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Tech. Showcase: 1P Choice<>2P Gate

Archive: 9 posts

Hey everyone! I just published a showcase of a new device. I really hope this hasn't been done before, because it seemed very unique in my mind!

You start in a small room and you are able to choose your path. It in volves just grabbing a piece of dissolve and in no time you are somewhere else in the level. It involves a somewhat moderate amount of logic in it but I give it away as a prize and the level is copyable so you can easily find out how everything works. But please don't publish it as your own!

I see it as being used to put two parts of a level in just one space on the moon, seperating two player paths from one player paths, and in a way such as if you can put an emitted checkpoint at the center of the level and the player can play half of the level on his/her own time, stop, turn off the system, turn it on again and resume at that halfway mark without having to play the first half over again! It's really much easier if you see it for yourself so why don't you take a look at the level!

Tech. Showcase: 1P Choice<>2P Gate
By: piggabling

Another upside about the actual 'system' is that it takes up very little thermo; only two small bars (not including the three scoreboards in the level)

On the down side it can be tricked so you can get into the 1 player gate with 2 players (which isn't supposed to happen) but I'm almost certain I could not avoid that, but the good news is that if you follow the directions at the beginning of the level, nothing will go wrong.

PLEASE!! give me some feedback if you play it, or even use it in your own levels! Thanks! (sorry for the long post)
2009-11-05 02:00:00

Posts: 2979

I'm always down with seeing more cool creation related stuff...this seems right up my alley...I'll be sure to let you know what I think...I'm not shy!..2009-11-07 04:44:00

Posts: 6

Ohh thanks! Finally a reply! I hope you like it and any suggestions please feel free to tell me! 2009-11-07 12:56:00

Posts: 2979

Sounds cool. I already started to think I did understand logic, but you proved me wrong. I have no Idea how you did that. Gonna check it out.2009-11-09 07:19:00

Chamion B
Posts: 124

Thanks! It's really not that difficult (well not like rtm difficult) The hardest part was to make it so two players could not go into the one player gates; but like I said it is 'foolable'. You have to play it with two people to really get the full experience, I should say.2009-11-09 23:31:00

Posts: 2979

I don't get what you mean still. Is it a player counter?

BTW, a perfect unfoolable player counter can use plasma. You can count the number of plasma shots it takes to kill all the players in a set area, like a thin corridor so they can't dodge the plasma
2009-11-11 00:16:00

Posts: 3251

I don't get what you mean still. Is it a player counter?

BTW, a perfect unfoolable player counter can use plasma. You can count the number of plasma shots it takes to kill all the players in a set area, like a thin corridor so they can't dodge the plasma

Well, it is kind of a player counter, but mostly it is what you could call a checkpoint gate. I mean yes it counts players in a way; although it's main purpose is to give players a choice of where to start in a level, but still set limits such as only two players can go in the two player gate and only one player can choose which checkpoint to start at.

Like I said at the top in the very first post, it could possibly be useful for many things. From transporting you to different parts of a level or allowing you to skip the first half of the level in which you've already played. If you haven't played it yet, I absolutely understand what you are thinking. I really had no knowledge of the plasma ball counter when I made this and my sole purpose was to create a checkpoint system, not exclusively a player counter. If you haven't, take a look at the level. :hero:
2009-11-11 20:54:00

Posts: 2979

great idea, well presented..
I'll definitely use this in my levels, (I'll let y'all know which ones when I publish) and I think you did a good job...
could you lower the thermo by maybe using less material to build it?

I'm gonna check that out when I get around to my lvls again...

thanx for the copy, and keep up the good work!!
2009-11-14 01:02:00

Posts: 6

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you liked it. BTW, the only way you could make the actual logic 'piece' take up a miniscule less amount of thermo would be to change the polyestrene to dissolve. The level takes up that much thermo only because of the three scoreboards in it; the logic takes up only two small thermo bars. Keep the feedback coming!2009-11-14 17:10:00

Posts: 2979

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