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Pirate Ship w/ Interactive Objects

Archive: 19 posts

This is my Pirate Ship, Calypso's Curse. She has, 6 broadside cannons that have a firing effect, as well as, a forward facing cannon that fires explosive cannon balls w/ smoke effects. Complete with tremble camera for a larger than life effect and a beautiful figurehead named, Michelle The Mermaid. She also has a working crow's nest for lookout and a working anchor. Watchout when she rolls into port, cuz there be hell to pay! *Arggh*



2009-11-11 02:38:00

Posts: 171

Haha! Dude that's sick! I just wish you would put it in a level or give us more pics, but seriously, best pirate ship I've seen yet! 2009-11-12 00:31:00

Posts: 3251

That is... amazing to say the least. Everything about it is just mind-blowing. This is basically how I felt after looking at that first pic:

Mind-blowing I tell you! MIND-BLOWING!
2009-11-12 01:35:00

Posts: 1355

How come I can't make cool stuff like that?!

2009-11-12 01:45:00

Posts: 542

Wow! Thanks guys, really. I'm floored by your response. I'm glad that I made ur day. As for having the ship in a level, I would have if my LBP data didn't go corrupt on me. I took a brief hiatus to collect my thoughts. Then, I come back and my moon was completely EMPTY! I was so angry I couldn't say anything. I usually end up swearing or something, but not this time. At anyrate, at least I have the pics to refer to when I recreate it, which I will do btw. Hope that sucker will float in LBP's water when it comes around.

BTW....if you guys are interested in expressing watercraft ideas, water levels and the like, please join my social club, "Everything Nautical".

TheMarvelousHat: Don't worry about it. I said the same thing before, but after a while of playing around in create, playing lots of community levels, everything just kinda clicked. It also helps if you try and learn as much as you can about the functionality of the various switches and attachments. Try this, find an object in a level, then try and recreate it. You'll be surprised what you can do when you take a close look at something.

Anyway, hope that helps.
2009-11-12 02:33:00

Posts: 171

[...]As for having the ship in a level, I would have if my LBP data didn't go corrupt on me. I took a brief hiatus to collect my thoughts. Then, I come back and my moon was completely EMPTY![...]

Say it ain't so!

That thing looks amazing! I was really looking forward to checking it out in LBP.

I guess there's one thing to look forward to though : when you remake it, you'll probably have become even more talented and make one that's even greater.
2009-11-12 02:51:00

Posts: 2536

Thanks Gilgamesh. You're too kind. But yeah, now that I have done it before, I can make improvements. And don't worry. You guys will be the first one's to know about it. Guaranteed!2009-11-12 03:11:00

Posts: 171

Wow, that does look awesome. Can't wait until you recreate it!2009-11-12 14:43:00

Posts: 1230

Looks fantastic. Looking forward to water being released and we can see this thing sailing 2009-11-12 15:26:00

Posts: 1904

hilightnotes: Thanks bud, appreciate it.

wex: Thanks. Watch the thing sink when I send her down the ramp into the water for her christening. LOL That would be funny!
2009-11-12 19:36:00

Posts: 171

Watch the thing sink when I send her down the ramp into the water for her christening. LOL That would be funny!

You'll have to do a live stream video for when you first set sail so we can all see what happens
2009-11-12 20:04:00

Posts: 1230

That's a good idea hilightnotes.2009-11-12 23:15:00

Posts: 171

lol! Great idea! Rig it with explosives that explode on contact with water too, to make it more suspenseful! Put sack cutouts too that dissolve on contact with water! loltastic!2009-11-12 23:23:00

Posts: 3251

Then, close up of my sackboy crying!2009-11-13 00:02:00

Posts: 171

Well, it should easily float if it's made of light materials like wood or cardboard. The question is would it float well... It could be crooked I'm guessing.

And if all else fails, you could always rig it up to some invisible pistons
2009-11-13 03:36:00

Posts: 3251

Very true. ^2009-11-13 03:54:00

Posts: 171

Cool but not usefull at all. If i wanted to make a free roaming pirate battle level. But i guess it is for decoration =D2009-11-15 20:15:00

Unknown User

Doubletime: How do you mean it's not useful? If I wanted to I could make it very useful for a level. Can you please explain?2009-11-15 21:35:00

Posts: 171

Darn, that looked seriously cool. I can't believe all your work was lost like that!

Looking forward to seeing it in-game if/when you choose to publish it.
2009-11-22 16:55:00

Posts: 2454

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