Psychedelic Survival
Archive: 3 posts
___________________________ | 2009-11-28 17:40:00 Author: m3p ![]() Posts: 58 |
It definitly feels like your a hippy strung out on halucinagens. Double for my sack boy cause he loves meat. The visuals are great and definitly match the theme. I find the gameplay a little monotonous at first, but the difficulty changer definitely works. by the way, I fixed a few things on my level. If you feel like it, could you try it again and tell me if it's any better. | 2009-12-01 02:25:00 Author: RagTagPwner ![]() Posts: 344 |
It definitly feels like your a hippy strung out on halucinagens. Double for my sack boy cause he loves meat. The visuals are great and definitly match the theme. I find the gameplay a little monotonous at first, but the difficulty changer definitely works. by the way, I fixed a few things on my level. If you feel like it, could you try it again and tell me if it's any better. Ah yes the monotony. I agree the very beginning of the level is since its just 3 T-bones changing places. But after level 2 the other T-bones I added along with the eggs falling down make it a lot less monotonous and more difficult. What I think I will do the coming weekend is add some more levels. I had a chicken wing in the mix that shoots more energy balls. I have 3 more levels planned so I'll add them in there. Glad you liked the level and sure I'll replay the level this weekend. ![]() | 2009-12-01 05:54:00 Author: m3p ![]() Posts: 58 |
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