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Measure your speed.

Archive: 10 posts

Hello, I just spend a few hours creating a level that I am going to make copyable. The level is a tool. It is quite lengthy for measuring purposes. I based it on Ayneh's math.
Anyway, the track is 1,640ft give or take a foot or two. 500m for you guys across the pond. I have the formula included in the level, and I even added a stopwatch that is set for 3 minutes. Its optional, just in case you can't find a stopwatch online.
Now I know its pretty useless, but if you copy then you will never have to wonder how fast Sackboy is going. However, since its not a level meant to get plays, if you copy, atleast give me some heart.
Also, its not too thermo friendly with 2/3 of the thermo taken, it is easily modified to take up almost no thermo. I had to add the black and white measurement lines and thats what took up most of it.

Its called " Measure your speed "

2009-11-21 10:37:00

Posts: 479

cool i will definetley check it out might not use it but i will play it since it sounds like a lot of work was put into it 2009-11-24 22:40:00

Posts: 5592

Remember that its not meant to be played as much as its meant to be copied. After you copy it you can put your vehicle, flyer, or whatever and clock its speed.2009-11-25 07:15:00

Posts: 479

Interesting idea to know how fast things go but i'm a little confused as to why you would need to know how fast your vehicle etc goes.2010-01-17 07:32:00

Posts: 2431

Because it's fun! 2010-01-17 15:38:00

Posts: 342

just like the big gragh-things on mythbusters!
that seems very cool, i will try to find it when i can.
soo, how fast does sackboy run?
2010-01-18 02:49:00

Unknown User

cool, but what scale are you using for the speed (distance over time). what i mean is: how did you define distance in the game, because i personally usually scale sackboy to be 3/4 the size of an average man (about 4 and a half feet tall or so). what about you????2010-01-18 03:06:00

Posts: 255

One of the most recognised things for speed is a large grid circle because it's standard and when set to twelve it goes as fast as sackboy. And as for height, on the little big planet website I think they said he's four inches, lol.2010-01-18 19:16:00

Posts: 3251

One of the most recognised things for speed is a large grid circle because it's standard and when set to twelve it goes as fast as sackboy. And as for height, on the little big planet website I think they said he's four inches, lol.
http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn65/warlord_evil/TwoAndaHalf.jpg?t=1263842477 (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn65/warlord_evil/TwoAndaHalf.jpg?t=1263842477)

2010-01-18 19:21:00

Posts: 4193

i know he is supposed to be very small, but i like to scale him the way i described earlier, for some reason it bugs me to see someone who built an object which is of ridiculous proportions. 2010-01-18 20:26:00

Posts: 255

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