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Sack-Moving Block!

Archive: 7 posts

I have made a block that, without moving, can make your sackperson move! It's simple to do - make a cube and attach it to two blocks of dark matter with four winches OR non-stiff pistions (max length varies, min length 0, flipper motion in/out) and two rods (stiff, length must be same as winches or pistons).
(purple is dark matter, center is block, grey is pistons/winches, yellow is rods)
2009-11-29 03:03:00

Posts: 80

Seems simple enough to try.. how fast does it make the sackperson move, and in which direction?2009-11-29 03:09:00

Posts: 203

probly witch is stronger/faster
that is smrt of you!
and i found out a use for it! put it behind the title, and it pushes the player in a hole for the level to start
i know i spelt smart rong
2009-11-29 03:12:00

Unknown User

I negletced to mention - this thing is EXTREMELY picky -- it's direction depends on which dark matter is closer. It's so picky that a PIXEL of offset offsets the direction 100%. Speed is gained by how long you stay on it.2009-11-29 03:16:00

Posts: 80

uh...this is can already be done but with two DM and two rods
another assembly with the same materials can increase and decrease gravity
2009-11-29 03:54:00

Posts: 1924

uh...this is can already be done but with two DM and two rods
another assembly with the same materials can increase and decrease gravity

Oh... Like used in that one level.
I feel dumb now. Thanks for pointing that out, though.
2009-11-29 06:00:00

Posts: 80

Well, at least you found a different way of doing the same thing. That's still rather innovative, no?2009-11-29 06:32:00

Posts: 1129

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