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What are you going to do for Leerdammer?

Archive: 19 posts

What are you going to now that Leerdammer one of the best LittleBigPlanet updates ever has a release date (a close one at that)? Are you going to wear a sackboy suit and just stare at the clock on your PS3, or are you going to get a good nights sleep in so you can stay up and play it all day and night on monday? Sadly I can't get it until next week or week after . But is ok! Post as many times as you want!2009-11-27 15:48:00

Posts: 332

I'll probably just make an awesome water level or something, yeah.2009-11-27 15:51:00

Posts: 4291

I'll start by throwing ARD off a cliff... repeatedly... Tekken-style. 2009-11-27 15:53:00

Posts: 2536

I'll see if I can create some levels with other people. Can't wait to see what that's like.2009-11-27 16:23:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not as excited about this as I have been for other updates (like Cornish Yarg), because I've already seen it all from the beta.

But I can't wait to start saving more stuff now there'll be 250x profile space. Been on the border of a maxed out profile for months now, so it'll be a relief not having the message pop up every couple of hours.
2009-11-27 17:03:00

Posts: 927

I would do nothing. And once I download it, I will do...Nothing.

2009-11-27 17:47:00

Posts: 1424

Well I wouldn't take it as far as to stare at the PS3 clock...lol. Closest choice, though.2009-11-27 17:52:00

Posts: 588

I don't think water is this patch...

Its not that big a deal personally.
2009-11-27 22:00:00

Posts: 1487

Save all my levels before they get moderated. I can only fit 2 at a time before I get the profile message. Hope fully I can fit all 20 with room to spare.2009-11-28 04:13:00

Posts: 423

Heh heh can't wait! Told every one of my LBP playin friends so now to wait. Can't believe I'm saying this but, I hope the weekend would past faster so I can get through school and update!2009-11-28 04:17:00

Posts: 592

I'll go back to a level idea I had a few months ago which I really want to do again now that checkpoints can be switch activated.

Oh and I'll actually bother to decorate my pod now since I don't have to fear losing it!!
2009-11-28 13:50:00

Posts: 155

Ooh, ooh, I know what i'll do.

I'm going to take down my multi layered race gates give away item level. I'm happy I was of use to some members of this community but i'm happier now that they've brought the feature back as standard rather than requireing a community proxy.
2009-11-29 21:53:00

Posts: 1114

Check Subterranean Setbacks still works (oh god please don't break)
Back up everything. Have a proper back-up party, gonna be so much fun
Check if anything from the beta that isn't on the list has made it's way across
block all join and invite requests, 'cause I'm such a sociable chap
Resume life as normal.
2009-11-29 22:00:00

Posts: 6497

All I really care about is the checkpoint and profile update.

Ill put the rest in eggs then throw em at somebodies door.
2009-11-29 22:06:00

Posts: 3262

@ultimateclay, throw them at rtms, hes such a socialable chap he wont mind

i ate some cheese made me thirsty as hell
2009-11-29 22:07:00

Posts: 5078

@ultimateclay, throw them at rtms, hes such a socialable chap he wont mind

Hmm, I was thinking more along the lines of Ard.
2009-11-29 22:10:00

Posts: 3262

I'll make a Cat! For sure I'll backup my data! But I'm really making a cat with a friend lol.2009-11-29 22:24:00

Posts: 1712

I'm gonna start a thread to get LBP friends. I have like 2 LBPC friends. So heads up everyone. I wanna try out that online create. I would like to see how people do their things. I know I do things a little different. My AND switches for one are different and have been more reliable to me than the logic pack's AND switch. I had a swither that worked better but I forgot how I made it 2009-11-29 23:16:00

Posts: 479

Same as Nuclearfish and SteveBigGuns for me.

Copy all my levels back to my moon and hopefully be able to actually make some more objects and stickers without getting the 'profile won't save' message immediately and finish Sheriff Sack 2.

Then make some storage levels for all the stuff I want to keep without clogging up my popit.

Yes the big thing with this update for me is definitely the 250 x profile space.
2009-11-29 23:24:00

Posts: 2210

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