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Sack boy health bar ( fully working )

Archive: 6 posts

I have made a sack health bar and it all works. when a monster is near and attacks you the health bar gradually decreases un till it hits zero and thats when you are transported to the end of the level. This bar all so has some items included such as throwing knifes witch when you activae comes out of sack boys/girls body. This took a awful long time to make so go check it out. ( Just search The_K00lDude on lbp or sack health bar demo)

sorry but there is one problem and i need you to help. I just can't get the bar to follow me up and down screen.GOT ANY IDEARS???
2009-11-28 15:49:00

Posts: 6

Sounds good but this is in the wrong spot. This should be in object showcase. Mods please move.

As for making it follow you on the screen, I would recommend sackboy trackers. You can find a good one in the Logic Pack. Search @Logicpack ingame. Hmm, up and down however you might have to look at advanced PTDs. I forgot who had one... ladylyn1?
2009-11-28 15:56:00

Posts: 1355

how do I move this to the other plce you said I'm new n i don't have clue how to use this2009-11-28 16:05:00

Posts: 6

I mod needs to do it there will be one by soon enough2009-11-28 16:09:00

Posts: 2662

how do I move this to the other plce you said I'm new n i don't have clue how to use this

Don't worry. A moderator will come by and move it for you.
2009-11-28 16:17:00

Posts: 1355

ok thanks m82009-11-28 19:32:00

Posts: 6

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