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RX Prototype Rocket Car

Archive: 6 posts

This is my first rocket car. Other than 5 rockets, this 2 seated, sleak looking craft daunts 2 side mounted .50 caliber machine guns. The machine guns can be fired from the back seat for 2 player fun, while another player concentrates on driving. I will soon be unvielling a second prototype which is a hover based craft. No pistons.

2009-11-17 22:22:00

Posts: 171

Looks slow lol.

How fast is it? Really though, looks awesome!
2009-11-22 02:17:00

Posts: 3251

sooooo uh...whats it do?2009-11-22 02:20:00

Posts: 1924

Uh, well, it goes in a straight line at high speeds... and that's about it. What'd you expect? It's a rocket car. (Oh, and it apparantly shoots... now that's interesting...)

I want to see how you do a hovercraft... I've only seen three types (two of which use rockets). Perhaps you can impress me with what you'll come up with...
2009-11-22 07:01:00

Posts: 5757

hey this looks pretty interestigng really wanna se this welll done2009-11-22 07:54:00

Posts: 1304

I like how the steps to the cockpit are integrated into the design. A lot of times people will have ugly winches and pieces of sponge you grab onto, but that looks neat.

Maybe you could use thefrozenpenquin's recent level to work out how fast it goes!
2009-11-22 20:17:00

Posts: 2454

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