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The definitive 'Creating help' thread

Archive: 5 posts

I have no idea where to start when creating,a s i am sure many other people don't.

If anyone, or a group of people, would like to put together a starter tutorial thing, be it from a mixture of existing tutorials and new ones, please feel free - it will be very useful to me especially, and i'm sure to many others.

as i said, i can load it up, and i have no idea where to start, and i don't have time to sit down and work it all out for myself.... So, any suggestions/tutorials?

2009-11-16 16:58:00

Unknown User

So people post in this thread?2009-11-16 17:17:00

Posts: 785

Well i guess so - if anyone has tutorials that will help people who are just starting to create on LBP then post them ehre, regardless of whether they are old or new, and if you have just started creating and want help, ask here....2009-11-16 17:54:00

Unknown User

what like the logic pack or just words?2009-11-16 19:39:00

Posts: 5078

I have a creating guide that are the rules and guidelines that I've stuck to when creating. They are what I believe help to make a rounded and balanced level

Here's the link:


Hope it is helpful.
2009-11-16 19:43:00

Posts: 1494

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