Bounding Bluffs
Archive: 6 posts
Bounding Bluffsheadcheeez This is the first level in the "'Round The Globe" Series. It features a wide range of game play, from dodging raindrops, jumping over bombs, pushing explosives around, and climbing mountains. The only cameo I could fit in there... well... You'll have to play to find out! all Anyone else that requested a cameo on the blog post will get one in later levels. Just an FWI, It is quite hard, so I would suggest not to go into it thinking you will have a relaxing time. | 2009-11-15 20:09:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
Pretty cool ![]() Sexy cogmonkeh ![]() Really though, I like this level. I like it. ![]() | 2009-11-15 20:33:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
Thanks! It's actually a SUCCESS! WOO HOO! Yeah, if you take a look at some of my other ones, you will see what I mean. But do you have any complaints? Comments? Ratings? | 2009-11-15 20:38:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
The level was very difficult but I managed to beat it! MUAHAHAHHAAGAGA /sniped I liked the ideas of the level and it was executed nicely although the visuals may need some touch ups. Overall, I gave it 4 stars and hearted it so I can come back and play again (maybe to release some anger xD) Nice job sir! F4F A Sleeping Haze. Keep creating ![]() | 2009-11-15 21:23:00 Author: iGotFancyPants ![]() Posts: 1355 |
Hey chezhead! I had fun with this, but I did think it was a pretty difficult in certain areas. Specifically, the part with the raindrops and swings at the beginning and then the rolling bombs later on. With each section, I think it would help if you gave just a little more time for the player to react. I felt that the hills you climb while dodging the bombs and burning logs were too steep which made jumping over the obstacles even more difficult. I managed to get past the areas without much trouble, but I could see some people having difficulty there. There was also an area in the caves where you can drop down and find a few points. It's right before the first wall that you have to blow up. Unfortunately, if you drop down here there is no way back up. Was this intentional? So a little extra polish to your gameplay and visuals, and you'll have a nice little level here. | 2009-11-16 15:30:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
Hey chezhead! I had fun with this, but I did think it was a pretty difficult in certain areas. Specifically, the part with the raindrops and swings at the beginning and then the rolling bombs later on. With each section, I think it would help if you gave just a little more time for the player to react. I felt that the hills you climb while dodging the bombs and burning logs were too steep which made jumping over the obstacles even more difficult. I managed to get past the areas without much trouble, but I could see some people having difficulty there. There was also an area in the caves where you can drop down and find a few points. It's right before the first wall that you have to blow up. Unfortunately, if you drop down here there is no way back up. Was this intentional? So a little extra polish to your gameplay and visuals, and you'll have a nice little level here. With the intentional dieing, it was more an inside joke with someone for someone. (The cave of wonder and death!) I should probably change that. The bombs and hardness, this is made to be a hard platformer. I know this will fall victim to the "Can't finish 1 star" curse. but some people like those hard levels, and this is catered specificly to those people. | 2009-11-16 21:53:00 Author: chezhead ![]() Posts: 1063 |
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