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World War I British Tank

Archive: 27 posts

This is my WWI tank I designed today. Still needs a little work, but it's coming along. She was a real challenge.


2009-11-11 02:27:00

Posts: 171

Ohhhhhh!!! Tank!!

Is it a specific model? Is it in any of your levels?
2009-11-11 02:30:00

Posts: 3251

Yes, it's a British Mark I model and it will be featured in my Rememberance Day tribute level scheduled for release tomorrow. It will not be the working model as I have limited space and time to release the level, but everyone who plays the level will get the fully functional model as a prize.

This is the model my creation is based from:

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f6/British_Mark_I_male_tank_Somme_25_September_1916.j pg
2009-11-11 02:44:00

Posts: 171

Impressive! I know everything about modern tanks but almost nothing about WWI tanks. -.-.... How does it shoot? lol2009-11-11 02:46:00

Posts: 3251

Well, you see the bulging parts on the side of the tank in the above picture? The tank had those on either side and they housed a machine gun and some models had small cannon like guns. This early model did not have a central turret with the artillery gun in the middle. Those came later.

Like, the real deal, my LBP version will fire from the side mounted machine guns which will be able to pivot up and down. What's also great about this kind of tank is that, should you have the misfortune to turn over? You'll still be able to keep going due to the track system this type of tank has.
2009-11-11 02:59:00

Posts: 171

hm, reminds me of the "snail droid" from starwars :3


srry thats only pic i could find that wasnt made of legos XD
2009-11-11 03:35:00

Posts: 1924

This is my WWI tank I designed today. Still needs a little work, but it's coming along. She was a real challenge.



It looks excellent.
2009-11-11 03:40:00

Posts: 4193

Thanks warlord! That means a lot. And that's a nice pic littlebigdude. It would be interesting to see if anyone has made that in LBP.2009-11-11 03:57:00

Posts: 171

you basically did, just a different shape2009-11-11 04:05:00

Posts: 1924

LOL, thanks, but I meant the one you have in your pic. That exact one. Would be something.2009-11-11 04:14:00

Posts: 171

i think ima gonna make a snail droid i am a massive starwars fan and i was bored on lbp but now i know what to build will post pics when done ohand will check out your level to get that tank i really want it well done2009-11-11 10:52:00

Posts: 1304

Thanks lbpholic! BTW.....love the username and user icon. That's hilarious!!!2009-11-11 12:14:00

Posts: 171

your tank is awesome i cant wait whats the level going to be called2009-11-11 14:31:00

Posts: 5

It will be titled, "Where Poppies Blow".2009-11-11 14:59:00

Posts: 171

Thanks warlord! That means a lot. And that's a nice pic littlebigdude. It would be interesting to see if anyone has made that in LBP.

How come it doesn't mean a lot when I said your tank is awesome?


Well, as for my only complaint it could use some bolt decorations from the monster pack, that would look sick I can't tell the colors that well from the pic, but maybe some rust stickers too
2009-11-12 00:26:00

Posts: 3251

Incinerator: I know you were kidding, but you're comment really did mean a lot to me. Anything nice anyone can say about stuff I make, means a lot.

Very good observations! I like the bolt and rust ideas. I'll have to get on that.

Good news everyone! The level's up and your chance to get the tank has arrived. Now, the motor system for the tracks are hooked up, but the machine gun isn't. I just didn't have enough time to work on it. I will make improvements, but I can also help you if you need assistance with hooking it up.

Please search for "Where Poppies Blow"

2009-11-12 02:23:00

Posts: 171

hm, reminds me of the "snail droid" from starwars :3


srry thats only pic i could find that wasnt made of legos XD

Thanks man, i just got an inspiration to make a Hailfire, Snail droid and AT-TE because of that post
2009-11-13 06:30:00

Posts: 281

I made a mark I for my level 'Over The Top' which I made last Remembrance Day.

It's just a lump of metal that doesn't really do too much mind you.
2009-11-13 11:14:00

Matt 82
Posts: 1096

Sounds good Matt, I'll take a look.2009-11-13 12:03:00

Posts: 171

Aw, you didn't take any of my feedback into consideration :'(.

Also I expected you would get to go into the tank, not be stuck controlling it on the outside.... The prize was broken too, I had to rewire it...
2009-11-14 17:19:00

Posts: 3251

Of course I took your thoughts into consideration. And, yeah I'm working on improvements for the tank. I apologize for giving everyone an awesome looking piece of junk. I promise that when I roll out the considerable update for the level, it too will be in fully functional order, and wired correctly I might add.2009-11-14 21:53:00

Posts: 171

Thanks man, i just got an inspiration to make a Hailfire, Snail droid and AT-TE because of that post

hailfire, **** what an awsome vehicle, the wheels are kinda leaned like a those fancy wheelchairs that are used in sports. that cant be replicated in lbp but im sure it'll be awsome anyway, good luck keeping the chassis upright, may need to put it on a track or something
2009-11-14 23:26:00

Posts: 1924

The level and prize were neat!

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the helmets on top of the rifles was an American thing...?

Impressive! I know everything about modern tanks but almost nothing about WWI tanks. -.-.... How does it shoot? lol
You need to watch more nerdy documentaries. The Mk. I was the world's first tank. Britain was still a world-encompassing empire back then, and was the most advanced technological and military power on earth. Nobody had seen anything like it before.
2009-11-15 19:09:00

Posts: 2454

Ayneh: Nope, that method of marking a place where a soldier fell was pretty much adopted all over the battlefield. After all, how are you going to find the bodies afterward in order to give them a proper burial?2009-11-15 21:33:00

Posts: 171

Ayneh: Nope, that method of marking a place where a soldier fell was pretty much adopted all over the battlefield. After all, how are you going to find the bodies afterward in order to give them a proper burial?
Ahh, my mistake then.

For some reason I thought it was something only American soldiers did.
2009-11-16 13:42:00

Posts: 2454

Meh, no worries.2009-11-16 14:14:00

Posts: 171

it looks good but i think it can be a bit more accurate visually, i usually find it easier to have a clear side view picture of the object (side view for obvious reasons) and build off that. although it does look roughly to scale which is actually very hard to do with more complex objects. heres a good pic:http://lionels.orpheusweb.co.uk/RFCEgypt/Tanksand/Tank.jpeg

ps, i think the tracks could be smaller to match the scale of the whole tank. they look a bit too big at the moment...
2009-11-29 00:35:00

Posts: 255

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