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All the objects I've made

Archive: 9 posts

Here are all the objects I've made so far:2009-11-16 03:26:00

Unknown User

Cool! Nice stuff!

You might add a description to each in case there are any certain features you would like to point out.

Since I commented you don't have to double post. However most folks just make a thread per object and tell a bit about it as that way others can more easily comment on each.
2009-11-16 03:51:00

Posts: 11383

This is my jeep. It has full suspension (I believe) and a 'rifle.'

This is a... I don't know what to call it so I'll just call it "Giant Hoverboard." It acts just like a hoverboard, you pull to make it go backwards and push to go forward.

My APC. johnee's APC inspired me to do this. It has an 'electric cannon'.

My support truck; this was the first vehicle i made.

This is truck with hydraulics.... *up down, up down.*

My TOY TANK! ... I made it for a friend.

My Heavy Robot :kz: .. it has 4 machine guns, and 2 rocket launchers.

My small robot. It has 1 grenade launcher, and 1 machine gun.

The 2nd version of my mini-robot. (It's not finished)

Another Heavy Robot. It has 1 rocket launcher, and 1 machine gun. (i'm gonna make another version of this one)

My dragon (not corrupted). The one on my first post, is the corrupted dragon

Those are all the objects I've made so far. Maybe you'll like them, maybe not .

Sorry for the long post

EDIT: Are the pictures not showing up?

Also, tell me which one is you like the most.
2009-11-16 05:36:00

Unknown User

This is my jeep. It has full suspension (I believe) and a 'rifle.'

This is a... I don't know what to call it so I'll just call it "Giant Hoverboard." It acts just like a hoverboard, you pull to make it go backwards and push to go forward.

My APC. johnee's APC inspired me to do this. It has an 'electric cannon'.

My support truck; this was the first vehicle i made.

This is truck with hydraulics.... *up down, up down.*

My TOY TANK! ... I made it for a friend.

My Heavy Robot :kz: .. it has 4 machine guns, and 2 rocket launchers.

My small robot. It has 1 grenade launcher, and 1 machine gun.

The 2nd version of my mini-robot. (It's not finished)

Another Heavy Robot. It has 1 rocket launcher, and 1 machine gun. (i'm gonna make another version of this one)

My dragon (not corrupted). The one on my first post, is the corrupted dragon

Those are all the objects I've made so far. Maybe you'll like them, maybe not .

Sorry for the long post

EDIT: Are the pictures not showing up?

Also, tell me which one is your favourite, and why?

Fixed. The links you were using were to the showcase website, and so wouldn't show up with image tags. In order to show off your images this way in the future, right click on the image and check its properties. The address will tell you where it is hosted, and this is the link which will work in tags.

Some cool stuff there, not sure i have a favorite though.

This is my jeep. It has full suspension (I believe) and a 'rifle.'

This is a... I don't know what to call it so I'll just call it "Giant Hoverboard." It acts just like a hoverboard, you pull to make it go backwards and push to go forward.

My APC. johnee's APC inspired me to do this. It has an 'electric cannon'.

My support truck; this was the first vehicle i made.

This is truck with hydraulics.... *up down, up down.*

My TOY TANK! ... I made it for a friend.

My Heavy Robot :kz: .. it has 4 machine guns, and 2 rocket launchers.

My small robot. It has 1 grenade launcher, and 1 machine gun.

The 2nd version of my mini-robot. (It's not finished)

Another Heavy Robot. It has 1 rocket launcher, and 1 machine gun. (i'm gonna make another version of this one)

My dragon (not corrupted). The one on my first post, is the corrupted dragon

Those are all the objects I've made so far. Maybe you'll like them, maybe not .

Sorry for the long post

EDIT: Are the pictures not showing up?

Also, tell me which one is your favourite, and why?
2009-11-16 07:10:00

Posts: 3322

Nice work! I really like the two dragons you've made.

Can I ask what the object in the third image is? It looks like a spaceship.
2009-11-16 13:45:00

Posts: 2454

Ty very much Burnvictim42

@Ayneh: Ty .
That is a huge cannon, it was supposed to be part of a giant tank, but it didn't work because the treads kept breaking.
2009-11-17 00:10:00

Unknown User


Also, TANK!!!!!

What about the brown tank and the double treaded tank?
2009-11-18 03:21:00

Posts: 3251

Ty I like ... I mean, I love your TANK!!!

Well, the brown tank is "kind of based on the mighty mite tank", it has one of those artillery ... thingies (I dont know what they are called) a machine gun (which looks weird) a turret, and good suspension.

The double treaded tank, is based on the halo Scorpion Tank. The treads are separated like ... one goes up and the other goes down when on a hill. (If you want to see what I mean, send me a message on PSN or add me).
It has a minigun, which you can change to some sort of acid gun by pressing the R1 button once (not holding it).
The cannon also has that option(?), you can change it to a flamethrower by just pressing the R1 button " " " " ".

Thanks again!!
2009-11-18 06:06:00

Unknown User

oo cant wait to check this out tghere awesome well done2009-11-22 08:04:00

Posts: 1304

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