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money tech demo

Archive: 10 posts

so ims screwin around and thought of this

you have the point bubble with a mag key on it
behind it is a mag key switch the mag key switch is conected to a peice of disolve
on the disolve is a mag key
a key switch is pointed at the disolve and is inverted

when the points are colected the disole goes away and activated the inverted mage key switch causing somthing to happen like a car of special object appears

demo lvl allready up just search money tech demo

copy right on terms of blanb laws of lbp.
any mis use or non credited use of this system will be punishable with constant spam of meseges
2009-11-22 23:18:00

Posts: 212

LOL uhhhh.... I thought of this a while ago. A long while ago. It is a good idea, but its definitely NOT yours. Mine wasn't exactly money, but had the exact same effect.

I was using this method in my Cereal level. (work in progress still) lol
2009-11-22 23:32:00

Posts: 1355

this is extremely old
what's your next invention? the permanent switch?
better get copy rights for that too, someone might take it
2009-11-23 00:15:00

Posts: 1924

Yeah check out Mdaj's Sci-fi world 2 it uses this.2009-11-24 17:29:00

Posts: 836

this is extremely old what's your next invention? the permanent switch? better get copy rights for that too, someone might take it

LOL uhhhh.... I thought of this a while ago. A long while ago. It is a good idea, but its definitely NOT yours.

Hey guys theres no need to get aggressive, he obviously assumed he was the first to think up such an idea, im sure its happened to the best of us,

however, dont say you copyrighted anything without doing some proper research into it, i almost made the same mistake thought i was the first to make a teleport turns out i wasn't, But i thought i was the first to make a working one,

So to summarise,
A. Try to keep calm guys
B. Dont Copyright unless you are positive you discovered/Created something
2009-11-29 09:21:00

Posts: 5078

Well, you gotta be calm but you also gotta be firm. 2009-11-29 14:41:00

Posts: 1355

Firm ≠ Rude.

I'm sure there was a nicer way to explain that than being sarcastic. Thanks, Kernel.
2009-11-29 15:38:00

Posts: 5338

no problem 2009-11-29 15:39:00

Posts: 5078

Firm ≠ Rude.

I'm sure there was a nicer way to explain that than being sarcastic. Thanks, Kernel.

well to be honest i think i can speak for them when i say that i didn't like reading the copyright message either...kind of felt like he was acting all high and mighty about this when it wasn't originally his...so i say yeah it coulda been said differently....but i think i woulda posted the same...had i been here earlier...just speaking in their defense
2009-12-08 03:07:00

Posts: 3365

if you used a counter that kept track of how many bubbles you collected (tube that fills with dissolve blocks, dont think the paint counter would work here) and some sort of shopping system that removed a certain number of blocks when you chose to buy something, that would be a really nice feature to have in a free roaming level. Buy your way through a door for example.

copy right on terms of blanb laws of lbp.
any mis use or non credited use of this system will be punishable with constant spam of meseges... i joke
2009-12-08 09:37:00

Posts: 118

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