Dig To The Center Of The Earth (Bomb Survival) by Kobe24Life
Archive: 3 posts
For those of you who love bomb survival challenges as much as I do, I really recommend you try Dig To The Center Of The Earth. You have quite a bit of, quite literally, ground to cover before you reach the bottom, all of which is simple but very realistic. The level tells you how far down you've gone by the signs along the way, and there are simple but temporarily effective burrows and pre-made shelters as well. You start out in a cave where you can either change the music or read directions. Once you're ready, you pull a switch and jump out into the sunlight. Bombs start falling immediately, but not at a pace where you cannot move fluidly. To dig into a specific area more quickly, try pushing all the in-active explosive boxes into the desired area and moving to the other side of the level. When an active timed bomb falls into the explosive box pit you created and goes off, there is a huge explosion and the ground in that area is blown to bits. ![]() ![]() | 2009-11-15 22:29:00 Author: BooboosPiggy ![]() Posts: 24 |
Very nice try, Kobe24life. ![]() | 2009-11-16 02:59:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
indeed...... | 2009-11-16 07:20:00 Author: rseah ![]() Posts: 2701 |
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