Jump Point Tutorial
Archive: 1 post
Jump Point TutorialGreth206 Teaching you how to use JumpPoints... all _________________________________________________ I don't have a USB stick, so no pictures, so it's all typing from here on out. This is my first level I have made a 'thread' about, but not my first level. The concept is that once active the "JumpPoints" will launch you into the air upon death. I've used glitched checkpoints in a (hopefully)original way. Since it's just a tutorial level, there really isn't much challenge. It is the best level design I've done so far, (at least me and my sis think so...) And since there are no pictures, I can't really show you guys what it looks like... Anyway, this level is setting me up to make the actual level, so it isn't going to be too much, but I did work quite a while on getting the beginning just right. So, I hope you enjoy it, and tell me if I need to fix anything. | 2009-11-05 06:00:00 Author: Greth206 ![]() Posts: 19 |
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