Terrors of the Swamp (Mini Game) [Hard!]
Archive: 1 post
Terrors of the Swamp (Mini Game) [Hard!]Risumm Avoid the burning logs falling down, while collecting points in this swamp-themed minigame! all Hello! This is my first attempt at making a mini-game, and I didn't really want to make it this hard at first.. But, making it random, is kind of difficult, so I had to make more emitters, to not leave to many obvious 'blind spots'. I got this idea with a swamp, after playing/reading the last of the Advanced Logic Tutorials (3.3). I forgot a few decorations and such, that could enchance the look of the level, but I'll just add that in an update. It is dark, yes, but this only helps the atmosphere, and makes the level more difficult! A few lightning strikes from time to time, lights up the platforms that you can jump on, so you won't be walking around in the dark (Also, the burning logs lights up a bit, I have thought of making them more dark though, should I?). You can grab the top of the platforms, as they're made of sponge, but the bottom is slimy, so you can't grab that (okay, that's just a joke, they're made of wood, to fit the theme...). The Mini-Game is simple, just avoid getting killed by the flaming logs.. And collect the points.. Note: Do NOTchase the checkpoint.. It goes through a poison cloud, so it's certain death. I made the poison, to avoid people running outside the 'playground', and I made the hill to make some logs fall into the swamp, instead of outside. | 2009-11-18 16:49:00 Author: Risumm ![]() Posts: 77 |
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