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Playing with Emotions

Archive: 3 posts

Has there ever been a level that toyed with your emotions? Any element of surprise that really made you poop your pants or, even better, a sad, heart-tugging moment that's reduced you to tears? I've always loved levels that can get to you emotionally (not just saying "WOW! That's cool...-_-"), making you have a much more compelling time with the level?

Ok, that was cheesy, but really: has a level ever gotten to you? And if so, how did it feel?
2009-11-18 07:33:00

Posts: 5757

The only time I can remember is Crow-'s level "spectral fear". Some of the effects in that level freaked me out a lot the first time i played it lol.

I'm sure there are others that can tug at ones heartstrings, hopefully this thread will make me a list to play
2009-11-18 08:13:00

Posts: 3322

That level, "Lifespan" was very sad.2009-11-19 23:45:00

Posts: 4193

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