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A Sackman2 Review (Heh...that ryhmes)

Archive: 12 posts

Ok well i just thought i might make a review thread...even though im new...i wana get into the review buisness, this is the way that im gonna do things ,all in a measly 6 section count!

Section One:The Picture, The Title, And the Description
Ok this section is all about the picture, the title, and the description...
if ya couldn't figure it out, the picture is the little button you press to actually find out more about the level, i will say how it makes me feel(scared, excited, happy, ect.) and if it wanted me to press it and play the level.
The title shoudn't be something like "My First Level" or "H4H, CLICK HERE NOW FOR TACO'S!", i will give a 1/10 rating for those types...for 10/10, i would've wanted to see something more like "Grasshoper's War Of the Dirt" or "SpiderMan And The Green Goblin"(LOL), those are the title's im looking for....
and finally, the description, it should be about 3 - Max. Amount, sentances, should not be talking about something other than the LEVEL... if the lines would be something like --------------------- , i will accept that...
Now that we've talked about that, lets go on to the next section!

Section 2:The Entry
Well, if i jump into a level, and i see dark matter, im on the actuall ground, or if it's just...common, the entry rating won't be that good, if you've ever seen a level with Super titles in the entry such as "Crazeman223 Presents:Spiderman and the Green Goblin" and then i drop into the actuall story, i would give that a ten, but it wont be the only way to get a ten...

Section 3:The Plot and The Setting
Ok, if you didn't know wat plot means, it basicly means the storyline/ the problem, and setting means the area where you are at...SO, if i only see 1 problem in the story, i'd give it only a 6, but if it had at least 2, it's a good 8...Now for the setting, where do you want me to feel, in outer space, in the desert, on the beach, wherever, if you make me feel like im in the are where you want me to be(this also connects with the title/description/picture)the it's a 10....

Section 4:Glitches
Now this section is the hardest section for you to bear, the glitch/problem section, will i fall into a hole and never get out on accident, maybe, will i get caught in a glitch on accident, maybe, or will i just get stuck? MAYBE...if it has more than 5 glitches that harm my chances of getting a good rating on the scoreboard, this section drops down to a 5 automaticly...but if it is just a glitch that you can't really get anything bad on, such as in the anti-gravity box glitch or the go through walls glitch, that wont really do anything bad to this section...

Section 5:The Ending
This is the part of the story making me want more, more i tell you more!, in the level LittleBigDeadSpace, when it ended, i was like...is this the ending, i hope nothing comes out to scare me, and when nothing does, i feel relieved, and then 5 seconds later, something scares me! i get freaked out, and i went to part 2 automaticly,it was that good...

Section 6:Extra Notes
This is the section for orginality, difficulty, lights, ect....not much here in this section for now...

See, was that so difficult?...Well i still don't care...

Ok, the sections that won't count in race levels, survival levels, or anything else such as tutorials...
Section 3
Yep...only that one section

Im now making new mini-reviews, these are reviews...that only has 1 section, here i go
Section 1
Just comments about the level, some pointers, then the total score...

Only 5 poeple at the waiting list tops!goes for normal reviews, and mini-reviews...

Waiting List
No one.....ASK ME D--- IT!!!

Now go on...START ASKING!

You must at least wait a week for you're review, i have a lot of things to do here also
2009-11-27 21:45:00

Posts: 18

If I may, could I request Pale, Dreamscape and Flow all by bonner123? Thanks in advance!2009-11-27 21:56:00

Posts: 1487

If I may, could I request Pale, Dreamscape and Flow all by bonner123? Thanks in advance!

Ive got nothing else to do

But...im gonna only make a full review of pale, it seems the most interesting, but for Dreamscape and Flow, its a mini-review, im sorry but i dont have alot of time...
2009-11-28 02:27:00

Posts: 18

By bonner123

Section 1 Review
The picture...well...it was the title, so its a solid 8/10
The title wasnt that interesting... so 6/10
the desription wasnt that long either..., but had 3 sentances...so 9/10
Overall, 7.5/10

Section 2 Review
The entry was ok, i fell from the sky and landed somewhere colorful...kinda...
Overall, 8/10

Section 3 Review
ok, so i fall from the sky, and i am in an area of peace and relaxation, i kinda liked it
go right and jump over a hole, where your checkpoint lands in, and go through a tunnel with bubbles !
then,, there are 5 or 6 rotating plus signs, and jump over them to go to the next side.very easy but kinda difficult.
then on the other side, some more bubbles in a certain order to get a multiplyer.
grab something to go down, and go to the next checkpoint.
then go through a rotating circle, jump up, or you can go through the secret area, hey it aint my call.
then up, and go through sponges...
then go up these stair things, and decide if you want prize bubbles or not, then we reach the next checkpoint.
jump to these mini clouds, get some bubbles, then jump over those mini clouds to reach more mini-clouds...
then jump to the platform and then jump ove sponge, reach this bubble droper, and then the next checkpoint.
then go down ice and then reach some new platform... that jumps!
then go...well...get some bubbles...then...uh...wth am i supposed to do?!
ok, so you should make i sign there saying to w8, bonner.
then you grab something to make you go up.
then jump to go get bubbles, then pull a switch to make the whole part slide down, then go around again.
jump to a new are, and then you pull a block to jump, to a jump, to jump to another jump
lol...well, i liked that simple but very interesting effect bonner.
then go through these circles...wow, i am using then alot am i?...lol...and then...TIMBER!!!
and grab something to make it fall, but be carefull, you will die...and then pull a block, and then get some stickers!
that is just a mini-puzzle though!
you didnt have to do it XD.
we then reach a next checkpoint, and use this very advanced way to bring stairs down!
then jump to the next place, and use a circle in a cool way to get bubbles, very cool!
then go to the next point, going down ice...
then fall into sponge and use the sponge to your advantege, go through another puzzle, and then go down to the next checkpoint.
go through a puzzle i did not understand... and then the next checkpoint.
go up these parts of stuff idk...lol...and then go up some sponge and then another sponge puzzle...lol, then above a blue circle...to the next checkpoint!
try and climb across a slow moving circle, then reach alot of tiny circles...
go through those then jump across these buildings, reach some more sponge mini-puzzle, and then a race!
the race itself i will not tell anyone...HAH!
thn after the race go to section 5!
Overall, 9/10

Section 4 Review
No glitches at all...
Overall, 10/10

Section 5 Review
The ending wasnt that exiting...sorry to say.
Overall, 5/10

Section 6 Review
Music, 10/10
Lights, 10/10
Originality 10/10
Length, 10/10
Secrets, 8/10
Overall, 9.5/10

Total Rating

The only bad part of the level was the picture, title, description and the ending...
2009-11-28 03:26:00

Posts: 18

Haha, Thanks =) Nice review. I wasn't fond of the ending but the thermometer wouldn't permit an explosive ending, so I just did a unnecessary short race XD I chose the name Pale because it was unique and it described the level. Good job with the review. Thanks again.2009-11-28 04:22:00

Posts: 1487

Haha, Thanks =) Nice review. I wasn't fond of the ending but the thermometer wouldn't permit an explosive ending, so I just did a unnecessary short race XD I chose the name Pale because it was unique and it described the level. Good job with the review. Thanks again.
Thats just 1...
2009-11-28 05:12:00

Posts: 18

My request:

Author: Miglioshin
Level: Legend of a Hero ch.3

And if you like it you could do a review of the saga.

Thank you in advance.
2009-11-28 15:26:00

Posts: 336

My request:

Author: Miglioshin
Level: Legend of a Hero ch.3

And if you like it you could do a review of the saga.

Thank you in advance.

2009-11-28 16:03:00

Posts: 18

Hiya! Can you please review my level SIREN: The Lost World [Episode 3- Holes] (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=18012)?
Thanks in advance and Hope you enjoy!
2009-11-28 18:29:00

Posts: 211

Hiya! Can you please review my level SIREN: The Lost World [Episode 3- Holes] (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=18012)?
Thanks in advance and Hope you enjoy!
Hey Noroibito, its the real Sackman from LBPForum.
And ill be happy to review your level
2009-11-28 19:49:00

Posts: 18

Hey there !

Can you please be so kind to review my newest level ?

it's called: sol invictus : search for the fountain of youth
psn freddykrugerfred

it's the first in a series of levels and although it's still a bit in progress (working daily on finishing touches) I'd love to get some response so far
2009-11-30 18:25:00

Posts: 422

Hey I was wondering if you wanted to review my most recent updated level.

Level Name: Jurassic Park

I'm sure you'll enjoy this level and I hope you do! I've read up on what you grade on and I very well think that this level has every aspect that you look upon. By the way in Section 3 I noticed that one of the things you look for is a plot. Now I just wanted to let you know that in this level I didn't really try to tell the plot using speech bubbles and so on because I noticed many LBP players may not like to read speech bubbles. So instead I've implyed the plot, or story, in the level just by what goes on in the level. You should be able to pick up on the whole idea especially if you've seen the blockbuster film of Jurassic Park which is what this level is based off of. But just because I didn't put a story through speech bubbles doesn't mean I don't have speech bubbles. I have added many speech bubbles however you don't have to pay attention to them if you don't want to since many of them just include instructions or small humour bits here and there.
Once again I hope you enjoy and I can't wait til your feedback!
2009-12-03 04:28:00

Posts: 57

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