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So, apparently... (Rant ahead)

Archive: 56 posts

Trust me, this belongs in General Gaming (I'm pretty sure).

Anyway, I'm apparently not a true gamer. Here's the story.

I'm sure it's a known fact that I hate FPSs and my friends love them. If you didn't know that, then you do now. Anyway, the other day, I got sick of listening to the guys talk about MW2 all day long, so on Facebook I posted something to the effect of "All my feelings about MW2 are too vulgar to post here" which is actually true. I try to come up with something, but it ends up being about just what MW2 can do with itself.

*ahem* Anyway, my friend comes along and posts this rot: "one day u will know wat it means to b a true gamer... mod 2 its the greatest game ever created by man. forever and ever amen" That's exactly how he posted it, I haven't altered it at all. When I read that, I literally sat in my chair for a couple seconds staring at the screen. Really, guys? I'm not a true gamer because I can see the shallowness of the FPS genre these days and the fact that MW2 was really just a hype-fest?

How is it that just because I don't like a game I'm not a "true gamer"? That's like saying you're not a true movie fan unless you like Braveheart or Star Wars (just examples I'm pulling out, don't yell at me). I hate Call of Duty, I hate FPSs, and I'm starting to hate my friends for never shutting up about it all day. It's gotten to the point where I just bring a book to school and read all day because it's easier than listening to "MW2! YOU CAN DO SPEC-OPS AND YOU CAN SHOOT GUNS AND YOU CAN GET RED-DOT AND CAPTAIN PRICE IS MY BEST FRIEND AND..." /rant

2009-11-18 22:01:00

Posts: 1002

I'mma let you finish, but the RPGs are the most "hardcore" games of all time. All time!
And I hate it when people get angry about someone dissing FPSs.

"Hardcore" is buying 10+ games a year, not just one genre, but a variety, and also willing to go back to play the classics.

And a "true gamer" is someone that lists gaming as a hobby. And I consider anyone ballsy enough to criticize FPSs in front of his FPShead friends a "TRUE GAMER". Usually the FPSheads are especally violent and insecure. And a quote from the long gone "ListenUP" podcast: "Gamers in Japan think Halo and COD are the hardcore games, as Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, and other RPGs are the casual games everyday citizens play." FPSheads? GO TO JAPAN!

(FPSheads are usually people that think they are "cool" and "hardcore" because they play and buy FPSs, and defend their viewpoint with a passion."

And don't get me wrong, I like FPSs! I like Battlefield 1943, and think it is great, but getting one is having them all. But the games like Borderlands with LOADS of guns and Battlefield Bad Company with the destroyable structures make it to my play list by sheer creativity and/or new features.
2009-11-18 22:04:00

Posts: 1063

Some fps' are proper gamers, others aren't. I play CoD for fun, but the older ones are much more 'hardcore' imo. I also prefer hardcore racing sims over most games....2009-11-18 22:05:00

Unknown User

Yep, a true gamer plays more then just one game.

... k? k. nothing more needs to be said.

... then again "true gamerz" are just a weird thing to aspire to be, but w/e, I guess I'd be that... although I never play any FPS really (mainly cause I suck at them and partly cause I don't think they're worth getting a bunch over and over and over... and I refuse to get MW2 but, um...)

anyway, why DOES someone want to be a true gamer? Is this gaming finally coming out of the basement? :O Course, they're just playing FPS... meh, whatever... I've got my games, and as long as no one calls me out for playing a game based on creating and or thinking Tales of Symphonia is the greatest game ever (possibly disputed by Tales of The Abyss, it's a toss up XD) I'm ok.
... or something. Anyway... um... wait, wwhat was I talking bout again? O_o
2009-11-18 22:06:00

Posts: 10882

I haven't been playing MW2. I've been playing games more innovative games like Borderlands and Dragon Age Origins.

What I do know is that it is probably the most fun I've had playing an FPS since COD4. I'm not going to try and argue that its the pinnacle of gaming like your oblivious friend, but it's pure, stupid, murdering fun.

If a true gamer is a 13 year old screaming racial slurs through his head set because he sucks at video games and only plays them to brag to his friends about achievements, then I'll be a false gamer, thank you.
2009-11-18 22:07:00

Posts: 3664

I haven't been playing MW2. I've been playing games more innovative games like Borderlands and Dragon Age Origins.

What I do know is that it is probably the most fun I've had playing an FPS since COD4. I'm not going to try and argue that its the pinnacle of gaming like your oblivious friend, but it's pure, stupid, murdering fun.

If a true gamer is a 13 year old screaming racial slurs through his head set because he sucks at video games and only plays them to brag to his friends about achievements, then I'll be a false gamer, thank you.
Awesomemans, I don't think I've heard more truth in a single post before.

And, thanks everyone else for your replies, too. I just had a hard time believing he (my friend) could be so... I don't even know the right word, but I think oblivious is pretty good.
2009-11-18 22:09:00

Posts: 1002

I know he's your friend, but man...what an idiot. I enjoy a FPS every now and then, but c'mon thats going over the edge to disregard someone's abilities based off their preference of games.

That said, there just video games. Who the h--k cares about being the best so-and-so player, just have fun and ignore the close minded loud mouths.
2009-11-18 22:11:00

Posts: 511

You shouldn't let it bother you, a lot of fps players are just too 'up their own' to notice how dull most fps games are and that they're all the same.
According to them fun is defined by the amount of guns and blood in a game, and also by how good the graphics are... or maybe they decide how fun it is by what the ads or their friends say.

Just put yourself at higher ground - you know what a true gamer is and you're the one with all the good games, if anything it's their loss for not listening

I'm kind of in a similar situation though, i get moaned at for having a ps3 and the usual response i get is "PS3 HAZ NO GAEM". It's hard to force myself not to say anything because i know the ps3 has more games than xbox now xD
2009-11-18 22:26:00

Posts: 2100

It's really not worth getting annoyed over.2009-11-18 22:28:00

Posts: 6728

Every single casual gamer I know has Cod 6, all the true gamers I know don't have it (including me).

When I say 'I know' I mean the real life people.
2009-11-18 22:30:00

Posts: 2266

There just doesn't seem to be a real "True" anything anymore.

I call myself a big time gamer, yet there's some kinds of games I just don't like that just about everyone does for example I don't like Grand Theft Auto, don't like war games (Killzone, Call of Duty etc.). and other things that make me look like an oddball Like i prefer the Tales series over Final Fantasy (I got all American Tales games - Vesperia but only 1/2 of Final Fantasy). Symphonia is my least favorite in the series. The only FPS's I like are Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and the Timesplitters series.

And those are just examples of how i don't sound like a "true gamer" but I got so many games I can't count. I have an old my games link on Gamefaqs, where i have the list of games i've played, and i haven't updated that thing in awhile now (like several months)

2009-11-18 22:46:00

Posts: 1125

You shouldn't let it bother you, a lot of fps players are just too 'up their own' to notice how dull most fps games are and that they're all the same.
According to them fun is defined by the amount of guns and blood in a game, and also by how good the graphics are... or maybe they decide how fun it is by what the ads or their friends say.

Just put yourself at higher ground - you know what a true gamer is and you're the one with all the good games, if anything it's their loss for not listening

I'm kind of in a similar situation though, i get moaned at for having a ps3 and the usual response i get is "PS3 HAZ NO GAEM". It's hard to force myself not to say anything because i know the ps3 has more games than xbox now xD

I just want to point out something here. You said that fun is defined by amount of guns. That can be true. Borderlands, for example, has like, 17 million different possible guns, and since it's all randomized, you never know what you're going to get. It's like opening Christmas presents, you know? It's appealing for the same reason as Pokemon. You never know when that rare weapon is going to pop up. It's one of the most rewarding games I've played to date, overlooking the disappointing boss battle with NO reward besides random loot dropping. That's right. There are no chests. Not even a guaranteed drop.

But I'm rambling now.
2009-11-18 22:54:00

Posts: 3664

FPSs are good...sometimes. New and innovative FPSs are good. You should have heard my school around the MW2 release date - one or two even went to the midnight release. The standard conversation among me and someone who loves MW2 goes:

Him: "Have you got modern warfare two?! It is like the best game ever!"
Me: "No, and I don't plan on getting it, it's not really that good."
Him: "What?! It's amazing!"
Me: "Name one thing it has that any other FPS doesn't have."
Him: "Lots of guns...and good graphics. And you can jump on all the buildings, which, like, no other game has." <-Actual quote.
Me: "Uh, have you PLAYED any other game? CoD is one of the most linear games out there!"
Him: "Well, yeah, but..."
Me: "Look, have you played Borderlands?"
Him: "Borderwhat?"
Me: "Oh man. OK, have you played Battlefield: Bad Company?"
Him: "Yeah, once or twice."
Me: "THAT was better than CoD. It had slightly destructible buildings which was great for gameplay, but it still wasn't all that great. And it had as many weapons as CoD."
Him: "Yeah, but..."
Me: "Look, CoD isn't all that great. The only reason I'd ever buy it is because other people have and its the only way I'll ever play online with anyone because they're all playing it."

Some of these people are absolutely awful at games - their game range is limited to Guitar Hero and COD. The two people who are best at CoD in my school were playing WaW a while ago online, and I was bored, so I popped in the disk (my brothers love it, by the way), and joined. I creamed them. It just goes to show that people who play and adore nothing but CoD aren't really that good at games, and are very narrow-minded.

I tried having a conversation about GREAT games with a major CoD fan. They hadn't heard of Borderlands, LittleBigPlanet, Diablo, Shadow of the Colossus, Black and White, anything like that.

2009-11-18 23:09:00

Posts: 3280

I just want to point out something here.

I agree with you but i wasn't really being precise with my argument

I just picked 2 random things that fps players like to have a lot of, violence generally xD
2009-11-18 23:26:00

Posts: 2100

I like CoD. I play it a lot. I can beat most people i play against, with the exception of some of the actually good gamers, and the 'pro gamers'. The 5/6 people i have been playing CoD with since CoD2 can own almost any team we want if we play properly. Doesn't mean we think we are 'pro' or 'hardcore'. Those are just tags people attach to themselves, in a similar way to 'emo', 'punk' or even 'metalhead' (as i did over there <<) It means nothing, and i don't care to have tags attached to me.

I play for fun, and CoD MW2 is one of the best games out in terms of fun, for me personally. However, i will not limit myself and say it is the god of games (we all know that is F197 ) I play many games, and i play them all for fun. Make of that what you will.

But anyone who doesn't play for fun and takes it too seriously is, in all seriousness, a freak.
2009-11-18 23:30:00

Unknown User

yep...gaming in general is dying!...every one at this school only like halo...(hope no one notices this post...i'm at school now:blush: but yeah...

me:have you heard of lbp?
me:lbp,as in littlebigplanet?you can make almost anything!
them:can you make guns?
me:yeah...but it would take 30-45 minutes to make a good one with bullets...
them:so why do you play it if there aren't any good guns?
me:because i can make it any genre i want!
them:what are genres?we are talking GAMES not MOVIES
me:*sigh*as in platformer,fps,adventure,action,tycoo-
them:you play awful games...try halo or COD.
me:i like the other ps3 games...and i can't!
them: ps3 sucks you di*********!and why can't you play them?no 360?
me:i have a 360,i just can't play m!
them:ok,see yah weirdo!

...that is what an average conversation is with them!...its stupid! :/
2009-11-18 23:32:00

Posts: 2468

I like Halo 3, again with my mates who i play CoD with (there is about 30 of us on a forum) Halo 3, be it custom or matchmaking, is awesome. SOme of the best times i've had gaming. Ok, it, similar to CoD, isn't the god of all games, but if you play it with mates, and with the right attitude; that is, you want to have fun, then it's great. Great, colourful graphics, which is one thing that set's it apart form the modern shooters, with their colour palette of grey and brown, fun gameplay, which is different again to games like CoD in the way you have to play it, and some amazing options for custom matches... It's great...2009-11-18 23:36:00

Unknown User

I didn't think MW2 was great, but the multiplayer is solid. Modern warfare 1 was much better becuase they don't have a ridicoulous story and pathetic perks...

To say it's the best game ever made!? Maybe that guy's just a little kid who likes explosions, or he's just stupid lol. Teebonesy had a similar thread called "First person shooters, enough already!". I don't completely agree with you on that subject, but to say MW2 is the best game ever is blasphemy. lol
2009-11-18 23:37:00

Posts: 3251

I didn't think MW2 was great, but the multiplayer is solid. Modern warfare 1 was much better becuase they don't have a ridicoulous story and pathetic perks...

To say it's the best game ever made!? Maybe that guy's just a little kid who likes explosions, or he's just stupid lol. Teebonesy had a similar thread called "First person shooters, enough already!". I don't completely agree with you on that subject, but to say MW2 is the best game ever is blasphemy. lol

erm. They had even less balanced perks in MW1.... And the story is great in this one, it's one of the best single players i've played in an fps to be honest. yes, the story line may be far-fetched, but it is done well, and it all fits semi-logically, due to how they have done it. I think MW2 is a step up from MW1 in almost every way, though the map design isn't as good...
2009-11-18 23:40:00

Unknown User

I like Halo 3, again with my mates who i play CoD with (there is about 30 of us on a forum) Halo 3, be it custom or matchmaking, is awesome. SOme of the best times i've had gaming. Ok, it, similar to CoD, isn't the god of all games, but if you play it with mates, and with the right attitude; that is, you want to have fun, then it's great. Great, colourful graphics, which is one thing that set's it apart form the modern shooters, with their colour palette of grey and brown, fun gameplay, which is different again to games like CoD in the way you have to play it, and some amazing options for custom matches... It's great...

Back when my xbox was still working, I strung it up between our projector and ethernet output on our router to connect to the internet to download an oblivion expansion. Having done that, I decided I might as well use the opportunity and play some Halo 3 (which I hadn't played in ages). I creamed it.

I also have that problem offline - 3 against me, they get double the points when they kill me, I still end up with twice as much points. Maybe it's because I understand the system, or whatever, but, personally, it's a case of "played one played them all." Only something that is noticeably different, like the weapon system in Borderlands, can make a real change.
2009-11-18 23:46:00

Posts: 3280

I'm kind of in a similar situation though, i get moaned at for having a ps3 and the usual response i get is "PS3 HAZ NO GAEM". It's hard to force myself not to say anything because i know the ps3 has more games than xbox now xD
You have no idea how similar this is to my position at school. Two guys have PS3s besides me and the rest of them have 360s. They like to say that the PS3 is a crappy system with no games and there's no justification for buying it over a 360. Ever. They also like to pull the "No games card." I looked at a list of exclusive games a bit ago, and I noticed that lots of 360 exclusives are "shovelware" or just plain dumb compared to some really good PS3 exclusives like inFamous. However, my friends seem to think the only PS3 exclusives are MGS4, LBP, and Killzone2. Notice: two of those are shooters. The other is a testament as to how good LBP really is; even the FPS-loving Xbots know about it. (And I'm not being a fanboy, they really are Xbots)

Also, I just wanna clear something up. I'm not one of those "It's popular, therefore I hate it" people. I've tried FPSs on several occasions. I actually quite enjoy Bad Company. When I tried MW1, I never got beyond the first act. I just didn't care. So, based on that, I know I wouldn't like MW2 and I have other (better) games to occupy my time with like Demon's Souls and LBP.

Also, just for lulz, I figured I'd throw in this tidbit. I like to read books. Lots. Mostly fantasy books, but I'll read just about anything provided it's well-written and interesting. The only books I know for a fact one of my friends has ever read are the Halo books, and possibly Twilight. Yes, you read that right. Halo and Twilight.
2009-11-18 23:47:00

Posts: 1002

*dies inside*
2009-11-19 00:03:00

Posts: 1063

Yeah, I know. I dunno. I think he's secretly a girl or something, except for the Halo part.2009-11-19 00:12:00

Posts: 1002

Also, just for lulz, I figured I'd throw in this tidbit. I like to read books. Lots. Mostly fantasy books, but I'll read just about anything provided it's well-written and interesting.

I wish i was still like that, i procrastinate too much and never get around to finishing them xD
Bit off-topic i know but if anyone has the chance they should start reading something, i've heard it's great for creativity.

Infact i watched this video review not long ago (can't remember what it was exactly) but it was saying how far too many game developers get all of their ideas from movies and you just end up with a load of overdramatic explosions and unnecessary twists.
It said the best stories and game personalities are created by dev's that read a lot of books
2009-11-19 00:49:00

Posts: 2100

The story, I mean story, is bad in my opinion. The effect are great in all, but everything else is just completely ridiculous.


Nukes and jets getting through the US's defences? Ya right.
CIA going undercover as terrorists?
The fact that you shoot Americans when you were litterally an American two missions earlier?
Makharov never dies!?
Siding with Terrorists? "The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend"!?

But the perks in MW2 are way too annoying for me like copycat and random airdrops that could give noobs helicopters...
2009-11-19 01:07:00

Posts: 3251

I wish i was still like that, i procrastinate too much and never get around to finishing them xD
Bit off-topic i know but if anyone has the chance they should start reading something, i've heard it's great for creativity.

Infact i watched this video review not long ago (can't remember what it was exactly) but it was saying how far too many game developers get all of their ideas from movies and you just end up with a load of overdramatic explosions and unnecessary twists.
It said the best stories and game personalities are created by dev's that read a lot of books I'd believe that. Lots of games try to go for a 'cinematic experience' and so we end up with 10-hour interactive cutscenes. Movies are hardly ever labeled as epic compared to literature.

But, anyway, on topic, I think it's cool (in a sort of it's nice not to be alone sort of way) that a lot of you guys are having almost exactly the same conversations I'm having with my friends. I've decided that a lot of the guys are really narrow-minded, too. I mean, they'll play MW2 'till their blue in the face, the cows come home, and their eyes bleed, but bring up Assassin's Creed 2 or *gasp!* Final Fantasy XIII and they go all glassy-eyed and say those games suck compared to MW2. Literally they say things like "I don't see what the big deal is, I'd much rather play MW2" or "I can't stand RPGs (have you even PLAYED ANY besides Oblivion and Fallout??), FPSs are so much better."
2009-11-19 01:22:00

Posts: 1002

I do like the "movie games" NOT THE STUPID VIDEO GAMES BASED ON MOVIES, but games like Uncharted 2 where it is almost like a movie with climatic events and camera angles.2009-11-19 01:53:00

Posts: 1063

If they're done right, games like that can be very immersive, yes. But if they're done wrong, games like that can suck.2009-11-19 01:56:00

Posts: 1002

My opinion is that you shouldn't give a crap about what other people think.

Taste is taste and it's subjective. Nobody is better when their favorite color is blue.

2009-11-19 02:00:00

Posts: 3901

Just let the little bugger wander freely in his fragile bubble of a world. We'll let him rant on about how "*******INGAWESOMECOD42ISANDJAJAJAJA", and let him bug the other gamers (and most likely get r***'d & kicked out by them ), and we'll let him get flame/spam/chain mail and get death threats and such...

Then we'll spear him with a boltgun from Killzone 2.
2009-11-19 02:06:00

Posts: 5757

Hmm... my opinion...

A hardcore gamer is someone who plays videogames alot, mainly competitive, be it on just a few games or many. Very fanboyish.

True gamer is someone who truly enjoys all aspects of gaming (Read: Not necessarily all genres), and has no fanboyism towards either consoles or whatever. A good game is a good game.

Casual gamer is just someone who can quite happily pick up a controller and play now and again, usually with friends.

I like to think myself as a true gamer in that respect. Though I'm a little bit towards hardcore too as I enjoy the odd competitive FPS (Mainly K2 and MW2).

Most importantly at the end of the day who cares what you classify yourself as. It doesn't matter. As long as you enjoy video games then it's all gravy If not, well go play some sport. (both is recommended together in moderation I say... still need to do that sport bit )
2009-11-19 02:10:00

Posts: 3767

So I'm a hardcore gamer? Cool. I'm not with the whole being mean thing. I like all games, I love Uncharted 2, then all I heard was people bashing it. I love LBP, and you wouldn't believe how many people I hear bash it. I think there are just alot of people who like some games, and then there are people who have to go with the crowd. People who go with the crowd have figured out that if you take something that is amazing and talk bad about it, then the other Lemmings will follow. This is the start of that procedure. If you give it a couple of days then you will see. Just like what you like, but please don't bash.2009-11-19 06:00:00

Posts: 479

Just thought, one of the most annoying things for me is when people decide they don't like games before they try them.

Like my brother hates anything that isn't exactly the same as games that he's played before; and those games are generally just things like need for speed.
My friend also refused to play a lot of rpg games that i was suggesting him too because the combat system wasn't the generic turn-based thing.
I know i can't force them to try new games but i just can't see why they wouldn't want too! If i'm bored i'll jump at the chance to try out something new

Oh and some people can just be plain stupid.
Like i tried to get my brother to try R&C yesterday and he gave up before he got past the intro. It was only some easy platforming but he couldn't get his head around moving about and double jumping.
And then he'd get lost despite clear directions and end up trying to jump into a wall (literally), and when jumping into a wall obviously wasn't working he'd just keep trying ??
I don't know, maybe this stuff's just second nature to me now xD
2009-11-19 07:05:00

Posts: 2100

Just thought, one of the most annoying things for me is when people decide they don't like games before they try them.

Nothing wrong with that, I don't have to try the latest sports and racing games to know I don't like them.
2009-11-19 09:59:00

Posts: 6728

Nothing wrong with that, I don't have to try the latest sports and racing games to know I don't like them.

I stopped liking madden after 99. I don't like it for only one reason: I don't like focusing more on the controller than the tv. I stopped playing the SvR series because they messed the controls up. I like controls to be intuitive. I don't like feeling stupid because I have to keep asking my friends "Okay, how to you make him throw the ball to that guy. What?! Why would they make it so you can throw it six feet over his head?"
2009-11-19 16:31:00

Posts: 479

Nothing wrong with that, I don't have to try the latest sports and racing games to know I don't like them.

I know but what i'm talking about is different to that.

It's like they refuse to play an entire genre before they've played anything even remotely similar to it, they just decide it's rubbish because their friends said so or something. Sometimes they don't know anything about the genre either so they hadn't even taken the time to look it up before they make a judgement.

In my friends case he was making a generalization, because he played one bad tsrpg he doesn't go anywhere near games that bare any resemblence even if they aren't actually part of that genre.
2009-11-19 17:52:00

Posts: 2100

The story, I mean story, is bad in my opinion. The effect are great in all, but everything else is just completely ridiculous.


Nukes and jets getting through the US's defences? Ya right.
CIA going undercover as terrorists?
The fact that you shoot Americans when you were litterally an American two missions earlier?
Makharov never dies!?
Siding with Terrorists? "The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend"!?

But the perks in MW2 are way too annoying for me like copycat and random airdrops that could give noobs helicopters...

Just because you have fancy defenses doesn't mean they are impenetrable.
How do you know what the CIA actually do?
yeah, it's called playing as different characters/factions.
Just because he is the 'bad' guy doesn't mean he has to die at the end, seeing as there will clearly be a 3rd one.
'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' makes perfect sense. Price has been cut off from the rest of his country, him and Soap can;t go back anywhere, so take what allies you can get.

'Copycat' and the other deathstreaks are too assist people who aren't very good; if they are dying enough to get it, then they deserve the help.
Random airdrops work both ways. If you are bothered, get your own, or steal theirs. And if they get a chopper, then you can shoot it down. shockhorror.
2009-11-19 18:55:00

Unknown User

"True" gamers understand that shooting things and blowing stuff up is what being hardcore is all about. It's only sad little bed-wetting noobs who want to do stupid girly stuff like exploring for secrets, solving puzzles and dressing up.2009-11-19 18:57:00

Posts: 2130

At three pages I'm not sure you need my 2 cents, but I agree with several other posters. True gamers, just as console fanboys, are just made up sides of an artificial feud.

I enjoy playing video games. Period.

I've played games from Vagrant Story, Metal Gear, Mario, GTA, Ape Escape, Okami, Katamari Damacy, COD, Final Fantasy, Shenmue, Sonic, Tekken, Soul Caliber, Soul Reaver, and the list goes on and on...

Honestly, I don't know why people get so caught up with "stature" in regards to who is the "truest" player, a real video gamer plays games. That's it...

It's the same to people who want to criticize others for their difficulty level. It's all about having fun. Why take any of these things so seriously?

I mean the developers/console manufacturers don't care that much about your loyalty, because either way they're laughing all the way to the bank.

That's my view on it.
2009-11-19 19:25:00

Posts: 189

I've got the best way to settle this. *ahem* Well if your a hardcore gamer your a no lifer which means your sat on *censored* all day, if your a true gamer you occasionally play games THERE! Happy?2009-11-19 20:02:00

Posts: 142

"True" gamers understand that shooting things and blowing stuff up is what being hardcore is all about. It's only sad little bed-wetting noobs who want to do stupid girly stuff like exploring for secrets, solving puzzles and dressing up.Do I detect a hint of sarcasm? (I sure hope I do... >>)2009-11-19 20:23:00

Posts: 1002

I've got the best way to settle this. *ahem* Well if your a hardcore gamer your a no lifer which means your sat on *censored* all day, if your a true gamer you occasionally play games THERE! Happy?

Ah crap, I am a hardcore gamer
@Pantspantspants, I challenge you to a duel in Tekken...ok, maybe not, its just so hard to find people who want to play with me. The downside to getting really good at a fighting game is that no one wants to take the time to find your weaknesses and take you down. Or they get mad and walk out of the room (its not like I'm a crouch puncher)
2009-11-19 20:26:00

Posts: 479

You make good points, but I still don't see how Soap and Price could try to side with terrorists, when the entire first 90% of the campaign was about them trying to track down Makharov and kill him. Also, there's no way a nuke could get past us, plus that goes against the Geneva Convention, not to mention the Chances of WWIII, and our dozens of anti-nuke missile defense systems.... Any major country has those, you would need hundreds of nukes to get lucky, which means a WWIII would be even likelier, with radiation levels that would spread and cause human extinction.2009-11-19 21:49:00

Posts: 3251

TRRRRRUE gamers can tell the difference between a bloody massacre videogame and reality.2009-11-19 22:00:00

Posts: 2391

True gamers are elitist ***holes who everyone hates. There, it's settled.2009-11-19 22:15:00

Posts: 3664

This whole thread perfectly describes why I hate gamers. They're all dumb.

Even you. Especially you.

2009-11-20 00:49:00

Posts: 73

I think that if the issue bothers either party that much... it's time to put the controller down and get a life. No offence intended, but there are much more important things going on in the world around us that we should be upset and outraged about than whether FPS's make you hardcore or not. Your friends are idiots for implying that you are not a true gamer and trying to aggrivate you, don't become one yourself by letting them get to you and doing the same in return to them. 2009-11-20 14:24:00

Posts: 1737

Lol, MW2, i only got that because people never stopped talking about it, its a good game, but owning/playing it doesn't make you a true gamer.2009-11-20 14:37:00

Posts: 785

well i'm almost a hardcore...good thing i've started riding my mountain bike more often!

...and yes,thats why i'm not as active as of recent!
2009-11-20 17:11:00

Posts: 2468

Weeeell... I have been playing modern warfare 2 a lot. I am pretty amazing at it. To be honest, I prefer games such as oblivion and LBP to being on COD over a long period of time, but for a quick go MW2 is a lot more enjoyable. I think that to be a 'true gamer' you need to play several different kinds of game. Tell your friend that he is not one.

But to all those that are just using this thread to slag off MW2 just because it is an FPS, it has lots of new features and the online play is very fun. I guess I enjoy it because I am good at it though...
2009-11-20 17:29:00

Posts: 2914

Let's face it, if you consider yourself to be a 'true' gamer, then I have no respect for you.2009-11-21 18:51:00

Posts: 1424

a TRUE gamer is one that plays games to have fun...not to be famous as the best at it!(thats why i don't like Mm choosing a best level ...plus you need to try all the levels before you decide!)

a TRUE gamer is one that doesn't yell at other gamers because they like differnet games!so waht if they suck?if they're having fun they are a true gamer!

i don't care what everyone else at my school says!so what?i like lbp and pokemon...i like PS3 and wii(sometimes)...does that mean i'm NOT a true gamer?


also...i own every system at the moment...
ds lite
psp go(for christmas)

but does that make me a true gamer???...not unless i do it for the fun!if i have to play CoD and halo to be a true gamer...if metroid won't slide...

as quoted by awesomemans

"i would rather be a "false" gamer thank you."
2009-11-21 19:33:00

Posts: 2468

Hmm...since I don't have online access for my ps3, for me, with the story being so short (so I've heard) MW2 is just a glorified map pack for me, so I'm not getting it.

FPS's are fun with friends for me, but other than that, meh...

I'm not a hardcore gamer, I get excited about a particular game I'm interested, dive in, then move on...I can go months without playing a game if I'm not interested...
2009-11-23 05:02:00

Theap Pleman
Posts: 670

I play games 24/7 but don't call myself a gamer, do i win? :3

If anything i'd be a 'true gamer', i think that's more of a specification than a title - just someone that know what a good game is when they see it
For example there's no "cool" factor involved when you're choosing a game to play like there seems to be with a lot of people xD

Or maybe i'm more of a game analyst - I've always sort of disassembled a game in my head when i play it in a way, like even when i was 5 years old playing spyro i'd try to find out how it works
I sort of judge aspects of a game to see if it's well made, so i have an idea of how good a game is even if i don't like the genre myself.
2009-11-23 08:10:00

Posts: 2100

I am a gamer. People say I have no life.

I respond...

"Haha! I am a gamer, I have thousands of lives!"

(Not really... but sexy anyways...)
2009-11-24 19:55:00

Posts: 2914

sadly that's how society is now days, everyone has this herd mentality to follow, and if you're different, "you don't belong here."

it's sad, fps aren't even that great, and MW2 is a generic fps... like 90% of them.
2009-11-28 00:55:00

Posts: 15

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