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Sword test

Archive: 4 posts

been working on a Sword mechanics posted a level with what i done so far call "TEST sword 2501"

any way go try it and tell me how it feels keep in mind it is really rough
just a post a updated one
2009-11-03 09:42:00

Posts: 1014

I'll check it out now Jump_Button, you should try the Vagrant Hero levels by GEK83, he has awesome sword mechanics in the series.2009-11-03 10:42:00

Posts: 1754

The sword seems to hamper Sackboy's movements somewhat. I couldn't make the jumps easily because the "up" and "right" movements were significantly hampered.

Dragging it around on the floor worked pretty well though. But for some reason something seemed to block the sword on my way back to the entrance checkpoint.

When attempting to bring the sword up past the large gap individually, the gray part on the handle broke away. I'm not sure why that happened as I was only pulling the sword up.
2009-11-03 11:02:00

Posts: 2536

just posted a updated test level tell me how it feels2009-12-15 15:50:00

Posts: 1014

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