Switch: Yes/No box
Archive: 6 posts
Switch: Yes/No boxrobinlint The Yes/No box allows a player to select yes or no to a question. all To find the level, search for 'yes/no box'. The level is called 'Switch: Yes/No box'. If you're having trouble finding it, search for '@robinlint'. No screenshots yet I made an object to let the player choose between yes and no. It's called the Yes/No box, and it is a box that you can place in a level, which Sackboy can enter. There's two sponges inside the box, and when you grab the one on the left, you trigger the NO output, and when you grab the one on the right, you trigger the YES output. The other grab switch disappears, to ensure that the player only gets one chance to choose. You can assign an event to both NO and YES. You can use this, for example, to open two different paths in a level depending on whether you choose YES or NO. For example: "Do you want to rescue your grandma?" "YES": --------The part where you rescue your grandma opens up. Once there, you see that a thief is holding your --------grandma hostage. You get a choice: --------"Do you want to fight the thief?" ---------"YES": ----------------A door opens up leading to a boss battle with the thief. You defeat him, and your grandma is rescued. ---------"NO": ----------------The thief runs away to his hideout. You never see your grandma again... "NO": ------The part where you rescue your grandma gets skipped, and you never see your grandma again... All logic used in the yes/no box is from the LBPC Logic Pack. That means that it is probably the most thermo-friendly, and reliable, logic available. It only contains two permanent switches (one-shot switches), and two magic mouths that display a message for either YES or NO. Sidenote: Can you guys please verify that you can remove the magic mouths from the Yes/No box? Hopefully you guys will find this useful. If you really like it, please play my other levels as well. They are mediocre, but at least they are fun, in my opinion. They haven't gotten many plays. | 2009-11-14 22:58:00 Author: robbit10 ![]() Posts: 450 |
Sounds cool... I'll have to check this out later. If you're interested, I've made a modified version of the notched wheel switch from the Advanced Vault, using an octagon shape (and therefore 8 keys) if you want to swap logic models. ![]() | 2009-11-14 23:42:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Hey, I'm planning on spending most of tomo in LBP so I'll make sure I'll check this out. It's great to see people are already posting their creations based upon the logic pack. Thanks for sharing this ![]() | 2009-11-15 02:01:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Sounds cool... I'll have to check this out later. If you're interested, I've made a modified version of the notched wheel switch from the Advanced Vault, using an octagon shape (and therefore 8 keys) if you want to swap logic models. ![]() I'm interested, where can I find it? Hey, I'm planning on spending most of tomo in LBP so I'll make sure I'll check this out. Thanks ![]() Like in that example where your grandma is kidnapped. First you get to choose whether you want to rescue your grandma, then you get to choose whether to fight the thief or run away. My example was fairly short - but for example, you can trigger a WHOLE different part of the level if the player chooses run away, where you have to make more choices, which also lets you enter two different paths. And when you choose to rescue your grandma, it unlocks a different part of the level, where you also have to make more choices, where choosing NO unlocks one part, YES the other. This way, if you replay it and make different choices, you get to see different parts of the level, and the story unfolds differently. It's great to see people are already posting their creations based upon the logic pack. Thanks for sharing this No problem. This one doesn't use much from the logic pack though. Just P-switches. And the demonstration level doesn't contain "Nested yes/no boxes" like in the example I posted above. What would be a nicer way to use the Yes/No box, though, is to make it pop-up whenever you want the player to make a choice. Something like a Yes/No box connected to dark matter, and then when you make a choice, it disappears. Hmm... I'll try to implement this, and give it away as a side-gift. EDIT: Done. I added a Disappearing Yes/No box to the level, and a Yes/No box emitter, along with a tutorial. | 2009-11-15 08:48:00 Author: robbit10 ![]() Posts: 450 |
I'm interested, where can I find it? Haven't published anything yet... was just playing around in the newly copied vault... my LBP/create time has been scarce of late. I will publish something copyable later tonight. ![]() EDIT: Done. I added a Disappearing Yes/No box to the level, and a Yes/No box emitter, along with a tutorial. Nice! | 2009-11-15 14:10:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Have any of you used it yet? How is the Yes/No switch? Does it break down or is it reliable? Any requests on features to add? | 2009-11-18 11:33:00 Author: robbit10 ![]() Posts: 450 |
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