboard and uploaded a picture).
2009-11-30 20:45:00

Posts: 572

ive flew it... its good but its also difficult,

anyway im currently sprucing it up before i release it to the public eye
2009-11-30 20:49:00

Posts: 5078

i have already made this and used it extensively, also it doesn't have to be 2 outputs, it can be however many you like. if you want you can add me and i can send it to you. my psn is: horwitzer2009-12-01 04:59:00

Posts: 255

why would i? ive made a working one, it has 2 output SWITCHES but can have many outputs, and if you made one months ago why didnt you post in the object showcase?2009-12-01 07:56:00

Posts: 5078

Now now children, no squabbling...

You're both basically writing as though you have a solution that works, therefore it is the only solution worth looking at (you have no interest in each other's implementations). Just because you've both reached the same end result does not mean you have nothing to learn from each other.

I've seen comphermc's, KernelM's and my own implementation of this behaviour and all three are completely different. I'd imagine horwitzer's is very different as well. Obviously, mine is best but that doesn't mean it's not interesting or worthwhile to look at other people's methods. You can learn a lot by taking someone else's perspective on a problem.

OK, with regards to the thermo smack talk from the other thread, I can fit 73 of my switch into a level before it overheats. That's including the three-way. How have you boys done with your improved versions?
2009-12-01 13:07:00

Posts: 6497

i havent tested yet RTM i will though it will be better than the logic kings! 2009-12-06 15:25:00

Posts: 5078

i can fit 48 of mine in a level, But i still win!2009-12-08 19:24:00

Posts: 5078

I submit that rtm's is indeed best, but I'm not a fan of the small window of "tap" that is necessary to trigger it. I'm sure that all it would need is a trigger radius tweak... but yeah, it was fun as ____ to play with it that empty level...


I can fit about as many as Kernel (maybe a few more?).
2009-12-08 19:32:00

Posts: 5338

(maybe a few more?).

2009-12-08 19:35:00

Posts: 5078

I'm not a fan of the small window of "tap" that is necessary to trigger it.

Pft. Emitter timings are all. Can be easily changed for the clumsy-fingered amongst you
2009-12-08 19:51:00

Posts: 6497

I'm planning on building a scout robot of some sort that can be conrtolled off-screen and viewed using a magic mouth cut scene and i would like to know how possible it is to create logic allowing for forwards and backwards movement and a jump or shoot function using only ONE grab switch. Only using one grab switch is essential as you are only allowed to grab whilst watching a cut scene and have no movement control.

Me and Kernel have been discussing this for a bit but havent actually attempted making the logic so I thought iI might post here and see if I get a response from some logic kings or queens... or princes/princesses... or jesters i guess.. any one really
2009-12-08 20:14:00

Posts: 118

Thats my new title: Logic Jester!

as for the thing, You should use my tap grab alternator, Coz its the best, and Comphs Switchamajig for controlling movement
2009-12-08 20:18:00

Posts: 5078

I'd be tempted to go for an interface that works in the following way:

Tap: cycles between stop-forward-backwards-forwards
Hold: Fires.

Alternatively you could attempt a triple switch with
Tap: Fires
Double Tap: changes direction (pref doesn't fire though)
Hold: Activates movement in chosen direction.

Or something. It's gotta be done on patterns of grabs so that is about the best I can come up with.
2009-12-08 20:23:00

Posts: 6497

@kernel/logic jester: your mechanism was what i was thinking about to begin with but it uses both tap and hold for just movement leaving no way for a shoot/jump function .

@rtm223: hmm.. your second idea sounds good but making a double tap function without firing or jumping will be difficult. i dont see how I could make logic that can differentiate from one tap and two. i has to be able to predict if there will be another tap coming so it can decide whether or not to fire/jump.

my second plan was to use comphermc's one-grab-direction-changing-drive-a-mo-bob to change the direction every time it was held and each tap would shoot/jump. however I would prefer it if it didnt change direction each time it was tapped.. but im running into the same problem again...
2009-12-08 20:46:00

Posts: 118

@rtm223: hmm.. your second idea sounds good but making a double tap function without firing or jumping will be difficult. i dont see how I could make logic that can differentiate from one tap and two. i has to be able to predict if there will be another tap coming so it can decide whether or not to fire/jump.

I think it's possible. I don't really know how though. Something to do with one-shot ANDs....
2009-12-08 20:54:00

Posts: 6497

Hm... how to cancel the single tap with a double tap... Now that would require emitters! (Think blocking emit zones?) I 'unno...2009-12-08 21:02:00

Posts: 5338

lol, but then wouldnt ther be a minimum of 0.1 second delay between tap and fire/jump?
if so then i could have a single tap to change direction and a double tap to shoot/jump...
2009-12-08 21:45:00

Posts: 118

lol, but then wouldnt ther be a minimum of 0.1 second delay between tap and fire/jump?

There already is a minimum 0.1s delay, you have to wait until you can detect the player's finger coming off the trigger before you know it's tap and not a hold.

You can't know at the time of tapping that it's going to be a tap
2009-12-08 21:48:00

Posts: 6497

Can someone explain how this works to me? I read rtm's description of how a tap switch works in this thread but it left me confused.2009-12-08 21:52:00

Posts: 2454

lol, but then wouldnt ther be a minimum of 0.1 second delay between tap and fire/jump?
if so then i could have a single tap to change direction and a double tap to shoot/jump...

what if the first tap emits the magic mouth. So to change directions you close the cut scene reposition your sack boy to a Left or Right sensor then tap to reactivate the cut scene.
2009-12-08 22:03:00

Posts: 428

but wouldnt it be another o.1 second delay so it knows that it is not a double tap?2009-12-08 22:06:00

Posts: 118

I am going to work on some tap-grab stuff now. I will bring back pictures! 2009-12-08 22:43:00

Posts: 5338

ill sort something out in the morning. if i can figure out how comphs thing works2009-12-08 23:39:00

Posts: 5078

Alright, here we are! These first two are what I had already made; the last one is new.

Device which has a quick tap and a hold output:


Pretty much the same thing, but with a toggle and a 3-way control added. Hook this guy up to a vehicle and quick grab toggles the direction:


The new one! This guy has a quick-grab, a double-grab, and a hold output. The delay had to be longer than desired, since you can only fire emitters at .1 intervals, but it works alright:


That last one utilizes a variation of rtm's tap-grab technique (ie. emitters are involved). I'm sure he'll come by and ninja kick my design into oblivion, but for now I'm proud that a double-tap cancels a single-tap, and a hold cancels both of the taps (before they output).

2009-12-09 01:25:00

Posts: 5338

what if the first tap emits the magic mouth. So to change directions you close the cut scene reposition your sack boy to a Left or Right sensor then tap to reactivate the cut scene.

yeah, this could work... but i dont like the idea of closing the cutscene every time you need to change direction

@conphermc: when double tapping, does the single tap activate at all? for instance, if single was shoot and double was change direction.. would it fire every time you change direction?

i've also managed to replicate your each-grab-change-direction-drive-a-mo-bob logic :kz: using an on-release switch, a 3-way winch set-up, a toggle and i think its called a state switch. just need to add a tap function and i can test out this control mechanism...

Oo, i've just thought of a simple way to make logic react quicker than 0.1 second. by increasing the length of the piston or winch and the radius of the switch so it is just off touching the key on the end of the piston, the piston will move faster to reach its minimum/maximum length in 0.1 second as it has further to travel. This will mean that the magnetic key will be in the radius when the piston has only travelled a fraction of its full journey and therefore be active even before the piston has moved for 0.1 seconds...
i believe it only takes half the specified time for pistons to contract or extend any way.. so this will make the reaction time even shorter!
... but i s'pose you lot already new this... :blush:
2009-12-09 18:21:00

Posts: 118

wow.. thats actually quite clever...2009-12-09 19:39:00

Posts: 5078

It is, but it doesn't actually work like that. As far as I can tell, from my latest experiments, directional switches can propogate in a minimum time of 0.05s, they also seem to be clocked at 0.05s. So if you have moved into the radius of the mag switch within that time, then your output will update, otherwise it's going to take 0.1s.

All you do by setting the radius large is explicitly state which direction you want to switch faster. On at 0.5s, Off at 1.0s, or vice versa.

Now I might be able to make a piston that will switch at 0.05s both ways.... but I'm gonna need a winch. Long winch will pull in faster, but then we can make it so the piston has to go less distance.
2009-12-09 21:47:00

Posts: 6497

@conphermc: when double tapping, does the single tap activate at all? for instance, if single was shoot and double was change direction.. would it fire every time you change direction?

It does not. As soon as the thing is tapped the second time, it deactivates the single tap. There is a delay from the single tap to the output for this very purpose. It can be set up to always fire if you do want it to, though. This would even cut down on delay a bit.
2009-12-09 22:09:00

Posts: 5338

ah, very nice comphermc.
... and it seems my idea was ninja kicked into oblivion by the logic king .

ok, my scout robot prototype is published and the key is in my vault (code: 2550344) i have the logic clearly on show so you lot can help me inprove it .

my problem of the tap function changing the direction of the car each time it was activated has been fixed. if you were driving right, and tapped to jump up onto a ledge, you would continue driving right when you hold the switch again .

please go check it out and help me improve
2009-12-10 10:26:00

Posts: 118

and it seems my idea was ninja kicked into oblivion by the logic king .

Oh no, not at all. It's brought up some really interesting stuff. I thought directional switches were switching at 0.05s, but in reality it's variable between 0.05s and 0.1s. That's really important to know. I've also started on some experiments into latency and propagation that should yield some interesting results, plus give me enough material to do an entire blog post So thanks
2009-12-11 11:16:00

Posts: 6497

thats..err... exactly what i was trying to do... 2009-12-11 13:01:00

Posts: 118

thats..err... exactly what i was trying to do...

You also inspired me to make a scout. Thank you.

@KernelM: Is your mechanism winnable yet? I'd like to experiment with it.
2009-12-11 14:05:00

Posts: 428

not winnable but i haz published a showcase level, Search @KernelM and its called Tech Showcase, And is based in australia, i have included my logic piece from the other thread too!2009-12-11 20:06:00

Posts: 5078

I sent you an updated version of that single, double, and hold grab switch, as per your request. It now goes faster!

2009-12-12 01:37:00

Posts: 5338

thanks Comph i have some very nice plans for it, Rogue Elite. can i make a scout?2009-12-12 14:16:00

Posts: 5078

yeah, feel free . I've already made the one we were talking about in my Guided Missiles thread and its very easy to use. Its published with the logic on show if you want to see it 2009-12-12 14:28:00

Posts: 118

i have an idea of how it will work, Similar to incinerators too2009-12-12 14:39:00

Posts: 5078

cycling controls? i would really like to see what thats like to use. can't wait 'til one of you 2 publishes a level showing it off 2009-12-12 14:43:00

Posts: 118

cycling controls is in the advanced pack... under notched logic, mine will be much more awesome 2009-12-12 14:51:00

Posts: 5078

lol, but does it work in a similar way? tap to change mode (fire, aim, drive forward, drive back etc..)2009-12-12 14:54:00

Posts: 118

sorta but when you are on a certain setting you double tap to do something with that setting...
2009-12-12 14:58:00

Posts: 5078

Oo nice.
and your using comphermc's grab-direction-change-drive-a-mo-bob mechanism for the driving controls?
2009-12-12 15:02:00

Posts: 118

no... im using comphs Tap, Double tap, grabby hold thiggummy for the base of it2009-12-12 15:05:00

Posts: 5078

ok, so tap cycles function, double tap activates selected function, hold... hold does what?2009-12-12 15:08:00

Posts: 118

tap cycles function. Hold activates function, Double tap activates special function depending on what function chu are one2009-12-12 15:17:00

Posts: 5078

ooo.. so on the gun function, you.. chu double tab to fire missiles for example and driving is just another mode?2009-12-12 15:38:00

Posts: 118

with gunning, you tap to fire, grab to aim, Double tap to change direction2009-12-12 15:44:00

Posts: 5078

i think your just going to have to show me... 2009-12-12 16:01:00

Posts: 118

when its made i will update the tech showcase. with a cool laptop and a droid,

what i mean is, Say you had tapped through to left movement, If you were to double tap it would activate a delay which would fire 2 rockets to make the droid fly upwards and left
2009-12-12 16:03:00

Posts: 5078

ah, so its sort of like the 'high profile' button in assassins creed? it does a related special move to the function selected2009-12-12 17:28:00

Posts: 118

yes absolutely, so if you were to be aiming you would hold to aim, and double tap to fire, and i need another output...2009-12-12 17:39:00

Posts: 5078

do you mean another function all together? like jumping?2009-12-12 18:19:00

Posts: 118

no another hold output... i have, aim/shoot, Move/Jump, Move/Jump, and i need another one2009-12-12 18:31:00

Posts: 5078

shield, hover, rockets, missiles, melee attack... back flip?2009-12-12 18:43:00

Posts: 118

shield wouldnt work,
I might try flare...
2009-12-12 18:52:00

Posts: 5078

No don't make a scout! I'm ticked, everyone's copying me lol. I'm gonna patent it!

Edit: I was (mostly) kidding, but if you have a labtop too that really is copying
2009-12-12 19:03:00

Posts: 3251

i'll just use a grabby block...

i dont mean to copy! i really think its an awesome idea!
2009-12-12 19:06:00

Posts: 5078

As long as its kept between us 3 it should be ok ...and I am the only one here with a published working scout and controlable missile made long before any threads were made about remote controlled vehicles so theres no way I copied any one ^^
glad we've cleared that up...
2009-12-12 19:33:00

Posts: 118

yes, only between us 4, lol, btw how do you make the double tap/single tap / hold mechanism. i have mastered the tap/hold mechanism but double tap brings up a whole new realm of complexity. i mean my tap/hold mechanism is fairly fast but has some delay, but with double tap it would seem that the delays would be much larger, is this the case???2009-12-13 04:03:00

Posts: 255

yes, only between us 4, lol, btw how do you make the double tap/single tap / hold mechanism. i have mastered the tap/hold mechanism but double tap brings up a whole new realm of complexity. i mean my tap/hold mechanism is fairly fast but has some delay, but with double tap it would seem that the delays would be much larger, is this the case???

Well not really. There is a .2 second delay for all of the outputs, which is really the best I could manage. And, yes, it is complex! Haha. I have improved the design, but this is my original design for it:


The newer one is actually a bit more complex, but operates more efficiently and more quickly. By efficient, I mean that you won't activate two outputs at the same time. Everything is created with tools from the Logic Pack, just organized in the appropriate manner.

Kernel, does it work how you'd expect?
2009-12-13 05:02:00

Posts: 5338

yeah, i had a few troubles finding each output yaknow, but it seems perfect for what me and incinerator have in mind.2009-12-13 09:46:00

Posts: 5078

instead of having the 2 drive directions as seperate functions, why dont you dedicate the hold control for driving. Then tap could cycle through other functions like shoot, jump and rockets whilst double tap activates them?

...in fact, i might give this a go later today.
2009-12-13 10:50:00

Posts: 118

thats not nearly as awesome as what i have in mind any way, we have got plans2009-12-13 10:59:00

Posts: 5078

i just dont like the idea of having to cycle through options (needs some sort of display btw) just to get to the moving controls 2009-12-13 11:06:00

Posts: 118

the cycling is very simple to do i played with incinerators and it was very useful, your idea allows only 1 output per setting, Our idea allows 2, and if we can make each output useful and unique.

Also the display will probably be lights.
2009-12-13 11:12:00

Posts: 5078

yeah, thats wat I had in mind for a display and i just thought I dont really need 2 functions for each mode for what im going to use my drone for. in fact I was just going to have just a jump function (like what I've made already ) and the player would use it to go places that sackboy could not and activate switches. the only reason I'm making a drone with multiple functions is because i want to mess about with friends .

Oo, I have got another idea for the use of this technology: making a boss that is controlled by a player (2 player and up only level) like a level I have already published (games master). A player is randomly chosen and is placed in a control room where he is able to control a robot and activate several attacks whilst the other players have to dodge the attacks and shoot weak points. if the robot is destroyed, the player controlling it dies and the others are free to go and reach the scoreboard. If all the players are killed and the checkpoint runs out, the player in control of the robot is free to leave.
2009-12-13 12:23:00

Posts: 118

for Codename; Incinikernel. We have decided on making 2 models, a sack killing one and another "secret" one2009-12-13 13:49:00

Posts: 5078

Why am I not apart of this!?:eek: it was me and incinerator that came up with the concept in the first place Operation: 'ROGUE--kernelator'2009-12-13 15:07:00

Posts: 118



Where do these plug in to the grab switch you want to use? Trying to figure out how a tap grab switch works but don't know where to start with your photos.
2009-12-13 17:57:00

Posts: 2454

Here, we are:


Red = directional, blue = one-shot. Both have to be attached to the same grabby material.
2009-12-13 18:18:00

Posts: 5338

Thanks! If I tried to make the one in the first photo do I only need the bits that the arrows are pointing to? I just want to make a basic tap switch.2009-12-13 18:30:00

Posts: 2454

The first one is a tap/hold switch in it's entirety. It's very bulky, and rtm has a better design, but I can't be bothered to post it at the moment.2009-12-13 18:36:00

Posts: 5338

Why am I not apart of this!?:eek: it was me and incinerator that came up with the concept in the first place Operation: 'ROGUE--kernelator'

yeah well seen as you've already made yours. Me and Incinerator are collborating on a turret.
2009-12-13 18:50:00

Posts: 5078

Is there any possibility of updating the Logitech Advance pack with one of these?2009-12-13 20:13:00

Posts: 1518

yeah well seen as you've already made yours. Me and Incinerator are collborating on a turret.

made 2 actually

whats so special about this turret then?
2009-12-13 20:27:00

Posts: 118

that it has over 8 outputs, looks good, Is easy to use,

And Jedi 1993; I wish! but the Advanced pack is set in stone.
2009-12-13 20:43:00

Posts: 5078

is this turret going to be attached to a drone?2009-12-13 20:51:00

Posts: 118

thats what i meant. Yes2009-12-13 20:53:00

Posts: 5078

I kinda find it funny that I completely copied rouge's idea, and now yell at anyone who copies me

Kernel,although your tap/grab concept is cool, I don't really see it's usefulness in a conventional drone or vehicle
2009-12-13 20:56:00

Posts: 3251

then i'll make my own drone! With loads of cool stuff2009-12-13 20:58:00

Posts: 5078

Is there any possibility of updating the Logitech Advance pack with one of these?

It's possible, but unlikely. I'll tell you what... when I get some time, and a few more grab logic pieces in place, I'll make a copyable level with all of them in it.

Sound good?
2009-12-13 21:02:00

Posts: 5338

No! I didn't mean it like that!2009-12-13 21:02:00

Posts: 3251

It's possible, but unlikely. I'll tell you what... when I get some time, and a few more grab logic pieces in place, I'll make a copyable level with all of them in it.

Sound good?

can i be included!! Please! :hero:
2009-12-13 21:12:00

Posts: 5078

I kinda find it funny that I completely copied rouge's idea, and now yell at anyone who copies me

Kernel,although your tap/grab concept is cool, I don't really see it's usefulness in a conventional drone or vehicle

as long as you dont yell at me... and take the idea solely as your own I'm fine with it
2009-12-13 21:20:00

Posts: 118

can i be included!! Please! :hero:

Well, I guess... I was just going to make my own, but I don't see why not...
2009-12-13 21:22:00

Posts: 5338

It's possible, but unlikely. I'll tell you what... when I get some time, and a few more grab logic pieces in place, I'll make a copyable level with all of them in it.

Sound good?

That would be great!
2009-12-14 18:40:00

Posts: 1518

Kernel,although your tap/grab concept is cool, I don't really see it's usefulness in a conventional drone or vehicle
hmm.. how about a vehicle that uses the tap to activate it and the grab to control a weapon?!
2009-12-14 21:21:00

Posts: 572

This ^^

2009-12-14 21:33:00

Posts: 5078

hmm.. how about a vehicle that uses the tap to activate it and the grab to control a weapon?!

i use things like this extensively in my tanks, such as grab left/right to aim, and tap down for cannon just as an example, but it can get a lot more complicated:
2010-01-09 06:13:00

Posts: 255

Hehe, well in my reply there I was hoping Incinerator would recognise the reference to my Barracuda (check my thread if needed), in which a neutral (non-directional) tap will activate it and make it take off and vice-versa whereas a neutral grab fires the heavy paintinators.

Out of curiosity Horwitzer, what is the purpose of the wobble bolts in the above pic?
2010-01-09 17:37:00

Posts: 572

as you may be able to see, on the very edges are simple buttons, so you can grab right, left, and down, but if you move left or right, it pushes the buttons and can activate more functions, as in my panther tank where when your in shoot mode you can move left and right to aim rather than grabbing 2 sponges. this way the grabs can be reserved for the cannon function (tap) and the coaxial machine gun (hold).2010-01-09 18:04:00

Posts: 255

why not use springs?2010-01-09 18:05:00

Posts: 5078

because springs have no boundaries unless you use a rope or something, whereas wobble bolts have very defined boundaries and because of the sticker switch set to direction they want to return to the default position, i use the same concept for my tanks suspension.

also they don't bounce back and fourth annoyingly
2010-01-09 18:09:00

Posts: 255

sounds interesting I'm gonna have a ganders2010-01-19 18:04:00

Posts: 172

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