What in ?
Archive: 11 posts
I read that the republishing trick does not work any more. I mean what in ?????????????? I hope this is not true. I mean it is impossibel to get to the cool lvls now. And the quality of the levels will no longer work. If this is true is there any other way of getting alot of plays or a spot at the cool levels ? I have been away from lbp for a while. And i did mannage to get 800 + plays on one of my levels due to republishing it. I think that we need a totally new system. Some way for more skilled creators to get attention. Right now you can get plays by submitting a level to the LBP forums, and having a good icon/screenshot/Description. But that is not enough. The republishing trick was perfect. The " Creating diffrent PSN to heart/Rate your'e levels to attract plays trick is not powerfull enough. Because by using the republishing trick players would pretty much be assured to get plays(Unless the level was absolute garbage). The drawback was spammed levels and so on. But the sollution would have been modding any level that shares the create trick. Because the more dedicated and skilled a player is with making levels. The more plays he deserves. Does a H4H level deserve thousands of plays, while great levels ( Like shoot em up for exampel. Or better) Goes unnoticed ? If a player is dedicated enough to get plays. He will eventually go and check out little big planet forums. And there he can get knolledge about the republishing trick. Right now we need a system that ensures players who are skilled enough thousands of play. This would have several beneficial effects. * The quality of the levels would have greatly improved if everyone were compeating in as good levels as possibel. * Allthough bomb level surivals are populair. Most peopel here will agree that they kinda suck. If there was a search function were levels with higher quality would have been awarded with a space in the spotlight. Players would have been able to enjoy levels as good as MMs levels. Or even better.? We need to realize that the more dedicated and skilled a creator is. And the better his product is. The more spotlight he should guess. And by having a search function that would bring up levels selected by MM and or the lbp forums then creations that are good enough will be assured attention. Allthough less skilled creators would not be able to reach attention. Do they really deserve it ? They can improve themself or try to get up the cool levels instead. Does an unskilled football player deserve as much attention as the worlds most skilled, even if he has more dedication ? The answer is no. There is alot of football players, the most interesting thing for us would be if the worlds top players got attention. Imagine a game of soocer with fattsos XD? The viewer ratings would drop down big time. As long as we can not realize that, allthough somewhat unethical. Certain levels deserve more attention that other levels. We will be cursed with all theese crappy cheap levels for all of eternity ! Well btw is there any way to get up in cool levels now ? When/If the republish trick is a gooner ? | 2009-11-12 18:57:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
But the sollution would have been modding any level that shares the create trick. Surely not, do you want to employ an army to delete every second level and another army to deals with the outcry over unjustly deleted level. I think, it would be good if the republishing trick doesn't work anymore. A level playing field for everyone and I don't need to delete anyone who republishes his levels every ten seconds anymore. | 2009-11-12 19:05:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
As far as I know, republishing still works - but you need to go into your level and save between publishes or it doesn't go up into cool pages temporarily. I'm not sure how long you've been away, but when a level is first published it gets 7 days on cool pages. So, if you've finished building a level and want it to have a shot, delete the published level and publish it as a new level. Each time you want it to temporarily go into cool pages, go into create mode, save, then publish again over the existing slot. The thing you're saying about less skilled creators is kind of dangerous.... level quality it totally subjective and people enjoy different types of levels. There is no single barometer for determining quality. Getting a good level into cool pages is fairly easy, so most likely the reason all the junk levels are up there is because a lot more junk levels are being created than good ones. | 2009-11-12 19:07:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Can we start by truly checking if republishing doesn't work? First off, it's IMPOSSIBLE it doesn't work because it's the design of the game. You can publish overwrite your level, publish it again because you made modifications based on feedback or whatever. It's the intended purpose. Instead of "I heards", can we have an explanation of your tests that led you to the conclusion republishing doesn't work anymore?? Also, here how it works: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=17324 . | 2009-11-12 19:07:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Can anyone else confirm this? I know they patched the level searching bug recently, but I hadn't consider what else it might address. Personally, I think it's an alright move - as Syroc said, it creates a level playing field. The problem is that new levels might be buried rather quickly. In this sense, get some friends to help you out when you first publish to give it a solid ratings base. Although, I'm curious to see how many good levels get buried, never to be seen again. ----- As Ranger asks, do we have definitive proof? Edit: dang, I got distracted while writing, and now I've just said more of the same. | 2009-11-12 19:13:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
If ever this ridiculous thing happens, you will see this community fades for real. Right now is a time where after a year of creating, a generation is losing some inspiration and will totally quit the boat when we simply will have no ways of making great levels climb in the sea of crap that is the cool pages. But I don't believe this because this is really getting in the way of the design of the game. This would mean "create a perfect level right there and get zero promotion if you fail to get it noticed in the first 10 mins". It would make the cool pages worse because the bad levels you see there are what people play first --- therefore that all you would see in the cool pages, even worse than now. . | 2009-11-12 19:18:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
So the republish trick still works ? Well i will be returning with Chicken mania 2 in 3 weeks. | 2009-11-12 19:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Can we start by truly checking if republishing doesn't work? First off, it's IMPOSSIBLE it doesn't work because it's the design of the game. You can publish overwrite your level, publish it again because you made modifications based on feedback or whatever. It's the intended purpose. Instead of "I heards", can we have an explanation of your tests that led you to the conclusion republishing doesn't work anymore?? Also, here how it works: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=17324 . At the moment i don't have acces to littlebigplanet because my brother borrowed it after seing that i didn't play it for some time. I lost intrest. But i will soon be back when we get the game back ( in 2 weeks) And right now i allready now what to make and how to do it. =) Last time i was on lbp was maybe... 4 or 6 months ago. | 2009-11-12 19:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
If ever this ridiculous thing happens, you will see this community fades for real. Right now is a time where after a year of creating, a generation is losing some inspiration and will totally quit the boat when we simply will have no ways of making great levels climb in the sea of crap that is the cool pages. But I don't believe this because this is really getting in the way of the design of the game. This would mean "create a perfect level right there and get zero promotion if you fail to get it noticed in the first 10 mins". It would make the cool pages worse because the bad levels you see there are what people play first --- therefore that all you would see in the cool pages, even worse than now. . He is talking about the republishing trick. ![]() | 2009-11-12 19:40:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
He is talking about the republishing trick. ![]() I know. But the republishing in the way he was talking about is for you appearance in the cool pages. Of course pure republishing itself is working. Anyways, he didn't test anything and just made this thread for I don't know wich reasons so... This thread is case closed imo. . | 2009-11-12 19:50:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Seeing as there is no evidence to support the OP's claim, and he/she hasn't even been in-game for many months, I am going to close this to prevent any further confusion. As far as I, or anyone else that has responded, the republish trick lives on. Locked. | 2009-11-12 20:48:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
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