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LBP PSP Full Review by donkey show (gevurah22)

Archive: 18 posts

DISCLAIMER: Alrighty, just wanted to drop my overall impressions of the game since I finally beat Story Mode yesterday and tinkered with Create Mode even more. I'll be doing this review from a "seasoned" LBP PS3 player standpoint, so it might be opinionated in that direction.

Story Mode

Story Mode holds the same charm as its PS3 brother, if not more light-hearted in respects to the story. Essentially, you're taking Sackboy across the globe to gather the various Creator Curators for the Carnival. There's no real threat to the LBP world in this go-about. So visiting the various locales equates to problem solving for the different Curators before they agree to join you for the fun.

In regards to level design, we all know that the PSP version cannot do as many visual tricks in the same vein as the PS3 version, such as subtle environmental effects like day/night or light sources, but Sony Cambridge has done an outstanding job in bringing the LBP experience to the portable space. Many of the design tricks employed in the various PS3 story stages can be seen throughout the levels found in the PSP version. Examples such as the puzzles, mini-games, chase sequences, and a very impressive "boss" fight are some of the things that reminded me of the charm and excellence found in the PS3 version. Considering the limitations of the PSP processing power and limitations of the Create Mode (which I'll get to later), some of the levels have a very intricate visual design I was not expecting.

Difficulty wise, I thought this game was rather easy in comparison to its big brother. Combine the fact that checkpoints do not have limited lives and levels were somewhat shorter in comparison, I was able to run through the game in about 5-6 hours, not including retries for acing levels and collecting all items. You won't find any level in the PSP version that matches up to the difficulty (or frustration depending on your POV) of "the Bunker" in LBP PS3, so that might be a good thing.

Control wise, it feels a bit better than the PS3 version. Dare I say the nub feels more accurate than the Dualshock analog stick? To me, I think so in this particular case. Sackboy definitely feels more responsive which is probably a byproduct of the physics engine being scaled down for the PSP. Whatever the case is, I'd like to see it applied to the PS3 version. Plane changing isn?t a huge issue in Story Mode as well, considering only 2 playable planes are available versus the 3 in LBP PS3.

On an aside, there seems to be a weird clipping issue when it comes to certain corners and Sackboy moving at higher than normal speeds. There have been a couple times I would jump onto a ledge after getting propelled and get stuck onto one of the corners with having no way out. Not really gamebreaking, but it is an annoyance if you're trying to ace a level and this happens during your run.

All in all, the Story Mode holds its own, has many surprises, and is overall a less frustrating and possibly a more fun experience than the PS3 version.

Create Mode

I touched upon this earlier when I posted a video of my earlier impressions of the mode which can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhwum_tVg0c

To summarize:
- No more dark matter! Change any material to either Static (no physics i.e. dark matter) or Dynamic (Full Physics enabled)
- Corner Tool upgrade! Edit multiple corners at once!
- All the tools from vanilla LBP PS3 are available to include the visibility tweak for tools (minus Global settings and light sources)
- No IntMusic
- Sounds are classified individually
- Cannot ?cut? through material (i.e. cannot cut a hole through a square wooden box, etc.). Player must use the corner tool to simulate
- A limited grid mode only appears when using a brush to create a single object, no small/med/large grid
- No game view/front view
- Cannot scale an object that has been saved into My Objects
- Cannot copy materials or objects on the fly

I?m sure I mentioned other stuff in the vid, but due to lack of processing power and lack of controls, omissions had to be made. Additions such as the static/dynamic choice and the multiple corner edit tool are wonderful and I would definitely love to see them eventually make it to the PS3 version.

Now does this mean I?m limited in creating similar objects and levels that I?d find in the LBP PS3 community? Yes and no. Yes, because there are things that the PS3 version has over this newcomer which just can?t be replicated, such as the teleportation trick and other random ?glitches? the community has learned to embrace. No, because if you see what Sony Cambridge was able to do with the toolset in Story Mode on top of remembering what the fledgling LBP PS3 community was able to bring prior to DLC upgrades, you?ll know a lot is possible.

If you?re coming from an LBP PS3 background like me, you?ll definitely need to shift your design methods in order to accommodate the changes in LBP PSP Create Mode. From using the brush grid tool for accurate objects to making advanced logic switches using only thick materials to ensure no wacky clipping issues take place, these are some of the ways I've adapted my design style to the PSP version. I also really enjoy the accuracy the nub gives me when using the Corner tool over the Dualshock's analog. It'd be even better if it had Front View, but I digress.

Do all these changes make Create Mode a less satisfying experience? I beg to differ. In fact, the adjustments I had to make for this version ultimately improve my own abilities in the PS3 version as it forces me to simplify and streamline many of my processes that might have been somewhat messy and does not happen to work on the PSP version for some odd reason. As of now, I've nearly completed a working version of my Armorboy from the PS3 edition with functional weapons and stability. I definitely can?t wait to apply what I've learned here to its big brother. I look forward to what the community will bring to the PSP version on top of using it as a portable test machine to mess around with ideas while I?m away from the PS3.

Community and Sharing

I haven?t jumped online yet as it isn?t active as of recent, but playing other creator levels is a rather simple and straightforward process. You choose your community moon and log in with your PSN to search for levels that you might think are worth playing. Once you?ve made your choice, you download the level to your PSP and it's sent to your ?Downloaded Levels? moon for you to play as much as you want. You can of course delete the stage as well once you?re tired of it or run out of space.

You can also download and send levels ad-hoc to different players within your personal vicinity. It's a really simple process of going to the community moon and setting yourself to receive a level while your friend goes to his moon and selects ?Send to Friend.? The PSPs talk, you agree to receiving the level, and straight goes the level to your ?Downloaded Levels? moon. Ratings still exist, but I think that?s only locally. I?ll update you guys more once online is good to go.

Overall, the PSP version is a worthy title to bear the LittleBigPlanet name and Sony Cambridge has done a wonderful job translating it for the portable space. Odd and rare issues aside; the game is fun and captures the essence of LBP both in Story and Create mode.

If you haven?t played LBP before, I think this is a good place to start. If you have and are kind of on the fence about it, I like to think of the game as a nice supplement to what is offered in the PS3 version and shouldn?t be overlooked.

Go team Cable Car (more pics of your "cutie" Ranger X =P)! :lol


On a side note, UMD load times are pretty rough lasting from 20-25 seconds before a level starts up, give or take. If you get the game, you might want to shoot for the downloadable version.
2009-11-17 01:38:00

Posts: 1476

Typo here:
There have been a couple times I would jump onto a ledge after getting propelled and get stuck onto one of the corners with having no way out aside from.

Aside from what...? I'm dying with anticipation...


How does the creation of logic differ, if at all, from its big brother. Tweakable trigger radaii? I know you said that there's no grid, but is it difficult to place pistons accurately?

2009-11-17 01:48:00

Posts: 5338

Cool review! Could you give me a number from 1 to 10 on how great you think this game is?

Can you still move the checkpoints around with pistons on this version? In fact, can you choose static and dynamic for all objects in create mode?

Gah!! I hope sony thinks this game is big enough to give it a non-thursday PSN release.
2009-11-17 01:55:00

Darth J464
Posts: 343

I also thought that it's very good.

In my opinion its around a 8.5/10 - lots of fun, but slightly limiting. Especially if you've gotten used to the PS3 version.

Some of the story levels are really fun. I hope that some awesome PS3 creator can remake them for PS3, because some of them are seriously good fun.
2009-11-17 02:05:00

Posts: 1287

Excellent review and a great write-up. Thanks as always for putting this together for us!

Gah!! I hope sony thinks this game is big enough to give it a non-thursday PSN release.They thought GTA:CW was big enough, so this *better* be! I hope I hope I hope...
2009-11-17 02:06:00

Posts: 3187

Typo here:

Aside from what...? I'm dying with anticipation...


How does the creation of logic differ, if at all, from its big brother. Tweakable trigger radaii? I know you said that there's no grid, but is it difficult to place pistons accurately?


Aside from... nothing. I dunno where that came from, tbh.

Like I said in the review, it's basically vanilla LBP PS3 tools. There are no tweakable radii. Checkpoints are automatically infinite and visibility options are available. Besides those two additions, there is nothing else that has transferred over from other PS3 DLC.

As for placing pistons, the nub is pretty accurate in helping out positioning.

Cool review! Could you give me a number from 1 to 10 on how great you think this game is?

Can you still move the checkpoints around with pistons on this version? In fact, can you choose static and dynamic for all objects in create mode?

Gah!! I hope sony thinks this game is big enough to give it a non-thursday PSN release.

Checkpoints can be moved with pistons and most objects can be set to either static or dynamic before you capture them in your "My Objects."

As for rating, if I had to... I'd say 9 out of 10 considering what it offers me on the portability aspect of having Create Mode wherever I go.

Lemme know if you guys have anymore questions!
2009-11-17 02:58:00

Posts: 1476

Great review! Two questions; can we still remove the base off of the Scoreboard and is it still possible to re-size objects (such as a checkpoint and scoreboard) through an emitter.

2009-11-17 03:07:00

Posts: 245

Great review! Two questions; can we still remove the base off of the Scoreboard and is it still possible to re-size objects (such as a checkpoint and scoreboard) through an emitter.


No and no. I've already tried. You also cannot destroy the first entrance in any way, so the teleportation trick doesn't work as of yet.
2009-11-17 05:02:00

Posts: 1476

No and no. I've already tried. You also cannot destroy the first entrance in any way, so the teleportation trick doesn't work as of yet.

Alright, thanks! Too bad, but I don't mind too much. I look at LBP PSP as its own platform, and a platform in which we must build around. Man, I can't wait 'til I get it... Presumably this Thursday. :/
2009-11-17 05:33:00

Posts: 245

It might come out any minute now.

They just added Assasin's Creed Bloodlines to the store a couple minutes ago.
2009-11-17 05:39:00

Posts: 1125

Nice write up DS. Can't wait to get a hold of this today. 2009-11-17 06:18:00

Posts: 564

excellent review, I might get it, downloading levels sounds better than the online level playing.2009-11-17 21:09:00

Unknown User

Are there any full-level boss fights on the PSP version like the Metal Gear or the Collector?2009-11-17 21:26:00

Darth J464
Posts: 343

I've been hearing people mentioning of a King Kong like boss in the Hollywood world2009-11-17 22:11:00

Posts: 1125

^ Yup. Don't expect anything like the last boss in the PS3 version though.2009-11-19 01:58:00

Posts: 1476

Oh, well. I will just make one.2009-11-19 02:01:00

Darth J464
Posts: 343

Cannot scale an object that has been saved into My Objects
wrong, you can scale it afterwards. however, you cant scale objects bigger when their almost op eactchother. has anyone figured out where the dissolving material is, cant find it anywhere and if you look in the levels you can find dissolving blocks anywhere
2009-11-19 08:08:00

Posts: 8

My biggest gripe is still not being able to cut through things in the create mode, while I get what the OP is saying about the game tidying it up for you through the corner editor tool. I'm one of the artistic types in LBP who can cut and shape everything manually to duplicate whatever I'm trying to create, visually my stuff usually goes unchallenged in most cases.

Its abit of a learning curve for someone like me and I miss the ability to copy things in create mode because it makes doing symmetrical pieces of a big object faster and more accurate, but I'm enjoying the hell out of the single player story mode. There are some really creative levels, Cambridge Studios should be extremely proud of what they've done with this game, I love having it on the go!!
2009-11-19 10:28:00

Posts: 57

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